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and have many children? If I was starving I wouldn't eat and sex all day without a condom..

just me. Seriously though I live on the border and 9 out of ten Mexicans are chubby. does anyone else see the irony here..especially when they call americans fat

2006-09-15 05:58:54 · 23 answers · asked by hittykkiod 1 in Politics & Government Immigration

Nancy they have too many kids

2006-09-15 06:19:37 · update #1

23 answers

Mexicans are NOT starving in Mexico.

Mexico has the 10th largest economy in the world (it's just more inequitable - take that, you liberals who whine that America is inequitable). There are more billionaires in Mexico than in Switzerland.

However, Mexico has a RACIAL problem. The white Mexicans and indigenous Mexicans don't like each other. Politics was, and is, brutal down there.

The Mexican region of Chiapas had a near-revolution 10 years ago waged by the Indian Mexicans. Instead of dealing with a collapsing government, Mexico made sure that the Indians were allowed to move north to the United States.

Now, the indigenous Mexicans are here in the United States and the racist White Mexicans are glad that USA will have to deal with their problems for a long time

Indigenous Mexicans will become political antagonistes, here in America, most likely in the next decade.

Just like America has racial differences (black and white), Mexico has racial difference. It would be as if the United States was so racist it saw off Blacks to Canada.

Remember, the reasons for Mexican illegal immigration is RACIAL/POLITLCAL not a question of hunger.

2006-09-15 06:05:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 5

No. quite some the unlawful extraterrestrial beings are coming north once they have worked for a lengthy time period and gotten adequate funds at the same time to make the holiday, get stuck one time, and made yet another attempt to get in the course of the border. Mexico has jobs.. they don't look so sturdy as a number of the roles interior u . s ., in spite of the undeniable fact that the growers in Southern Mexico prefer to lease Guatemalans because they take care of the freshly picked crop better than Mexicans do. yet a lot of jobs in all elements, in spite of the actual undeniable reality that not in technology, yet those jobs do not exist in Mexico. ------------------------------------ The Mexican, and Guatemalans are coming north because Mr. Bush has not stated he would not provide them amnesty. They nonetheless trust that could want to ensue. more effective, the Democratic party helps the concept there'll be amnesty.. and helps the concept the Dream Act will be exceeded. If the Dream Act is exceeded, the yankee Taxpayer will prepare million of unlawful extraterrestrial beings in this u . s . a . as a lot because the age of 30 i trust.

2016-11-27 00:39:44 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

So thats why we have so many fat people those damn fat mexicans sneaking across the border count too!I say we should dig a moat and fill it with all those alligators they had trouble with after Katrina.Thats right we need alligators on the border.I hate illegal aliens but I love all races surely we can find a solution.I say Alligators.

2006-09-15 08:12:13 · answer #3 · answered by butterflyspy 5 · 0 0

Guess you have not been to Mexico city. They might have a little extra weight but at least they are not fat and lazy. And about the condom issue, go look at your local trailer park and I am sure you will find a fat non Hispanic woman with just as many if not more children.

2006-09-15 06:58:19 · answer #4 · answered by aposadaw 2 · 3 2

You are such a stupid person.

First of all Mexicans are not starving.

Second, please don't tell me the US don't have a huge problem with fat people. My be too many hamburgers, Uh!!!

Third next time you talk anything about Mexico, Wash your f.u.c.k.i.n.g mouth first piece of crap.

I'm sure you must be a big fat *** American woman who surely was kicked in the *** by a Mexican.

2006-09-15 06:47:22 · answer #5 · answered by Alex 2 · 2 3

Yeah good point. You'll get bashed for this one, but, like I've said a thousand times before, they obviously don't live in border states so they have no idea what's it's like. They ARE fat! Look at what they eat.....Mexican food is extremely fattening and they eat it everyday. Combine that with having a baby once a year and FAT is the result.

2006-09-15 06:06:24 · answer #6 · answered by bekkiboo31 4 · 6 5

I completed a count of 2 hundred who were not just fat, but grossly obese. Over a weeks period of time.

2006-09-15 06:23:49 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

You're most likely a redneck who got rejected by a cute Hispanic girl.

2006-09-15 09:28:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Who said they are starving.
The problem is no money to buy T.V.,
magazines , billboards,or newspapers that say skeleton women are attractive.So they love what they have and love them often.

2006-09-15 06:44:18 · answer #9 · answered by desayunogratis 3 · 3 1

let me just remind u that the country that has more obese people IN THE WORLD is the US.

2006-09-15 07:59:41 · answer #10 · answered by My 6 · 2 1

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