Where can I find a place to take them where they won't be killed/? I haven't much time to figure this out, and I've called many places that I have found on the internet, but all are full..... ANY and all help is appreciated....i live in Orange County, CA.-- THANK YOU
10 answers
asked by
shelly h
➔ Cats
we have to move because the owner died and his kids sold the property. I have waited a LONG time to do something with the cats, because it was my hope SOMETHING was gonna work out and we were gonna be able to keep them.BUT UNFORTUNANTLEY nothing has, and we are putting everything into storage, and we are going to a motel.I have 4 children also, plus other cats.IF there was any way to take them I WOULD!!!! MY hope is that SOME WONDERFUL CARING UNDERSTANDING PERSON WILL TAKE THEM. THEY are excellent "people" cats (the kittens are use to people as my daughter holds them ALL THE TIME!!)THEY are also "inside" pets, and are really very good animals.
08:44:25 ·
update #1
I know the feeling. I am going through the same thing. I can't find anywhere that will accept the kittens either. I don't want to send them to just any shelter. But, I just don't know what else to do. It's full everywhere and I am in TX. Good luck
2006-09-15 06:25:37
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I know how you feel. I had to move because of my cats (2), but I didn't get rid of them...I just found an apartment that allowed pets. If that's not possible right now...you might try your local Humane Society. They might be able to help. But if they can't, do you have any family or friends that wouldn't mind keeping them for a while..while you find another place that will accept them? I wish you all the luck in finding a good home for your babies. :)
2006-09-15 06:22:46
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I'm trying really hard to get on my soapbox here, because I don't know the situation. But this is why it is so important to have your pets spayed or neutered.
I rescue cats, and most no kill rescues depend on foster homes, because so many people don't spay, these places are over run with cats and are often filled past capacity.Trust me, all of us in the rescue business are doing the best we can, but if people do not spay or neuter these places are going to continue to be full.
Try posting an ad on petfinder.org, to see if you can find someone to take them in (if even temporarily) and find them proper home.
2006-09-15 08:24:22
answer #3
answered by Nikki T 4
have you tried a petsmart?they take cats so they can adopt them to homes!try to find a place that is no kill this way it can find a home.call the vet and to them your situation maybe they know some shelters that will take them and maybe the vet may have a adoption thing or try a pet store.i wish you the best of luck i hope they all find homes!
2006-09-15 06:29:55
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Gosh, just think...if you spayed and neutered, there would be 5 less lives to go to the shelter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And people wonder why some of us get mad at people who do not spay and neuter!!!!!!!!!!
Even at a no kill shelter, an intact male is goping to have a rough go. He will be neutered, but they will usually continue to spray and that makes them very hard to adopt out.
Next time you get some pets...get them fixed so you do not have to add to the shelter problem.
2006-09-15 06:41:04
answer #5
answered by ARE YOUR NEWFS GELLIN'? 7
first of all get your momma kitty spayed so this does not take place lower back. call your interior sight shelters and Humane Societies. on occasion there's a wait. i will take them yet i'm in MN.
2016-12-12 08:59:00
answer #6
answered by shoaf 4
Look up no-kill humane societies on a google search for your area.
2006-09-15 06:19:32
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Oh boy, another homeless cat family. Why do you have to get rid of them?
I think I know why people repost questions now! Hey, to add details to THIS question, click on "+" button below your question.
2006-09-15 06:12:59
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
try posting it on craigslist or postaroo, put their pictures with your postings so the people will see what they look like and you will most likely get more responses that way.
2006-09-15 06:24:28
answer #9
answered by alicia 1
animal shelter .. or just leave them in a park if thats too full
2006-09-15 06:21:50
answer #10
answered by Anonymous