no, regular dvd's use a red laser & the new hd-dvd & blu-ray use a blue laser & they are not compatible with each other in standard dvd players but you can play standard dvd's on hd-dvd & blu-ray with no problem & for your last question the answer is yes & no. 1st it's going to take yrs. maybe 7 to 10yrs before that happens because dvd's has flooded the market in every region & is still a universal format & there's so many dvd's on the market from movies to sports & it will takes yrs. to even make a dent in the current dvd catalog & last the format war between hd-dvd & blu-ray could wage on for months or a couple of yrs. or they might co-exsit (for a while) bottom line despite the new formats displaying hi-def picture quality standard dvd's are not going anywhere & they still look & sound impressive.
2006-09-16 09:18:44
answer #1
answered by r.j, 3
I think that you are confused about the use of some of the terminology.
1. All progressive scan DVD players are capable of providing an HD video output. This is because the 3 component video connectors already exist on the back of the DVD.
You should also be using a fiber or coax audio cable, and not RCA type L-R audio cables.
Your statement about a 'regular DVD' and 'HD ready DVD' player is what is confusing.
2. All DVD's that you buy or rent are capable of providing a HD quality picture because they are already digital. The quality may not be as good as the HD statellite channels because the DVD movie was not shot with a HD camera. Less than 1% of movies are.
Check out Best buy's web site. Their is alot of technical and educational information about the terminology.
2006-09-15 07:08:37
answer #2
answered by creskin 4
There *are* such things as HD-DVD players on the market. (Actually, there are two competing HD disc formats--HD-DVD, and Blu-Ray; but that's another discussion entirely).
Anyway, the answer to your question is NO. You can't stick an HD-DVD (nor a Blu-Ray disc) in a DVD player (even one that's designed to "upconvert" regular DVD's for HD TV sets) and make it play. HD-DVD's will only play on HD-DVD players.
In response to Creskin: I think *YOU* are getting a little confused with your terms.
An "HD" quality picture, by definition, is one that's 1080 lines of resolution (interlaced or progressive). DVD's only have 480 lines of resolution at most. There are DVD players that will output these 480 lines progressively (and thus at a higher quality than standard setups), and there are "upconverting," HD-ready players that interpolate the signal into 1080i, but this is still DIFFERENT from high-definition disc technology (HD-DVD or Blu-Ray), which has discs and players that deal in 1080i/p. What you're talking about is NOT high-def. It's progressive scan.
"The quality may not be as good as the HD statellite channels because the DVD movie was not shot with a HD camera. Less than 1% of movies are."
Wrong. It's because the DVD movie was not *MASTERED* in HD. Yes, there are a small number of movies that have been shot in High-Definition video, but that is NOT the issue. Most movies are shot on FILM, which (grainy old films aside) still has a higher resolution than DVD is capable of. In fact, it's even higher than what HD-DVD/Blu-Ray is capable of, it's just that those formats are closer in quality than DVD is.
2006-09-15 07:09:45
answer #3
answered by themikejonas 7
No. It is encoded completely different than the DVDs you've been buying the past few years. You would need a HD DVD player to do so. There is also another new format out called Blu Ray. You should basically wait before buying either to see which one becomes the standard.
2006-09-15 08:28:14
answer #4
answered by sdmf4u2000 5
You cant play HD DVD's on a DVD player, You need a HD DVD player. HD DVD format is lame, Blu-Ray is 100 times better
2006-09-15 11:11:46
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
blueray is the new HD DVD format that is starting to take off
2006-09-15 07:06:27
answer #6
answered by DIRKDIGGLER 5
You sure can!
Before you do though, try playing your CDs on your old record player.
2006-09-16 01:34:41
answer #7
answered by stephen d 2
i dooooooont know
2006-09-15 07:06:09
answer #8
answered by ? 2