Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder
Most people who have bipolar disorder experience highs and lows – the highs are what is referred to as Mania, the lows are what is referred to as Depression. These swings range from tons of energy to deep despair (even suicidal thoughts). The severity (and frequency) of the mood swings and their life disrupting abilities are the difference between bipolar disorder and ordinary mood swings that occur in almost everyone.
Mania Symptoms (when one is experiencing these they are said to be "Manic")
Increase in energy
Heightened mood (excessive happiness, perkiness, humor)
High degree of optimism and self-confidence
Excessive irritability and aggressive behavior
Decreased need for sleep without experiencing fatigue
Grandiose delusions, inflated sense of self-importance
Racing speech and thoughts
Impulsive behavior
Lowered inhibitions (yep, just like when a mentally healthy person is drunk)
Poor judgment
Poor concentration (which greatly effects cognitive abilities)
Reckless and/or inappropriate behavior
Delusions and hallucinations (Thinking, seeing, and hearing things that don't exist or are not true. This is also known as psychosis)
Nervousness, anxiety, or panic
Please note that these symptoms can occur singly or in any combination. For instance a manic individual can be irritable with racing speech and thoughts but not experiencing psychosis.
Depressive Symptoms (When one is experiencing these they are said to be "Depressed". Go figure, huh?)
Inexplicable sadness or crying spells
Changes in appetite (Either lack of or excess of which is linked to sudden weight loss or weight gain)
Disturbed sleep patterns (Either too little or no sleep known as Insomnia. Or too much sleep known as Hypersomnia)
Irritability and anger
Excessive worry
Nervousess, agitation, and anxiety
Pessimism, indifference, and apathy
Loss of energy, persistent lethargy (Usually accompanied by inexplicable and unrelenting fatigue)
Feelings of guilt and worthlessness (over just about everything)
Lack of concentration and indecisiveness
Inability to enjoy former interests and hobbies
Social withdrawal
Unexplained aches and pains (and I believe "excessive illness" should be added here. It seems like I catch colds and infections like crazy and recover very slowly.)
Recurring thoughts of death or suicide (be worried when suicidal ideations or plans are present, this is a very dangerous time)
Please note that these symptoms can occur singly or in any combination. For instance a depressed individual can be socially withdrawn, apathetic, and hypersomatic but not irritable.
Types of Bipolar Disorder
Patterns and severity of symptoms, or episodes, of mania and depression, determine different types of bipolar disorder (supposedly, this is not an exact science so one has to wonder). There are several schools of thought on these Bipolar categories. This is just one set of definitions according the Depression Bipolar Support Alliance(DBSA). The DBSA presents three variations of bipolar disorder, I have seen others present as many as four or five variations. And each person with Bipolar disorder usually has a different opinion as well. So consider this a rough guide bounded by very blurry lines.
Bipolar I disorder is exhibited as one or more manic episodes or mixed episodes (symptoms of both mania and depression occurring simultaneously every day for 1 week or more) and one or more major depressive episodes. Bipolar I disorder may be the most severe form of the illness because it is marked by extreme manic episodes (which typically include psychosis).
Bipolar II disorder is exhibited as one or more depressive episodes accompanied by at least one hypomanic episode. Hypomania has symptoms similar to manic episodes but are less severe because they are not typically marked by psychosis (this is a blurry line, some do experience psychosis). For some, hypomanic episodes are not severe enough to cause notable problems their daily functioning (they are SOOOO lucky!) but that is not true for everyone. Hypomania can be plenty disruptive and destructive.
Bipolar II disorder may be misdiagnosed as depression (and often is). This is due to patients (and their doctors) not noticing the signs of hypomania or patients only seeking medical treatment when they are depressed. This is why it is important to tell your doctor EVERYTHING you experience that is out of the norm.
Cyclothymic disorder is exhibited by frequently fluctuating episodes of hypomania and depression. These episodes are generally short (i.e. lasting days, hours, minutes), and do not occur with the regularity or predictability of bipolar II or I. Cyclothymia is also known as "rapid cycling". I personally believe cyclothymia is another blurry line because some believe cyclothymia to be a part of bipolar I or II and others believe it stands on its own. In any case, it can be a royal pain and deserves attention.
Below is the webmd page on bipolar disorder and its symptoms as well as many links to related articles. (mods don't forget you said I could put a link)
It may also be important to note that bipolar disorder has many symptoms similar to borderline personality disorder. It is also common for bipolar disorder to occur along with other disorders such as panic disorder, anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, borderline personality disorder, and schizophrenia to name a few
2006-09-16 12:54:10
answer #1
answered by fouracesrwild 2
It is possible you have bi polar disorder but its also a possibility that you have post natal depression even though your child is over a year its a possibility. However there are many mental illnesses with similar symptoms and your doctor is employed to help you regardless if your pain is physical or mental so the best choice would be to go and see your doctor so that they can find out what is really going on with you and whether or not it is bi polar disorder
2016-03-27 04:19:55
answer #2
answered by Diana 4
bi polar disorder is another name for manic depression. a person with a bi polar disorder will have the same things as someone with depression but with periods of mania. mania is defined when someone has a high sense of themselves, generally go through spending sprees, and can not hold a relationship. bi polar disorder is a condition where the depression was untreated and has progressed. people with bi polar disorders generally go through mood swings where they will like someone, but will easily hate them too.
2006-09-16 10:17:43
answer #3
answered by kenney d 2
a bi-polar person experiences DRAMATIC alterations in mood. you may have a friend who is happy one day, and sad the next, but this does not qualify as bi-polar. to be diagnosed with bi-polar, an individual must experience one manic episode, which is characterized by:
-a decreased need for sleep (ex: person won't sleep for days)
-extremely pressured, rapid speech
-risk taking behavior (sex, drugs, etc)
-feelings of being invincible, or on top of the world
the manic episode can last for several days or weeks. any individual who experiences one manic episode is classified as bipolar.
there are milder "forms" of bi-polar, such as cyclothymia, where an individual undergoes an episode similar to a manic episode, but not as extreme. they also experience bouts of depression.
2006-09-16 10:19:41
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder differs significantly from clinical depression, although the symptoms for the depressive phase of the illness are similar. Most people who have bipolar disorder talk about experiencing "highs" and "lows" – the highs are periods of mania, the lows periods of depression. These swings can be severe, ranging from extreme energy to deep despair. The severity of the mood swings and the way they disrupt normal life activities distinguish bipolar mood episodes from ordinary mood changes.
Symptoms of mania - the "highs" of bipolar disorder
Increased physical and mental activity and energy
Heightened mood, exaggerated optimism and self-confidence
Excessive irritability, aggressive behavior
Decreased need for sleep without experiencing fatigue
Grandiose delusions, inflated sense of self-importance
Racing speech, racing thoughts, flight of ideas
Impulsiveness, poor judgment, distractibility
Reckless behavior
In the most severe cases, delusions and hallucinations
Symptoms of depression - the "lows" of bipolar disorder
Prolonged sadness or unexplained crying spells
Significant changes in appetite and sleep patterns
Irritability, anger, worry, agitation, anxiety
Pessimism, indifference
Loss of energy, persistent lethargy
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness
Inability to concentrate, indecisiveness
Inability to take pleasure in former interests, social withdrawal
Unexplained aches and pains
Recurring thoughts of death or suicide
2006-09-16 22:26:23
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
In the manic state...lack of need for sleep, increased speed of speech, lack of good judgment, impulsiveness.
In the depressive state...well, I'll let you figure that one out.
2006-09-16 15:36:35
answer #6
answered by Kidd! 6
Look up Bipolar Disorder in the DSM-IV diagnostic manual. If they fit the bill, then they may have it.
2006-09-16 10:19:45
answer #7
answered by F T 5
These days, they are likely to identify themselves, complete with all the details about their prescriptions and therapists.
2006-09-16 10:20:54
answer #8
answered by auntb93again 7
They sleep a lot for days, or they are awake for days, and do impulsive things.....gambling, sex, shopping, drinking.....
2006-09-16 10:17:29
answer #9
answered by Kitty L 3