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hang a big sign saying "NO VACANCIES"? because England is full

2006-09-15 17:27:40 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

insular thinking? we live on an ISLAND!!!! look it up...

2006-09-15 20:27:37 · update #1

23 answers

well be better to tell the consulates round the world to stop giving out visas first

2006-09-15 21:01:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I think that would be STUPID. After all, the main purpose of an immigration desk in an airport is to allow people into the country. Wouldn't it be stupid if you went to a petrol station that doesn't sell petrol?

We should remember that us Brits travel the most in the world. Us Brits have migrated more than any to other countries. The British took over more than 1/4 of the world by force. The new trend for brits is now Spain. You don't see the Spaniards saying NO MORE BRITS or NO VACANCIES. The British economy relies on tourism.

I think that this is merely a racist comment by an uneducated person who has no knowledge of British history.

2006-09-16 00:36:49 · answer #2 · answered by Mr curious 3 · 2 0

you could... but it would be a bare faced lie. The Uk (migrants to the UK settle in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland as well as England,) has a net loss in terms of people entering and leaving the country. Couple this with the fact we have an increasingly aging population, we need a strong infux of people to prop up our economy and keep everything running. Unemployment is at an all time low and there are more jobs availible than there are people to fill them.

Stopping immigration for no more than racist reasons is plain stupidity and will cost the country dearly.

2006-09-17 02:58:52 · answer #3 · answered by enigma_variation 4 · 1 0

How do you mean England is full? Oh no, don't let anyone else into Dover, because a couple of people will fall of the edge of Land's End?

However, we should close the country to stupidity. This questioner has convinced me that the country is full of stupidity and if any more stupidity comes into our great nation we'll all explode in a heaving mass of Sun and Mail readers.

2006-09-17 02:06:07 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I agree with


Mr Sceptic


Mr curious

tina and


It is so sad that people keep posting this racist bile on yahoo answers.

UK historically made up of immigrants e.g. Norse, Romans, Normans then of course people fleeing irish potato famine, and persection (nazi's and other atrcoities)

More people emigrate than immigrate, need to balance it.

many who come have a lot to give, skills.motivation, ensuring enouth people here for future pesnions bill, business, investment etc, etc

Should Spain/Greece/Cyprus/etc stop letting the Brits go over who keep to ex-pat communities, don't integrate and buy up loads of properties?

Get a life saddo!!!!!

2006-09-17 10:04:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes a very good idea.then all the British people can sit and watch this island and all its services go under.the immigrants are keeping your "nhs" afloat.yeah that's right get rid of all the foreign doctors,nurses etc and then they can watch you die without any help.if the British weren't so lazy then you couldn't need "immigrants".get a life.

2006-09-16 02:57:26 · answer #6 · answered by kobie65 3 · 1 0

If you want to destroy the economy, isolate us from the international community and promote a xenophobic and insular mentality, it's a great idea.

2006-09-15 18:05:44 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

It wouldnt work... they dont come in via Heathrow. The popular mode of transport is on the back of a lorry, or hitching a ride in the channel tunnel.

2006-09-15 17:31:57 · answer #8 · answered by PICKLES 1 · 0 1

No !, at least the ones going through the proper channels may be
legitimate .

2006-09-16 11:40:00 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sure, if you don't want any more immigrants prepared to work in fish and chip shops for two pounds an hour, and be the only ones to keep their corner shops open on Christmas Day. Seems to me they are the kind of people we need.

2006-09-15 17:37:30 · answer #10 · answered by so_it_goes_2512 3 · 4 2

What a great IDEA ask if they have booked if not put them back on the plane.
Set up machine gun post at all channel ports especially the tunnel so like the Berlin Wall if they try to cross shoot them.

2006-09-15 19:04:07 · answer #11 · answered by mushy peas 2 · 0 3

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