Numerous studies have documented the fact that illegal immigrants are a significant fiscal burden on local communities. Because the burden is related to the low wages earned by this population and that is unlikely to change as long as the earnings do not rise more than inflation, any Congressional amnesty-type action that incorporates these foreign workers and allows or admits additional ones will not only perpetuate the fiscal burden, it will increase it.
Mass immigration is a drain on the economy; even studies claiming an overall gain for the economy from immigration have found that it is outweighed by the fiscal cost to taxpayers.
Mass immigration creates an enormous fiscal burden on American taxpayers.
Mass immigration is displacing American workers by importing a constant flow of immigrants willing to work for substandard wages.
Large-scale immigration is flooding the labor market and driving down wages for everyone, immigrants and native-born workers alike.
Although big business likes to claim that high immigration is necessary for a robust economy, we could easily end our dependence on foreign labor and find plenty of ingenuity and hard workers right here at home.Undocumented
Immigrant use of welfare programs is 43 percent higher than non-immigrants' use.
2006-09-15 05:52:18
answer #1
answered by Yakuza 7
Yes, they would do fine. We can let in the number and precise kind of worker we need, legally. We don't need to rely on those who chose to break our law to come.
All of the jobs they do were done by others before they came. The difference was that our workers made wages that weren't in the poverty level then, because they didn't have competition from cheap, illegal workers.
In addition, we need to limit how many poor can come because even when poor people pay all income taxes and property taxes their taxes are low. The people who are not poor pay most of the cost for schools and health care and other services. Illegals come in for those services as much as for a job, and the employers getting 'cheap' labor are not the ones paying the price. We taxpayers are funding those 'benefits' and our children are paying the biggest price as the drain on education funds degrades education to unacceptable levels in areas where illegals concentrate.
There is an abundance of information on this one the internet, and I'm sure you can find it, if you look.
2006-09-15 06:06:38
answer #2
answered by DAR 7
It's not 'undocumented workers', that's liberal double-speak.
To be accurate, say 'illegal aliens'. As far as impact, driving down wages, driving up taxes, and putting a big question mark on people's future as far as getting a job etc.
2006-09-15 05:59:06
answer #3
answered by gokart121 6
Of course the United States would do fine without illegal aliens. 20 years ago we had very few illegal aliens and the economy was booming - no one said, "what we need are 12 million, uneducated laborers to take the lowest-paying jobs!!!"
The impact of illegal aliens hurts the poorest Americans who were born here.
Many Black Americans are now unable to get jobs to support their families because they are supplanted by illegal aliens who are able to take lower paying jobs but send the money to their home countries where the money is considered to be very good.
2006-09-15 05:47:04
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
St. Michael's hospital in my state CLOSED because of illegals. They bankrupted the hospital.
That happens all the time. This one just happened in my back yard.
2006-09-15 06:10:02
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
They've actually helped the US economy making cheaper products and cheaper labor for employers. And they help pay taxes to the country.
2006-09-15 05:46:07
answer #6
answered by Egroeg_Rorepme 4