Phon numbers , common friends , go-between , an email ,etc.
But , sometimes the other part , got someone or something else in mind . You know a man could love you ; but you got something else in mind .
So , bee cool !
2006-09-15 06:06:01
answer #1
answered by citizen high 6
You sound like a very young woman... don't worry about it because he seems like he likes you, too. When he comes around... ask to speak with him privately, then when you guys are alone... like after school, tell him you like him, too and you like to go out with him again. Be smooth and don't be afraid of his friends... they're just jealous of him
2006-09-15 13:03:43
answer #2
answered by xp office 1
your going to have to get in a power struggle between his friends and you, he's letting his friends get priority over you, I'd just find a way to have aconversation with him and reaffirm that you want to be with him, If he continues to lety his friends get in the way, I'd give up, I know if I'm (really) into a girl, I wouldn't let my friends play that level of an influence
2006-09-15 13:06:37
answer #3
answered by the d 6
Write him a note asking him to meet you somewhere alone. When he does, then you can work out all the details.
2006-09-15 13:01:15
answer #4
answered by Joy 5
1. Stop with the run-on sentences and take a breath.
2. Just ask him if he would like to go somewhere with you, like the movies, or somewhere to eat. somewhere neutral and safe.
2006-09-15 13:01:01
answer #5
answered by Perry N 4
turn your Caps lock off for one. and just flat out tell him. sounds like your rather young...but either way who cares if his friends know...if he's ashamed in front of him forget him. just tell him if you like him and say your answer is yes. he'll get the idea
2006-09-15 13:01:15
answer #6
answered by TheMaverick.The Artist 3
Don't wait until the friends go away, tell him now!!!!!!!
If you guys truly want each other then don't waste anymore time!
2006-09-15 13:00:21
answer #7
answered by lostintheclover 5
You say just what you said just now. If you want something out of life ask for it but becareful what you ask for.
2006-09-15 13:01:16
answer #8
answered by "karma" 4
just tell him that you want to go out sometime if he can leave his friends for a night, good luck
2006-09-15 13:00:59
answer #9
answered by mommyof2 2
Just ask him. Make it public and relaxed so niether one of you will feel like it is a bigdeal.
2006-09-15 13:00:54
answer #10
answered by jasmine b 2