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20 answers


2006-09-15 15:58:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I think the government is doing enough to keep Americans in fear without trying to "reform" immigration. The truth of the matter is that all the 9/11 suicide bombers came in to the country legally on visas, not across the border. Why in the world would they risk getting caught by trying to cross the southern border of the US, when coming across from Canada is so much easier?

As far as immigration "reform," the government has attempted to stop/control illegal immigration every decade since 1986, by getting tough on illegals, but have failed miserably. In 1986, there was an amnesty in exchange for tougher immigration laws; all while Reagan was gutting the Department of Labor's enforcement branch, that would have made it more likely that employers would be caught for hiring illegals. Then you had the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act in 1996, that was suppose to crack down on the border. But there are just as many illegals in the US now, that you had a decade ago. If anything, the crackdown at the border caused seasonal migrants that would normally go home at the end of every season and come back the following year to stay. So here we are, 10 years down the road and trying to crack down on illegal immigrants without addressing the pull factor, which is the employers that continue to hire them. If the government would address the pull factor by cracking down on businesses (not just the little guys, but the big employers too - which they will never do, because the lobby is too big), then they would not have to throw as much money at the illegal immigration problem. But since the government is UNWILLING to crack down on businesses, they will do whatever they think is necessary to appease their constituents by cracking down on illegals. Which history has shown, is ineffective at best.

2006-09-16 02:30:08 · answer #2 · answered by yearning_nomadic_spirit 2 · 1 0

Very much so. Those on here that feel it's not a big deal, wow. I just attribute it to lack of education on the issue.

Mexico's govt. is trying to eradicate the borders between the US and them in order to get a hand on our wealth. They are gaining power in this country like you wouldn't believe through lobbyists and succeeding. Any proposition that is passed that has to anti-illegal is always overturned because they have it appealed and find a sympathetic judge. Seems Americans don't have a voice anymore.

Just look at this article for proof at how much power they have.


2006-09-15 23:20:08 · answer #3 · answered by escapegrl1 3 · 3 0

I'm less concerned about the illegal immigration issue than I am the open border issue. If you solve one the country will be safer and the immigration problem will cure itself through attrition. Plus it makes no sense deporting people when they'll be back before the truck that brought them back to Mexico. Secure the border first, then focus on immigration.

2006-09-15 22:54:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

We should be very concerned.... and we should be demanding an answer as to WHY?

Is it corruption?

Is it just an uncaring government filled with politicians looking to legalize illegal aliens in order to have new voters that are easy prey, easy to sway?

Is it another concerted attack on the sovereignty of the USA?

There are a lot of questions to ask. I'm not so sure the voters can get a real answer out of politicians.... since politicians have a very hard time saying what they mean and meaning what they say.... and an even harder time doing what they say.... two faces? maybe three? A single faced politician is very hard to unearth, because once unearthed, that politician is subject to attack.

2006-09-15 22:52:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It really comes down to how you see it, because as a Puerto Rican I don't have to worry of being illegal since I'm a american citizen. But most of this immigrants work their asses off for us to have a good living because they do the jobs that we think are dirty, low-class, not-worthy. In my opinion we should because who the heck is going to do all the work they do.

2006-09-16 00:12:08 · answer #6 · answered by Ismael M 2 · 2 0

The war on terror is really a war on the American Psyche. Fear is a very useful tool used by many governments to keep the sheep in line. Foreigners are the enemy, religion is the enemy....all the while, big business is the real wolf.

2006-09-15 22:55:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yes. It indicates that the unlawful invasion has the approval of the government that is sworn to protect our borders. This is treason against the People.

2006-09-15 22:50:58 · answer #8 · answered by Paladin 4 · 5 0

I AM!! I'm already trying to figure out what country I'm going to move to. Somewhere where the "president" isn't the anti-christ

2006-09-16 15:22:08 · answer #9 · answered by alwaysright 3 · 0 0


I'm sick of Americans having to be "terrified" of everything!

I just live my life.

And to be honest, I live in the NYC, I fear more of a terrorist attack then I do about some silly, uneducated illegal immigrants.

2006-09-15 23:35:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

I am not terrified of no one.I am just beside myself with disbelief that our government refuses to do anything about the problem.

2006-09-15 22:49:24 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

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