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Well i took her to the Dentist on Thursday and he told me that we had to get her to stop sucking her thumb cause it will ruin her teeth and they are already forming outwards. Well we have tried the thumb sucking stuff over the counter at Wal-Mart but she just licks it off. we have tried hot sauce, peppers, and everything that tates nasty. Does anyone have any other ideas or have gone through trying to get there child from sucking there thumb. she only does it when she is tired and when she falls asleep she doesn't even suck on it during the night only up until she falls asleep. I just wanted to let her stop on her own but the dentist says that we need to stop it now. Well does that mean if my youngest daughter continues to suck on a pacifyer that when she turn 3 we need to take it away from her. My 2 kids never got close to anything else, no blankets, no stuffed animal nothing so all they have is there thumb and pacifyer. What do i need to do? Please Help Me?

2006-09-16 08:05:09 · 6 answers · asked by mommyof2daughtersandlovinit 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

6 answers

Initially, you might try ignoring the behavior. In other words, don't give the child attention when he or she thumb-sucks. Some children unconsciously suck their thumb in order to get attention, even if it's disapproving attention.

Put an obstacle on the child's hand. You might try a sock or glove, possibly secured with tape. You can also buy specially designed mittens, or a plastic thumb-guard that makes sucking difficult.

Provide rewards. You might mark a star on a calendar when the child goes without thumb-sucking for a day or leaves the sock or glove on all night.

"The kids you worry about are the ones who suck their fingers while watching TV and while they're in the car and while they sleep and oftentimes, during school. These children can develop dental problems," Ramsay says.

Roughly one out of every three children, ages 1 to 4, will suck his or her thumb at least sometimes. About one in five children will still be doing so at the age of 5 or older. The habit is typically harmless if the child does it occasionally, such as during "tuck in" at bedtime, or in association with a stressful event.

My advice: Talk to you child's pediatrician, I don't see it as a big deal..

2006-09-17 04:11:34 · answer #1 · answered by sane_nut 3 · 0 0

This is a tough one.
How bad are her teeth? If she isn't deformed or having trouble eating or talking, let her stop on her own. Dentists and doctors tend to take a hard line on things that maybe aren't such a big deal. They only see a malformation, not your whole child as a person, and give advise that maybe isn't the best thing for the child.
These are baby teeth. They will fall out. Let her stop on her own or worry about it when she starts getting her adult teeth.
Same for the other kid with the pacifier, but that will be easier to wean her off of. Just gather them up and have the "pacifier fairy" take them to another baby.

2006-09-16 08:20:45 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well I suggest that for your youngest daughter take the "pappi" away before she is old enough to really fight you over it etc. Not all kids find the thumb...LOL!

As for your little "thumb sucker" I have been told by my ped. (I also have a thumb sucker! :-) )to not make a big fuss to it as the more I fight it with her the more she will "rebel" so to speak and do it more. Here is an article I ran across, I hope this helps!!
Good Luck and have a great day!!

2006-09-16 08:31:59 · answer #3 · answered by Hap s 2 · 1 0

I have a six year old who was a severe thumb sucker. We tried over and over to get her to stop but nothing worked. Finally, when she was about 5, we were able to bribe her and get here to stop with positive reinforcement. It took awhile, mabey even a couple of months, but she finally grew out of it. I think that there is an age where you can just sort of tell that it's time to break the habit. Wait until YOU feel it's right. Dentist's don't know everything!!!

2006-09-16 08:12:16 · answer #4 · answered by Lisa 2 · 2 1

This is just a thought but have you talked to your daughter about why she needs to stop sucking her thumb? She is 3.5 but she will understand you. Sit her down and explain to her why it is important that she stop. I never had this proble with my own kids but I used to nanny for a family who had a 3 yr. old who liked the pacifyer. They were told by an orthodontist to take it from him. So, the mom simply sat the kid down and told him why she needed him to give it up. He took it out, handed it to her and never asked for it again.

2006-09-16 14:14:15 · answer #5 · answered by Amelia 5 · 0 0

my daughter sucked hers till she was 6 and her teeth are fine. if she only does it only at night she may just do it for comfort.mine still will when something is wrong with her(and thats only at home).and she is now 11.i hope this helps.she will out grow it soon.

2006-09-16 12:06:26 · answer #6 · answered by mom0195 2 · 0 0

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