he was quoting from the crusades which makes it even the more offensive. I mean really how dumb can people be nowadays. Crusades=war of religions=WW III="christ" and "anti-christ" aka messiah coming to earth. ummm need we spell it out for you. it is the END of the WORLD=end of man=judgment day=we all go to heaven or the other icky place GOD forbid. get it?
2006-09-16 07:42:43
answer #1
answered by mimi 3
While not knowing exactly what the Pope said -- I know he said that the Muslim religion was founded on violence, but not the exact quotes -- I can say that even if he spoke in a completely factual sense, with no inflection or prejudice in his words, someone would have found it offensive. What the Pope said is not untrue. Muslims beliefs were founded on at least some violent actions. So were Judaism and Christianity. But a lot of people don't like to hear things like that. And again, I don't know how the Pope said it. He may have said it in an offensive way. And if he said it in an offensive way, even if he was stating a fact it is still rude to say. If he did not say it in an offensive way, those who objected to it need to lighten up. It has a lot of factors but I hope I've been able to help.
2006-09-16 14:36:04
answer #2
answered by Isis-sama 5
http://members.aol.com/StatutesP4/18PA302.html First read this about 'culpability'.
When you quote someone you must put the quote inside quotation marks and state the name of the person who made the original quote. Using a quote means that you are stating that your views on a particular issue are exactly the same as in the quote. ( unless you state differently)..but you couldn't come up with a better way to express yourself. It does not absolve you of your insulting Christianity or God or whatever you meant.
2006-09-16 14:50:19
answer #3
answered by kar_summers 3
The Pope was quoting a remark that was true when first uttered and is still true today, but Muslims tend to come completely unglued over any negative comments regarding their "religion", no matter how truthful those comments may be.
If your quote regarding Christianity is truthful then there's nothing to be culpable about. Few old religions have no blood on their hands, but old blood does not excuse the spilling of fresh blood.
2006-09-16 14:39:59
answer #4
answered by My Evil Twin 7
The Pope was not insulting Islam, he was simply quoting an emperor's view of Islam, and if you study history, it is a fact.
I don't think that the Pope endorses the traditional views before Vatican ll about Muslims being heretics, rather, he is another modernistic Pope that thinks all religions can help one get to heaven,and the Catholic Church is one of them instead of being the True Church of Jesus Christ.
The Pope also said according to the teaching of the Church found in Nostra Aetate of Vatican Council 2 which I present here: "The Church has also a high regard for the Muslims. They worship God, who is one, living and subsistent, merciful and almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth,who has also spoken to men. They strive to submit themselves without reserve to the hidden decrees of God, just as Abraham submitted himself to God's plan, to whose faith Muslims eagerly link their own."
As a Catholic, I don't think that Muslims worship the same God as Christians do.
It is obvious that the Muslims who have not read the Pope's lecture in its entirety have reacted in a negative way. These Muslims are very touchy, thin skinned and have no concept of critical thinking.
The Imams pray on their Muslim followers' ignorance and dependence to stir the pot of hatred and violence.
These actions by Muslims including those in the West Bank who recently attacked an Anglican and Eastern Orthodox churches by firebombing them only create more division rather than promoting the peace that Islam claims to endear and practice so much.
2006-09-16 14:52:50
answer #5
answered by mr_mister1983 3
Both the catholic and muslim religions are false religions that have horribly twisted the true meaning of the Scriptures throughout history in many ways. May be we should consider forming a new religion with a better understanding of the Bible to replace the false religions of the world. Tell me if you don't think elijah3's posts in the Immortality Institutes forum on "why money doesn't bring happiness" doesn't have the right idea? Checkout his posts at:
2006-09-16 15:07:59
answer #6
answered by william 3
It's easy to offend people but how would you feel if I used an insult towards you which I heard a racist/sexist/ignorant person already use against you couple of years back. I become that racist/sexist/ignoramus.
2006-09-16 14:33:00
answer #7
answered by widgb 2
Here is a link to the English translation of the Pope's controversial speech: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/speeches/2006/september/documents/hf_ben-xvi_spe_20060912_university-regensburg_en.html
With love in Christ.
2006-09-18 00:17:46
answer #8
answered by imacatholic2 7
My answer to your first question is no on this matter, because his quote offended a lot of people. It really depends on what has been said and why.
2006-09-17 08:47:29
answer #9
answered by SeeTheLight 7
Personally I find anything the Pope says to be offensive. Religious fanatics are always going to feel offended until they learn tolerance for other religions. As for you, go ahead and offend others at least you will know they are listening.
2006-09-16 14:37:04
answer #10
answered by MAD MEL 4