NO, NOT good enough.... a 5 year prison sentence with no parole and a $250,000 fine assessed for first offense for employers of illegal aliens... is the correct way to end the INVASION of ILLEGAL ALIENS....
the fence is really just a way to waste the taxpayers time and money.... something politicians love to do... but, the border should be closed... and illegal aliens all deported along with their children...
Every shipping container should be gassed for insects, etc...
2006-09-15 17:13:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
anything helps at this point. its corrupt and backwards and been that way a very long time. we simply shut down the border and expand immigration due process. common sense. why does everyone want to make this so difficult? because lies are involved thats why. it puts pressure on us at the street level between ethnicities. it makes proper recognition strained.
it maintains a gap for a new age second class citizenry possible.
which we can all observe on a daily basis.
illegals with drivers licenses? gimme a #@%*! break.
that it is even considered along for return argument is a successful employment of stall tactic.
it shouldnt take the damn senate to do the job of someone below them. the last thing we need is more legislation. where, in fact, all we need is to realize and meet the demands of currently existing laws.
two steps.
shut it down no matter the cost.
THEN. exapnd operations for intake- upon which demands can be CLEARLY drawn from a secure border to address further action. there is no excuse for a lack of physcial security. but weve got to start somewhere. any little bit helps
as far as terrorists go weve got to be right 100% of the time, theyve got to be right once. there is no excuse and nothing to forgive when your family is blown to bits at a shopping mall, night club, church, major sporting event, train station you name it etc. these are common events elsewhere in the world. we have known for quite a long time now the threat of militant and warped islam and the financiers who back them. not 70 years ago we put japanese in containment. it is too bad Dr Martin Luther King isnt still around to say how much backlash of affirmative action is enough. its concaved beyond common sense. selling a port to Dubai anyone?
ill be damned to take a losers stance just to note that whatever is going to happen is inevitable.
a fence is not placed to stop a man. it cannot. but he must respect its existence, but apparently we lack the integrity of a national identity to do so without much debate.
ludicrous. how dare we attempt to be even proud of this? its a swap meet out there.
2006-09-16 00:47:50
answer #2
answered by jorluke 4
We have a small town here in Missouri called Valley Park.
It is now illegal to rent to or employ an illegal. So what does the Catholic church do? They go to the apartments and take the illegals out and move them somewhere else. Unknown.
I don't think there will be an easy answer to this. Not until Spanish is the official language of the United States. I'll tell you, when I'm asked to press l for English, I get really pissed off. I guess after they're all here, we'll have to go to Mexico and start over.
2006-09-16 00:22:41
answer #3
answered by goldielocks123 4
Yea, it's a definite good start, as long as they carry on with more and more initiatives to stop illegal immigration and get rid of the ones already in the country. About the shipping containers, I like the poster's idea that said they should all be gassed for possible bug infestations. Surely, they could hit much more than 2% of them for that!?
2006-09-16 03:20:56
answer #4
answered by Daisy 6
"Good fences make good neighbors."
Let's hope that holds true in this case.
It didn't work so well for Sharon in Israel and the Palestinian problem.
Like most people answering this question, I feel that it is only part of the solution. Some of the other parts include the financial status of our Southern neighbors and employers trying to make a quick buck. But, even so, starting to solve the problem usually is better than not starting to solve the problem.
2006-09-16 00:18:48
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Nae. As a child, I used to climb over fences all of the time. If it is that easy for a child, think how easy it would be for an adult. The fence is a joke. We need more than a measly fence.
2006-09-16 01:31:49
answer #6
answered by jack jr 3
Even though I'm a FIRM BELIEVER IN A FENCE, BIG, WIDE AND DEEP, I think Seeing Clearly's got a damn good answer, with the exception of his comments on a fence. Definitely worth 10 points. God Bless you.
2006-09-16 00:18:32
answer #7
answered by ? 7
Its a start..but what do we do with the ones that's already here..they will get around the wall if they really want too..and it will take a long time to erect this they will scramble to get here in a hurry..the government needs to give the county the right to arrest and detain and deport as i could handle my tax's going for that reason..FOR DEPORTATION...i would even be willing to pack a few lunches.lmao
2006-09-16 00:20:22
answer #8
answered by bllnickie 6
Is this fence electric? Plus isn't it 7,000 feet long or something? The border is 2K miles long. Well I guess we complain when then do nothing whatsoever so it's a start....
2006-09-16 00:26:28
answer #9
answered by escapegrl1 3
A fence means nothing.
The government needs to go after people who hire illegals. Fine them, throw them in jail, take ALL the profit they made from hiring illegals.
2006-09-16 00:11:47
answer #10
answered by sister_godzilla 6