The only real way to get rid of them is to hoover your house from top to bottom, more often and where he or she sleeps.
You really need to get some spot on , to put on the back of his or her neck if a cat that is. If not and is a kitten then you must use Front line.
Sorry but if you want to get rid of them then you must pay for good treatment.
Otherwise if you pay for cheap ways out , they just don't work!
They come back in packs (they breed like rabbits) my husband says they are worse then rabbits!
I have 2 cats and 4 kittens.
My cats are on spot on and kittens are on front line and and have flea collers as well.
Sorry that is the best that I can do.
2006-09-15 11:58:28
answer #1
answered by 2
Hi Sarah, well I unfortunately have lots of experience with fleas. so i will do by best to help you
Firstly £10 will not really be enough I'm afraid.
Beating the fleas can be expensive to start with until you get them under control.
2 things you can do that don't cost anything though is HOOVER alot, say as often as possible cos the flea eggs and some fleas live in your carpets too. so keep hoovering alot.
2nd is to use a flea comb and comb them out and squash them before they jump away.
Go to a pet shop and buy some flea tablets, I used some that were amazingly good. I think they are made by Johnson (cant remember for sure) that was about £10 within 15min of the cat eating a tablet the cat will start scratching like mad then after another 15min the fleas will quite literally drop off the cat.
Frontline is good but expensive unless you go to the PDSA where you wont have to pay full price but pay what you can afford if you are not working.
use a flea powder on your carpets.
I have 3 indoor cats and once had a mad flea infestation but after spending a small fortune and lots of hard work we have broken the cycle and are flealess !!
2006-09-15 20:13:37
answer #2
answered by 90210 aka Hummer Lover 6
There is no cheap way to get rid of them. If you try going to a local store and buying some flea treatment, it wont get rid of them. My indoor cats got fleas as well, which in turn game them worms. My husband and I use Frontline Spray Treatment for our cats, it comes in a spray bottle and you spray the cats a spray or 2 for every pound of body weight. And you do this once a month. It is the best stuff ever. It cost a little bit. $34.00 for a bottle, but it last us 3 months with 2 cats, so if you only have one it should last atleast 6 months, depending on how big the cat is. The spray is great because you don't have to do any special cleaning to your house. You just spray it on the cat and when the cat sheds its hair, it still has treatment on it, and it will get down in to you carpet and floors and kill the fleas and eggs that are in their favorite places. And when a flea jumps on the cat it will immediately kill the flea. You have to just the stuff from your vet and if your cat has fleas I also recommend getting some dewormer for the cat, because she will get worms, the fleas give them worms. We get our dewormer from the vet too, Drontel, 5 dollars a pill. Great stuff too.. Good luck with your cat.
2006-09-15 12:01:10
answer #3
answered by Jessica 6
Don't waste your money on collars, dips, shampoos, etc... they aren't effective.
Don't buy an over-the-counter topical either, they too are not effective.
Buy Frontline or Advantage. They cost a little bit more but are well worth it.....they last for a month while the other products(assuming that they will work, which is unlikely) will only last a week if you are lucky.
Also you may want to invest in some flea bombs to rid your house of the fleas....after a while, you wont need to treat your cat for fleas.
Hope this helps
2006-09-15 11:57:14
answer #4
answered by andicohoon707 2
over the counter cheap collars and sprays are useless and a waste of money. Only sure way i found was advantage injections every 6 months if cat goes out if its a stay at home then one injection should do it, costs around £20 in the uk and is very effective. However you will also need a carpet upholstry spray to get rid of the ones that are biting you now. Again one from the vet round about £8. Good luck love cats hate flees.
2006-09-15 12:10:20
answer #5
answered by kittykat 2
Hi Sarah...fleas have a lifecycle which makes battling them frustration, however there are some inexpensive and alternative solutions, however none are as effective as using either Frontline or Advantage directly on the pets which are ideally the best solution. You can purchase these directly through 1800 Pet Meds I don't know if this company can ship overseas, but they may be able to recommend someone who can sell locally in the UK.
For some inexpensive treatments consider over the counter solutions consider sponge bathing a cat by using a damp washcloth with Pert Plus Shampoo (not plain Pert) daily for a week or if the UK doesn't carry this particular brand, a chemist can recommend which shampoo contains the ingredient pyrethrins...The human shampoo Pert Plus kills fleas but has little or no residual effect. In general, if a product contains pyrethrins and the label states that it is safe for cats and kittens. (See article section Special Medical Issues - 3rd paragraph). (see fourth paragraph)
Products containing Pyrethrins are generally safe to use... Additionally, the human shampoo Pert Plus kills fleas on the cats, although it has little or no residual effect. Lather, wait a few minutes, and then rinse.
Be sure to thoroughly rinse all shampoo residues so that the kittens do not ingest as it may still be upsetting for their sensitive systems.
For around the home use Borax (boric acid--approx £2) on the flooring found at any at common store...kills fleas both by causing dehydration and by acting as a stomach poison in a matter of minutes. In laboratory tests boric acid damaged sperm and caused miscarriages. Just sprinkle...leave for a couple hours ... vacuum up and repeat two weeks later and if necessary a week later for added insurance. (See section Less Toxic Chemical Controls)
2006-09-15 14:37:33
answer #6
answered by ♪ Seattle ♫ 7
there isn't anything you can het that will be effective that is under £10. stuff you get from pet shops is not as strong as things you can get from a vet so they are a waste of money. you are best going to a vets and geting whats called a spot on flea treatment either frontline or stronghold are the best the stronghold also does the main kind of worm roundworm. they are around £16 for 3 treatments, you put one on a month, if you have a bad infestation in your house you may need to also get a flea spray from your vets, im a vet nurse and we sell sprays called R.I.P and Staykill. that will DEFFINATLY do the strick. but dont waste your time on pet shop products they dont totally cure the problem and will waste your money even though vet products are expensive its better to but something a bit more expensive that you know will work. hope this helps! xxxx
2006-09-15 13:58:32
answer #7
answered by *music* 2
Ten dollars or less will not get you an effective cure. Flea collars and shampoos are not 100% effective. The fleas will not be wholly removed, and the eggs will be there and will hatch later. Buy some Frontline or Advantage. You can get it at the vet, and some pet stores sell it by the dose for as little as 12 dollars a dose. Good luck!
2006-09-15 11:51:46
answer #8
answered by Amanda 6
Serve an eviction notice to the fleas and get one for the cat while ur at it. lol, either that or just buy a dog lol, the cat will leave within the hour and so will the fleas, failing that go down to wilkinsons and buy there clipper kit (bout a tenner i think) and give it a bloody grade 1 only jokin :) Seriously, go to ur vets there are many many treatments available
2006-09-15 11:56:29
answer #9
answered by Phantom Viper 3
How on earth did you cat get fleas if it dosnt get out.someone must have brought them in so be more choosy of you friends with animals that come into your house, or maybe you picked them up when visiting friends ? best get some frontl;ine from the vet ,it's gaurnteed to sort the problem,It will kill the fleas also the eggs they lay before the die.Wine fly
2006-09-15 12:16:37
answer #10
answered by alex winefly 4