they arent skilled. why do you think all the polish are taking over the warehouses and factories? they can hardly speak english so dont talk that bollocks with me! i work with a good few of them, they are lazy, never turn up, think the world owes them something and moan about how **** this country is when they do actually bother to speak broken english. they walk around in their shitload mumbling to themselfs in their own language, im sorry but u come to england u speak english! they dont work harder and they get paid the same. actually our wages have been lowered because we work with them, u all think ur funny condoning this.. but just wait til ur jobs are no longer safe. and if u think u can strike for better wages think again because they will just bring over poland to fill ur jobs in. i ahve worked with both iraqis and polish they are all lazy lumpy shits, they play with their own kind and harras the british females like they are all peaces of ****. and when reported to the boss after one of them slapped a girl in the face after she refused to be his boyfriend the boss didnt do anything as they dont want a "racist complaint" on their hands. our country is being taken over and silly fools like u suggesting they are skilled and deserve our jobs are the most pathetic nob heads ever and one day u will realise this but it will be too late. this needs to be stopped and now but no one will stand up and i cant do it on my own. u bunch of shitless mongs!
2006-09-15 08:24:34
answer #1
answered by i hate you all 1
Communism and mismanagement.
The country is not a wreck.
I choose to live in Poland over the UK.
The Poles are very talented people and hard workers.
Its just a matter of time now before it becomes one of the best places to live.
Every where you go here there is building work going on.
Hospitals are being modernised and roads are being upgraded.
The Polish countryside is beautiful and unspoilt.
Poles are skilled because they have had to improvise to get things.
Take a good look at the UK Drugs, crime everywhere.
The medical service here may be old but you get seen and sorted quicker here than the UK.
Why do you think all the Brits come over here for dental treatment?
2006-09-15 06:32:19
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Poland and Polish people were under the rule of USSR for many years, then the unions started to fight the communist bosses.
They are slowly getting better but Poland is a very poor country,
If you were to give a person a pound they could live for nearly a week on it.
Yes like England they have some big fat useless people running the country they get rich but the poor get poorer.
Back to the point if you ask a polish person to do a days work you get a days work, If you ask 90% of young Britain's for a days work you my get half a day if your lucky and all they do is whinge
2006-09-15 19:28:48
answer #3
answered by mushy peas 2
Drive around the Polish country side and you will know why a country that lived under comunist rule for nearly 50 years is 10 years later still a wreck !
2006-09-15 18:33:06
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I live in Poland and the infrastructure is in bad shape mainly due to the neglect under the Communist regime. Some of the roads are like Himalayan goat tracks! For many years, concrete was the main building material because it was cheap, but of course, it decays quickly. Things are getting much better now with funding from the European Union, but there is a long way to go. Don't blame the people, it's not their fault. The money just hasn't been there before.
2006-09-15 06:26:52
answer #5
answered by David C 5
The country of Poland is not a wreck, it really is a beautiful country, full of educated polite people not like here. You must visit a country to see what it is like before trying to condemn it. Its just a pity that the people who ridicule the Poles, don't look in the mirror at themselves, they may then see that there own mouths work much faster than their brains. And yes I am British, of Welsh extraction a Celt a true native of this country, not an Anglo Saxon.
2006-09-15 09:17:49
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
it really is really authentic, yet likely cyclical. With a loose Europe and loose stream of labour, human beings come and bypass each and every of the time for the era of global barriers. My modern experience recommend that quite some the Poles I were given to entice close, have now both lengthy previous or are making plans to go back abode. at the same time, others are arriving, yet not interior an same numbers as 4 or 5 years in the past. all of it comes right down to economics and with the flexibility to earn and keep funds. With the Polish monetary gadget (as well as that of Latvia and Lithuania) now growing strongly, with ever increasing wages, the inducement to leave is now decrease than it develop into, with jobs now transforming into accessible. because the pound sterling has fallen dramatically hostile to the cost of the Euro, any achieveable reductions which the jap and major Europeans can make, have now been demanding hit, because the money they earn the following has fallen in value the international over. Many industries on the decrease end of the salary scale, at the on the spot are feeling the pinch, as their workers leave and bypass again abode. this can recommend that folk from different countries might want to yet stick with; rather from Bulgaria and Romania. There are already a truthful variety the following contained in the united kingdom, and they are frequently all correct, if a touch "stranger" of their approaches than the Poles and different North Europeans. yet another exciting reality, which I easily have not started to be sure each person remark about, is info of many a lot less continental trucks getting into the united kingdom, for an same monetary causes. in basic terms very last three hundred and sixty 5 days, it looked that one in 3 or 4 trucks on the line were from Poland, the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Latvia. Now they look to have disappeared; likely because it really is not financially doable. We now see the traditional Spanish and Dutch wagons coming over; in a lot of circumstances carrying sparkling produce and flora, as they consistently did. So i trust that it has not something to do with authorities spin, yet is fullyyt to do with economics, monetary progression contained in the former communist countries, as well because the autumn contained in the cost of the pound sterling. in the meantime, quite some Brits are fleeing in yet another u . s . a . to flee poverty! EDIT: IDA, not everybody is PREJUDICED hostile to THE POLES, LATVIANS, LITHUANIANS and so on. they seem to be a number of the whole human beings i have EVER MET.
2016-11-27 00:40:05
answer #7
answered by ? 4
Poland is not a wreck.
It has made amazing progress in the last 15 years and deserves to be a member of the European Community.
Many polish people come to the UK and work very hard. They learn our language at the same time. Many have returned to Poland and built their own houses.
Poland has a shortage of plumbers at the moment. If they can earn more in the UK good luck to them. However not all Polish workers are successful:
2006-09-15 09:46:17
answer #8
answered by citizen 2
In case you don't know, Poland was under communist control for about 50 years. This meant that Poland as well as other countries under communist control suffered financially as profits were not allowed to be made. Poland has only been free from communist control for 15 years, but it takes a lot longer than this to bring about a strong and booming economy... eg. the UK - this country did not take 15 years to become one of the worlds strongest economies, it was a gradual and happened over a century!!!
2006-09-15 06:22:34
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Hmmmmmm had a small problem with the Germans in the late 30's early 40's. then the Russians saw to it there would be no progression between 1945 and the late 80's. Let the Poles party! They deserve it!
2006-09-15 14:25:17
answer #10
answered by ? 4
Its a shame so many factories left the u.k for poland,and eastern countries for the cheap labour such as black and decker,eaton axles,etc now all the polish workers are heading towards england for work. how's that work!!!
2006-09-15 06:19:43
answer #11
answered by Anonymous