Neither, I actually dislike idiotic xenophobes.
2006-09-15 11:13:54
answer #1
answered by iwannarevolt 4
Illegal immigrants!
What's wrong with the Central Americans? Aren't a lot of the hispanics were trying to be like them?
2006-09-15 11:31:14
answer #2
answered by auniquekind 3
To some people above, don't your stomachs hurt with all the hatred you keep? You will die hating mexico and Mexico will not change its position in the earth. You will die one day hating, hating and hating, I pity you.
I see the history 100 years from now and i can foretell that we will read about these times just as we read about the slavery days. But anyways, take lessson of the following list of countries:
Babylon, Assyria, Persia, Rome, Greece, Mongolia, macedonia, Egypt, Spain, France, England.
What is the common element in all of them?
that at their moment they conquered their known world and thought themselves everlasting and invincible, can you trace where they are now? That is, ladies and gentleman the course and nature of history, and all your hating, and all your moaning and b.i.tching will change nothing.
See ya and sleep on it while you try to go to sleep but before that listen to the song "burning beds" bye!
ah, and I don't hate you, I will not go down to that pit, my mind is my own, and I won't give you the power of making me hate you.
I wil not grant you the power to make me hate you. So your hate is uncorresponded, it's all yours, not mine.
Nation,s nations, they come and go...and only people remains.
2006-09-15 11:26:21
answer #3
answered by Dominicanus 4
2 points
2006-09-15 11:16:21
answer #4
answered by The Mick "7" 7
I don't hate Mexicans. I don't hate Central Americans. I DO hate Ignorant bigots.
2006-09-15 11:19:45
answer #5
answered by Vida 6
Hate is a strong word to use, I for one do not like the immigrants who invade our territory, or our country. They say that they do the work that most Americans do not do, I for one do not think so, Why? because when I was young we used to work up north in the fields, doing seasonal work, and back then their wasn't any food stamps or wic for children or welfare and I am talking about 30 yrs. ago. what those immigrants want are the commodities that come for them because they do not have to work or find a job because they have it easy with the Gov. which provides for them. Why do you think they are fighting to get amnesty here.
2006-09-15 11:19:23
answer #6
answered by 6
Whoever doesn't use birth control and keeps having children, even though they can't support themselves and have to enter the US illegally to get the support they need. That's who I ha**.
2006-09-15 11:25:57
answer #7
answered by bekkiboo31 4
I regret to inform you that more people hate CLOWNS than hate the 2 choices you offered----- combined!!
2006-09-15 11:15:58
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
to even answer a question this divisive is to fall into your own small, little world of closed minded people(term "people" loosely used). the fact of the matter is that more and more less tolerant than your kind, in other words, your type is in the MINORITY.
2006-09-15 11:27:19
answer #9
answered by barrbou214 6
Change your picture you racist evil clown that belongs in a Stephen King novel.
2006-09-15 11:16:31
answer #10
answered by xLovexLikexWinterx 3
Personally, I hate clowns the most.
2006-09-15 11:16:59
answer #11
answered by Anonymous