yeah thats the wrong way to address the issue. ignore him. alberto is an idiot. he called you a racist slur for hispanics, but isnt alberto and hispanic name? and he is really off with that number. there isnt a trillion illegal hispanic immigrants (i say that cuz the strereotype of an illegal is a hispanic but i know thats not the real case) in america. there isnt even a trillion people in the world. what an idiot. well, like i said, just ignore him.
2006-09-16 04:54:21
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Your better than that.Its hard this is a hard topic please read my post .I answered the question about whether American thought all illegals were from Mexico.I kind of got off Topic but Im trying to encourage the economic rebirth of Mexico because the USA cannot absorb all these people.It all begins with a dream.
2006-09-16 12:15:25
answer #2
answered by butterflyspy 5
Welcome to Yahoo ,I get them all the time,I just forward the nasty ones to TOSS.
I'm anti illegal but I don't use racism and ignorant labels to make my point and have often told those that do that its a really hurtful way to express ones point of view.I attribute it to several things,first a lot of true racists only use the illegal problem to expound their hate of every one that doesn't look like themselves.The next is not having sufficient vocabulary to express themselves without resorting to insulting words.And last a lot of people that live in the border states as I do have become so frustrated with the problems created by lack of enforcement of our immigration laws we have become
less careful in our use of offensive words.
I'm not making excuses just trying to explain.
I will never support whole sale amnesty to anyone that came to this country via the illegal route
Deportation not legalization of criminal illegal immigrants.
2006-09-16 12:00:04
answer #3
answered by Yakuza 7
No, of course not. I had a guy write me, calling me pretty much every name you could possibly think of just because I told him that the argument he posted had no base. I was just telling him the truth. I'm maybe not the nicest person on here, but I don't think that was warranted. Anyone who sends those kinds of mails to you is a fool and far too immature to be discussing politics.
2006-09-16 11:53:53
answer #4
answered by Holly 3
Oso, There USED TO BE AN IMPOSTOR that was cloning my avatar as well as my name. The person that cloned me is Pong_Ding _Ping or something like that. Since he was an impostor he the questions deleted and now this guy put the same avatar as HIS original one. I'm sorry for you having to go through this but is people here that have so much hatred towards other people and insulting people in that manner is something normal for them. Heres the link to prove it to you and again I apologize for this.;_ylt=AqziNfx5VEf1LGET3951dNbsy6IX?qid=20060911144411AAR34wo
Its not hard to figure out this is Pong_ just by the hatred and words he uses against Immigrants.
2006-09-17 14:15:13
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
why post this, if i posted all the hate mail i have recieved here in the past couple of weeks there would be a list, so whats your point? if you dont like what is being said then delete it that is why the botton is there.
2006-09-16 13:10:10
answer #6
answered by NoBama For Me 2
Some people get really hot-headed and angry about this whole thing, the answers are complex, and a lot of the problems mainly have to do with a general lack of progress all through Mexico for about the last 100 years. We went forward, in some ways, they went backward. They need reforms, but those reforms should not come at the expense of general livability in the United States.
Mexico needs to build lots and lots and lots of schools. That's actually not that expensive to do, a school can be an open yard with chairs in it, for that matter, or now, in the 21st century, a computer with a wireless connection. School can teach you things like how to build a house, how to dig a ditch, how to pave a road, how to clean things and prevent people from getting sick,
how to make drains, how to read, how to write, how to do math,
how to care for the sick, all of this is good information. All Mexico needs to do to move fully into the 21st century is start building schools. The problem is in Mexico, the fix needs to be in Mexico.
America can help, but not at the expense of our livability, the safety of our communities, general threats to our society, so forth and so on. Mexico needs to start teaching their kids, instead of having more than they can afford to support, and then expecting america to constantly accept and absorb their overflow. We shouldn't have to pay for their dysfunction.
We shouldn't have to see american hospitals close for lack of funds. We shouldn't have to watch convicted criminals from Mexico be released on our streets for lack of cell space due to the sheer volume.
Mexico's got problems, this does not automatically make them america's problems. We can help, but they have to first try to help themselves.
2006-09-16 12:58:07
answer #7
answered by gokart121 6
I think that alberto is an imposter, for what it is worth. The real alberto is pro-illegal, and the imposter is anti.
I think it is someone trying to cause the real (pro-illegal) alberto problems.
Sorry you got caught in the middle.
2006-09-16 11:55:23
answer #8
answered by DAR 7
Don't worry oso, it is very clear to all of us here that this Lazybone "Alberto" is nothing else than a mentally retarded mf.
We have been very indulgent paying attention to its comments, let it rot in its ignorance!.
2006-09-16 11:52:29
answer #9
answered by . 5
You did the right thing, by not replying. You don't reply, then they will leave you alone. I have my own that I could post....pretty Nasty, but I won't. Just ignore them....this happens on both sides, trust me. It's ridiculous, especially when you don't send anyone those types of messages, don't know what they think they're accomplishing by doing that.
2006-09-16 12:47:15
answer #10
answered by Hold em Rox 6