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Town elders, who act as judges in local criminal matters, are invariably men. In one village in Guerrero state, elders were recently asked how they punished rape. The six men looked confused, as if they did not know what the term meant. When it was explained to them, they all laughed and said it sounded more like a courting ritual than a crime.

When they stopped laughing, they said a rapist would probably get a few hours in the local jail, or he might have to pay the victim's family a $10 or $20 fine, but that all would be forgotten if he and the victim married.

In the case of a cattle thief, they said, he would be jailed. And, unlike the rapist, a cattle thief would be brought before the elders for a lecture about the severity of the crime.

2006-09-15 11:41:53 · 26 answers · asked by Zoe 4 in Politics & Government Immigration

26 answers

Zoe is this what you are referring too?? Or something different??
I had heard of this...sounds a bit familiar to what you posted...

"First, take the concept of ‘rapto.’ This comes from Mexico where in some areas, it is socially acceptable for a man of any age to abduct a female of any age as long as long as he intends to marry her. That is right. Men can kidnap and rape females. This is acceptable in Oaxaca where the government continues to view rapto as a minor crime. One legislator even referred to this horrid violation as “romantic.” Lest anyone believe such garbage, note that 24 year old Mexican immigrant Eliseo Nunez snatched a 12 year old girl and took her to Mexico to fulfill his erotic desires. Isn’t that romantic?"
Crazy isn't it?? Maybe in Mexico it's considered "courting", but here it is called a free pass to jail.

~add on~ For uncle osbert, Thank You for posting that article !! Very interesting read.

2006-09-15 14:30:13 · answer #1 · answered by Hold em Rox 6 · 2 1

This really doesn't surprise me. They don't really see rape as a big thing down there. At my hubby's previous job a mexiscum came in and actually bragged how he and 5 other mexiscum raped a 16 yr old girl the night before and he was out of jail within a few hrs (gotta love that justice they give to illegals)

2006-09-15 12:41:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

List your source of this claim, and it better be one that isn't a largely conservative one. I think that they were joking when they said that, even though Rape is something you do NOT joke about. I think the only chance it would end in marriage is if the rapist could not afford to pay the fine. There seem to be some gray areas here that you should really consider. That is if you're one who tends to see some shades of gray instead of just black and white.

2006-09-15 11:52:27 · answer #3 · answered by iwannarevolt 4 · 2 4

1. Has nothing to do with immigration.

2. Sources? Why would I believe what you say? You obviously dislike Mexicans and probably want others to think the same way as you.

3. You are an extremely hateful person. You OBVIOUSLY posted this to show that (because in your screwed head of yours, you must believe) Mexicans are in some way uncivilized and an inferior CULTURE (not government) to Americas. you are sick.

2006-09-15 12:36:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

That's a good example of those wonderful Mexican "family values". If Mexican people would stay in THAT country and organize like they did HERE and fight for better laws, rights, better living wages, etc., instead of running away they could make changes. You just don't give up and run away, you keep on fighting for better lives for your families. If our ancestors had not fought for our rights, worked hard, voted, passed laws, our country would probably be no better than Mexico. But, they stayed the course, made it what it is today. We are not like Mexico. Mexicans can't just waltz in here and take it, illegally.

2006-09-15 11:53:16 · answer #5 · answered by «»RUBY«» 4 · 5 3

That doesn't surprise me because where I live you can see that the 14 and 15 years old girls think that they are grown. Mentally they are not.

2006-09-15 12:01:30 · answer #6 · answered by no nickname 6 · 4 0

They sound like Arabs...It also sounds like more propagandize stereo types of Mexicans. My husband is from Guerrero - and it isn't a village they have local government not 'elders' who are in charge of the law. Guerrero is a state in Mexico.
My husband nor his family promote rape or any such treatment of women.
You are just another anti-illegal jerk-off...and you are probably a Christian too.

2006-09-15 11:56:12 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

Used to be that way in Italy. But the man had to marry girl or father would shoot with shotgun.

2006-09-15 11:45:47 · answer #8 · answered by rallman@sbcglobal.net 5 · 5 0

wow learn something new.didn't know this.Though I thought I saw on the news how in some place in Europe,think switzerland they were going to pass a law that made it legal for 12 yr olds to have sex.its a very crazy mixed up world out there.

2006-09-15 11:46:13 · answer #9 · answered by Nexus K 4 · 3 2

hmmm, interesting....You don't seemed too bother by that polygamist Warren Jeffs, who married/raped 13 year old girls....He had 40 wives of all ages and 65 children!

Where is the outrage Zoe? Or is it ok for your people to commit rape and have 65 children?

Always the little hypocrite.....

2006-09-15 15:25:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

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