Americas problem is not with legal immigration,its with the invasion of millions of illegals that are flooding this country especially the southwest.And the majority of people in the US speak English or a reasonable facsimile there of.English is the language of our government .We are an English speaking society.
The illegal depresses the wages for labor related jobs,he is willing to take far below even the minimum wages that employers must pay here so he is accepting and under the table money that the American worker cant live on .The illegal does not pay income tax or any taxes on the schools,roads,hospitals etc that he uses without paying for.sales taxes do not address that need so are irrelevant.With easily obtained false or forged documents he can apply for welfare,public assistance and other public programs set up for citizens well being.Again he has not and should not be getting these services.
While the US may be composed of immigrants they were not illegal immigrants.The first whole scale law was not in effect until 1924.
Another point ,the Indians were also not native to the US having immigrated to this land via the Bering Strait from another Continent.
And you do find a lot of college graduates working at jobs to which they are highly over educated,but one does what one must to get along in the world.
I live in Arizona and we are over run with illegal immigrants,most ,if not all are Hispanic .We don't have a lot of those pesky lol Canadians sneaking across our northern border,looking for work.
I do not hate any one and I welcome legal immigration,but I adamantly and actively oppose any illegal immigrants from any country.10,000illegals plus are a problem in a country that is based on law.They are criminals because they broke the laws of the US by entering this country illegally.No to any Amnesty for criminal illegal immigrants.Deportation not legalization of criminals.
Im white and I gave you a thumbs down and a violation for your rasists post "proud white American"
2006-09-16 01:28:29
answer #1
answered by Yakuza 7
Just illegals. I think most Americans could care less if they come here as long as they come here legally and learn our language. Most of the illegals would probably come here legally if it was easy. I am no an illegal so I am not sure how hard it is or what they have to do to be legal. But millions do it every year so why cant they? People say they want a better life. Well then how is it better if they are standing and waiting at the local am pm to find a day laborer, or for farmers for just a few dollars an hour. Doesn't seem better to me and also having to hide out every where
2006-09-15 18:58:45
answer #2
answered by Jo Jo 2
'illegal immigrant' is actually a misnomer, a false naming. You're either an immigrant, a resident, a visitor, or you're an illegal alien, pretty much. They're trying to set up some kind of middle ground, guest worker etc., but the problem remains is that the countries people are coming from are screwed up, their economy doesn't support the number of children they've chosen to have, and thus the pressure to migrate to the United States en masse. Can't wait to see what they can do for/to america! LOL And, some idiot politician will quite likely throw the doors wide open, and we'll probably see an influx of about 100 million or so, this century. Then, when those same growth vectors take hold in the United States, and we go broke, we'll be applying to russia for foreign aid. God bless politicians and their social engineering! They've brought us gated communities, a runaway welfare system, social balkanization within our own borders, and no end in sight to things like the deficit.
I think our border policy is a mess. Hopefully, the Senate will join forces with the House in fixing it.
2006-09-15 21:19:00
answer #3
answered by gokart121 6
Basically illegal, however what alot of people apparently don't understand is that many legal immigrants are being convinced to to immigrate to the USA by big corporations, to take jobs that unemployed Americans could do, but the corporations don't want to pay the Americans what they're worth. This has been alot of the hold up in congress, why they can't get a good immigration bill passed. Bush and the Senators don't want to lose the money these big corporations give them.
2006-09-15 18:46:39
answer #4
answered by oldman 7
Unless you are American Indian, then we are all the descendants of immigrants or are immigrants ourselves. I have nothing against people immigrating to our great Nation, but I do have an issue with people breaking the law to come here. Illegal immigrants should be sent home and should not receive any benefits at all from the U.S. We are having a hard enough time trying to take care of our citizens.
2006-09-15 18:49:40
answer #5
answered by C's mom 2
Only the Illegal ones,
2006-09-16 03:36:53
answer #6
answered by mnwomen 7
2006-09-15 18:44:01
answer #7
answered by Jack S. Buy more ammo! 4
Lumping legal and unlawful immigration into the question is a conventional spin by employing those who favor open borders and care not something about our personal lifestyle and rules. maximum of those hostile to unlawful immigration have little situation over legal immigration - in reality a number of the most hostile human beings to unlawful immigration are relations of those attempting to get the following legally and having to attend. unlawful immigrants variety extra then 10 million and likely as many as 20 million. they are no doubt a severe burden on faculties, wellbeing care and regulation enforcement - in reality they kill 25 human beings an afternoon interior u . s . - extra then the fashion of squaddies killed each day in Iraq - some distance extra.
2016-11-27 01:46:50
answer #8
answered by crooker 4
I am against neither kind. If you were in the shoes of an immigrant who had no family in America and you knew you would have a better life here then why shouldn't they try and come here. The only way to get a legal Visa is if you have a sibling or parent that is an American citizen. The reason Illegals come is not because they do not want to come legally, nut because they do not have the family or money to pay for the visa. If you look at the rise of immigration in America you could see that when the European immigrants got off of the boat in Ellis Island the only thing they had to do to stay in America was to pass a physical. If it was ok then then why can we not move closer to the old policies. I understand we can not let every one in based on health but people should be given an easier way to try and make a life in this country.
2006-09-15 18:50:46
answer #9
answered by aposadaw 2
I think they should be given a legal alternative that could be controlled and beneficial;illegal immigration ,as a phenomenom, is disrespectful and morally detrimental to both Mexico and the USA,let alne the socio-economic implications
2006-09-15 20:05:03
answer #10
answered by Soledad Mendez 2