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4 answers

Iron has no impact on this at all.Iron is excreted through the urine.Lack of dietary fiber can cause this to happen.It sounds ridiculous but a healthy stool will both float and be firm(don't check to see) as well as have a slight curve at the end(that mimics the shape of the colon).That ensures the bowels are extracting the necessary amount of water from the stool before defecation.

2006-09-16 06:45:32 · answer #1 · answered by joecseko 6 · 0 0

FALSE to all of your answers.

WHAT YOU EAT determines if your feces floats or sinks. sometimes mine floats, sometimes sinks. i eat usually arond 70 grams of fiber a day. most of my diet is fruits and veggies. sometimes i consume meat the entire day.

during bowel movements, i see it float or sink. it all depends. it does NOT indicate any abnormalities!

2006-09-16 06:28:17 · answer #2 · answered by keycard8 1 · 0 0

It usually just means that you have a high level of iron in your blood which makes it heavier. Nothing to worry about if there are no other symptoms that you're having.

2006-09-16 06:20:24 · answer #3 · answered by Fade__Out 4 · 0 1

they arent meant to float,if they float it means high fat content,and gall bladder or liver problems

2006-09-16 06:21:30 · answer #4 · answered by dumplingmuffin 7 · 0 1

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