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they follow no same sex relationships but cant get to grips with judge not lest ye yourself be judged, in the bible said dont go east to preach they went anyway and caused holy war.

2006-09-15 23:31:20 · 27 answers · asked by jaybikerbird 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

i know other religons do this as well but i can only speak for my own

2006-09-16 00:10:20 · update #1

i know christians aren't perfect i am one

2006-09-16 00:12:04 · update #2

27 answers

One of the benefits of religious delusion is that you can tailor it so that it fits in with your own personal mental problems.

2006-09-15 23:34:01 · answer #1 · answered by bonzo the tap dancing chimp 7 · 3 3

Probably the same reason that you can remember scripture that is convenient for you to judge Christians but not the ones that are inconvenient in supporting your freedom or license to do what you want without moral restraint. Why do you search out specifics of scripture meant to be relative to those to whom it was said at a specific time and place and use it to apply to an age in which it was not directed? Why do you seem to follow only part of the teachings of atheism? Shouldn't you be out massacring Christians and anyone with religious leanings to help advance the cause of evolution in mans next leap into the next step along the chain of survival of the fittest? But then again if you are wanting to know about right and wrong isn't this contrary to the basic presuppositional truth of your Godless world? If truth and Right and wrong is relative why do you judge another for the choice of what is relative to their experience and choice? On what grounds do you question the choice of anothers belief choices? Aren't you being just as much if not more of a hypocrite than these so-called Christians? Maybe you need to espouse it for yourself and show us what the correct demonstration of a faith in God lifestyle should look like. I don't think you have the intestinal fortitude of the Christians who have to face people like yourself everyday. Shut-up or put up.

2006-09-16 07:18:36 · answer #2 · answered by messenger 3 · 0 1

I think that for the most part, we all are hypocrites but the reason that Christian hypocrisy stands out to me...especially since having read the bible so often is the following.... Jesus was able to be 'perfect' and 'obedient' because he had the 'spirit of god' dwelling within him, this is the SAME spirit that one is to receive once accepting Christ as Lord and Savior (it's so obvious that NO ONE does)..If the Spirit of God dwelled within believers they would have no problem following the commands, no problem living as simply as possible, no problems loving or following commands to turn the other cheek, etc.

The Apostle Paul excuses not being perfect with his little speals in Romans 6, 7, 8 (btw, it is understood by numerous historians and scholars that Pauls writings PREDATE the gospels). That is contradicted by James and John who say 'works' is necessary. John goes so far as to say that those who continue in sin are of their father the DEVIL! Christians excuse that away by quoting John "anyone who says they are not a sinner is lying" BUT when in context, he is speaking to those who are NOT YET Christians.

However, so much cherry-picking goes on that it is pathetic. Christians aren't really Christians...They're Paulians, they follow Pauls teachings more than that of Christ or the disciples. In this way, you can pretty much get away with everyting. Funny, some Christian sects believe that Paul is the Anti-Christ...LMAO

2006-09-16 06:44:42 · answer #3 · answered by FreeThinker 3 · 2 0

Sin is clearly outlined in the Bible. We therefore say something is a sin while we are not judging a person. I hear you though. Many do judge and put them into a box, which is wrong. By saying that a person is committing a sin or sinning, we are not judging. For example, let's say that you and I are walking down the street towards each other. As we come close, I decide to be malevolent and knock you to the ground. I have henceforth committed a sin under Christian Law. You can acknowledge that I have sinned and if I continue to beat you, am sinning. The fact of the matter is that the sin is present. You acknowledging the sin is not judging.

I'm not trying to justify or not justify same sex marriages, I'm just straightening out judging. A judgement would be for me to look at you and say that you are not a good Christian, whether I know you or not. If you say to me that I am going to hell for punching you, you have judged me. While there are some disagreements on this, there is only One who can judge. We, as humans, are not in our place to judge no matter what the crime is. We judge not when we acknowledge a sin, but restict either ourselves, the sinner or both with it. To say that a person living a same sex relationship in sin in regard to Christian Law is acknowledging a sin. To say that that person is going to Hell or will face harsh consequences is to judge. To say that I will have nothing to with that person is to judge. To say that that person is not worthy of my time is to judge. To say that that person shall not come within a stone's throw of me is to judge.

This brings to topic of being around sinners, which technically we are around everyday. Christ did not come to judge the righteous, but the righteous. The well have no need of a physician, but only the sick. Dozens of times, Christ is seen and is known throughout his ministry as socializing and hanging around sinful people. These were not small sins, but those who had murdered, raped, sacrificed and so on. Grevious sins. So, how much more would he spend time with us, whose sins include things like being rude to a person or being in a same sex relationship.

I hope this helps and I didn't confuse you more. As I always say, look me up if you want to talk more. I am always open :) God Bless!

2006-09-17 04:02:55 · answer #4 · answered by magicka 1 · 0 1

I liked what you said and it's so true. However, people do that in many religions. My ex fiance used to call these types of people cafeteria Christians. They look at Christianity like one would a cafeteria line. "Oh I'll take some of this but eww I don't want that and I'll have a slice of this but none of that" LOL Basically they taylor the religion to their likes and dislikes. There are also cafeteria Muslims and so on and so forth. I love what you said about the judging. That one seems difficult for almost all of the Christians and Muslims in my life. Neither has a problem telling me that I'm going to Hell unless I join their particular organized religion.

2006-09-16 06:45:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I don't believe that you have read the bible because where is ur source for as no evangelism should be done in the east? You must read in the bible where it says " we should know them by their fruit." Homosexuality as you know is a great sin. We as Christians do not judge them but God does thru his teachings in the word of God. We must rebuke and correct others who are living in sin consciously and unconsciously. Homosexuals seek acceptance in religion knowingly that it is a great sin but refuse to hear as yourself that God punishes those who live abominable lives. I believe you know this. Allow God to show you what the word says on rebuke and correct. There is a difference between judging and teaching or correction. We as Christians must teach the lost and the sinners. Don't compromise with sinners and let them know the truth.

2006-09-16 08:50:54 · answer #6 · answered by Pashur 7 · 0 1

Never present just half of a story, neither show a passage out of context. It is confusing and it will further ignorance. Be diligent to show the whole context of a passage. This is clear up many, many misconceptions if you read the whole story.

The context of "judge not, lest ye be judged also" is in the context of, "why are you trying to get something out of the eye of your brother, when you got something in your eye too? Do you not know clear vision is required to see to get something out of an eye? First, remove what is in your eye, and then you vision will be clear and you can aid your brother to get whatever is in HIS eye!"

Righteous judgement starts with SELF. I have no right to judge you before I judge me. I have to make sure I am clean of the problem you are dealing with before I try to aid you. If you are judging, start with self, fix that problem, then help your brother or sister.

It is in that context that Christians have the right to judge others, by the Word. Keep in mind, only an idiot will judge another by the standard of "self." We try to stay as clean as possible, and then help others to be clean.

Homosexuality is a house on fire. We are trying to plead with people to come out of the fire. God abhors the acts of sexual immorality. I have to be sure I am clean, without fault of sexual immorality, then I want to help others get clean too. It has to start with ME.

2006-09-16 10:20:26 · answer #7 · answered by DA R 4 · 1 0

I think some parts are just too confusing while other parts don't make much sense. That's what there is when one reads a book that is so old.

It seems that the way the bible is read is piecewise and what could be understood are taken. Things eventually get out of control, out of context and become inconsistent.

Just my impression of it.

2006-09-16 06:58:18 · answer #8 · answered by : ) 6 · 0 0

I think that many Christians especially in the Western world are disillusioned with the Church and its teachings, speaking as a Catholic, I know I am.How can you expect to follow teachings when the "teachers" are abusing their position.
We question the teachings and only take whats relevant to us, take the Big Bang theory for instance, dont tell me you havent thought that maybe it may be true

2006-09-16 06:44:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Luckily a lot of modern-day christians are rational enough to see that a lot of historic scripts contain much no-sense that has historical value in some way, but have no value for truth and a peaceful society.
Btw, homosexuality is not a choice. If they tell anybody about it many times they loose their family and friends, get mugged or possibly even killed over it. Still a lot of people with ignorant indoctrinated brain masses think these people are gay just for fun.
It's biological, they are born with it. Please come to terms with that.

2006-09-16 06:44:52 · answer #10 · answered by Caveman 4 · 1 1

Let me tell you about another belief Christians have problems with, even YOU, The fourth commandment of the ten commandments says "the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord Thy God..." Now the calanders we use was brought into being in Jesus time and NO WHERE in The Bible does it say the first day sunday was put in place of the Seventh day Sabbath Saturday, the reason why you go to church on sunday and because God did NOT make it holy YOU CAN NOT keep it holy either, the papcy that is the catholic church is why you go to church on sunday, investagate what I said, free bible lessons www.itiswritten.com God bless talk to me email [not messanger] wgr88@yahoo.com

2006-09-16 06:36:24 · answer #11 · answered by wgr88 6 · 1 3

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