For most cases I support amnesty.....For the felons, I support throwing there butts in prison....No social services if granted amnesty and a fine for coming here illegally, sortof like when you get a speeding ticket....Just my thoughts...
2006-09-15 15:42:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Finally a good question!
What is the lesser of two evils? You have enforcement which is costing us taxpayers millions, for a new fence and more border patrol staff. After the illegals are apprehended they are sentenced to time in federal prison, again costing us millions to housed them.
On the other hand, amnesty for those who can qualify for legal status is less costly.
Back to enforcement. Picking up these illegals that are serious gang bangers is a plus. Read about the 18th Street gang, Mexican Mafia, Mara Salvatruchas or Border Brothers. These are some bad donkey mothers, who need to be locked up.
2006-09-15 14:19:07
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Although I am inclined toward enforcement, I don't like the idea of being really cruel to so many people who were only taking initiative to get into a better work environment.
A compromise seems best. Let the people who are already here stay, provided they pay a federal income surtax of like 10% for 10 years.
Ratchet up enforcement at the same time and eliminate minimum wage laws which encourage underground work, tax fraud and immigration in the first place. Let more desperate people here have a shot at cheapo jobs. Nobody relishes the prospect of a $5 an hour job, but if thats all there is, I would like to be legally permited to work at that job rather than have nothing.
2006-09-15 12:52:09
answer #3
answered by Ren Hoek 5
2006-09-15 12:42:32
answer #4
answered by bekkiboo31 4
Enforcement: We cannot simply pick and choose what laws people obey. If we choose Amnesty then we should eliminate All Laws pertaining to immigration because basically thats what Amnesty does. The laws we have on Immigration were placed there for reasons. Nobody wants to see people starving and dieing but The simple Fact is America can only take in so many Immigrants before we start suffering the exact same problems here in America that people are attempting to flee in Mexico.
2006-09-15 13:14:35
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
2006-09-15 12:41:12
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
We have laws that govern coming to this country we need to enforce them. I have no problem with any person from any country coming to this country and wanting to be a citizen as long as he/she follows the process to gain citizenship.
We already did the amnesty thing and that didn't work then nor will it work now.
It is the same as cutting off your arm and using a band-aid to stop the bleeding.
We have a problem we need to enforce the laws that we have to stop the bleeding while we look for a better more permanant solution to the problem.
2006-09-15 12:52:36
answer #7
answered by utg_45 2
Enforcement , 110%
2006-09-15 13:32:39
answer #8
answered by Kitten,Doc 6
Amnesty-schmamnesty. Moratorium-maybe. But only if the power brokers in Washington get off the dime and seal the borders -now!
Easing-up on 'round-ups' while The Fence goes up would give the employers of illegals a chance to break the news, 'Go home and get in line' to illegals and time to find legitimate help.
Valla con dios!
2006-09-15 13:02:47
answer #9
answered by Beejee 6
2006-09-15 12:43:31
answer #10
answered by Sentinel 5