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Has anyone ever been to a wine tasting event?? Or given a wine tasting?? If so, did you have extensive knowledge about wines. I'm thinking of becoming a wine consultant part-time, and I'm currently reading about wines. Just looking for ideas, knowledge, info, anything helpful.

2006-09-15 14:10:17 · 8 answers · asked by msjuliet2005 4 in Food & Drink Beer, Wine & Spirits

8 answers

Jancis Robinson's book, "The Oxford Companion to WIne" is out in its newest edition. Many consider it to be the bottom line when it comes to wine books.


Also, get lots of tasting experience, learn the ins and outs about how the wine production and distribution industry works...Luckily, my school offers wine appreciation classes :)

Hope that helps!

2006-09-15 14:22:51 · answer #1 · answered by PostGrungeJunky 3 · 0 0

Well, I'm on the board of the Ontario Wine Society and I'm a full time Wine Consultant as well. Reading about wine is a good place to start but I would suggest getting out there and trying as many wines as possible. If you have any wineries where you live, take their tours and go to their tasting bars. If you know of any wine clubs in your area, look into them. I wouldn't suggest joining all of them but if there is one (or a couple) there that intrigues you, join them and see if they are looking for volunteers to help organize events.

If you have any other questions, feel free to check out my website and send me an e-mail.

2006-09-16 19:01:11 · answer #2 · answered by Patricia D 4 · 0 0

I was for 5 years here in Canada a member of the French wine society, Les Companions du Vin du France, as well as being a classically trained chef for 20 years.

My advice is join a local wine club, or read up on all you can, visit local winerys. As far as do tastings for yourself and friends, learn the regions in France, Germany and Italys types and varietys of wines. When doing tastings have 4-6 types for these countrys and have you friends write down there feelings and likes or dislikes on small postcards.

As time goes on you will develope a feel for these wines, but I do stress, if there is a local club, society or even at your local, if they should have tasting nights, this is a valuable help to the learning of wines and there special traits

2006-09-15 21:51:32 · answer #3 · answered by The Unknown Chef 7 · 1 0

To do a wine tasting, you have to figure out what format you want to do. Do you want to do a specific varietal? A region? Compare and contrasting styles? Once this is done, buy the wine and remember this tasting guide:
For instance, if you are doing French wine, begin with a nice champagne and follow with a nice Chablis (Sauvignon Blanc, Marsanne, Rousanne) or White Burgundy (Chardonnay.) A Red Burgundy (Pinot Noir) would be nice after the whites. Next, move on to a Bordeaux style (Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot and Malbec) and finish with a Cotes Du Rhone wine (Syrah, Grenache.)
Follow basic principles and your tasting will be glorious.

2006-09-16 22:49:02 · answer #4 · answered by doctorpapaswing 3 · 0 0


Wine is truly an art!

I'm a wine lover, and I do the following:

Go to as many tastings as possible.
When you go to restaurants, taste their selections.

Develop your palette.
Impose on your friends.
Don't let money be a driving factor.

2006-09-15 21:55:29 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Take a tour of the CA wine country you will learn a lot. I spent a weekend this past summer touring wineries in Sonoma County, CA.

2006-09-15 22:03:14 · answer #6 · answered by Debbk 4 · 0 0

tastes vary, if you like Red wines chilled...go for it. Romance the product...sniff, swirl, taste...repeat the 3 steps. Lets open a vineyard!

2006-09-15 21:24:14 · answer #7 · answered by Nina G 1 · 0 0

Great idea and good luck with your venture.

2006-09-15 21:26:59 · answer #8 · answered by johnnyonthespot 5 · 0 0

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