Sheriff Joe has been trying to get the Feds to deport the illegals he arrests for conspiring with human smugglers. Playing coy, the Federal Government has been saying he can't say they are illegal for them to deport because only the Feds can figure things like that out. Apparently, the Feds don't like the spot-light that has drawn on their codependant attitudes.
What do you think?
10 answers
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Politics & Government
➔ Immigration
"Until now, federal agents have refused to transport people prosecuted under the state's human-smuggling law on the grounds that only federal officials have the authority to determine whether someone is in the country illegally.
So far, Arpaio said, deputies have made 27 trips and transported 61 undocumented immigrants arrested under the smuggling law.
Arpaio's department is the only local law-enforcement agency in Arizona arresting illegal entrants under the state statute.
An ICE spokeswoman in Washington, D.C., said Wednesday that from now on, agents would transport illegal entrants convicted under the smuggling law.
Arpaio said he believes ICE agents should be transporting all undocumented immigrants arrested under the human smuggling statute, regardless of whether they are convicted or not.
Deputies have released 108 entrants arrested under the human-smuggling law from Maricopa County's jails because agents have refused to pick them up, according to Arpaio.
17:08:01 ·
update #1
That includes 16 people convicted under the law. "
17:08:34 ·
update #2
Seeing Clearly - I think that is a good question to ask. I don't much like any of the possibilities I've come up with.
17:19:43 ·
update #3