theyre xenophobic racist pigs
2006-09-15 05:14:05
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
That's nice, but the work still isn't being applied where it's needed, and hasn't been for 20 years, or there'd be a school on every streetcorner in Mexico, and the country would be independently wealthy by now. The only 'work' I see is Mexico working its' hooks into our economy in a hopefully irrevocable fashion, and toward perpetual dependency on us, as well.
I just don't care for the idea that we throw billions at other countries these days, apparently at their bidding, with no thought for the future. I'd 10 times rather see a re-surgence of american independence, which is what the country was founded on to begin with, and some good fences to boot.
Mexico's got 110 million people, most of whom could probably lift at least one brick and carry it 10 feet. Well, I don't know how many bricks it takes to build a school, or a shop, or a hospital, but I'm just willing to bet that 110 million would be a Great Start on any of the above. And, Mexico's not alone in having 'many hands', there's a whole list of countries that have more people than ours, and have more resources, even, but no discernible progress. And, what is america, but progress? It's truly amazing that we've tolerated what amounts to parasitism for this long,
but, here we are, watching hospitals close, neighborhoods go downhill, and all kinds of other 'fun', all for the sake of some really weak policy. So, let's not have it anymore. 100% transparency on any foreign aid, good borders, and tangible progress instead of excuses. This is the 21st century, now, not 1950, or 1970, but 2006, a year in which the world's population has now reached a staggering 6.6 BILLION people, a third of which live in abject poverty.
'Poverty' is what happens when the leaders of a country decide that the poor are no longer worth their care, and what's more, poor people make for a great sob-story, too, because you can push the little malnourished kid in front of the camera, while the drug-mobile drives beHIND the camera. Bluntly spoken, we're being played, professionally. So, if we choose to recognize that concept, it follows that some other concepts also require consideration, like pushing for 'or else' reforms in those countries, either they get with the program and spend the aid money we've given them wisely, or no more aid money and no moving in. Sometimes, as with a drunk, curing dysfunction implies leaving the drunk to lay in their own filth until they get the 'picture' that no one is going to come to their rescue and further enable their personal dysfunction. Well, Mexico's just one country that's 3 sheets to the wind, collectively, and they need to sober up, and get with the program. Our country goes 2 billion further in the hole on a daily basis so that we can pay to support countries that won't support themselves? No thanks, gotta vote 'no' on that...
2006-09-15 12:24:11
answer #2
answered by gokart121 6
My tax dollars pay for the government. Whenever they take "free stuff" they are taking money I earned. Illegal immigrants also take my sense of security and fair play, because if they can sneak into the country without any inspection, why do I as an American citizen have to show id when I come in through a legal port of entry and have my bags searched? How do I know that illegal aliens aren't carrying diseases that will hurt or kill me? How do I know they aren't a violent criminals?
They also take away my quality of life in the US. They take away water and fuel that would be going to citizens. They create congestion and traffic making areas overcrowded. They take away school supplies for my children, and make my kids have a worse education. They depress wages for my fellow Americans and stifle innovation by providing unlimited cheap labor. They destroy the culture of where I live and cause politicans to have to pander to them.
2006-09-15 12:34:34
answer #3
answered by Joe 1
when they take from the government they take from me.I pay taxes and I get really really angry when I see what I have seen in my town.I know a women who told me she came to the USA just to have her baby then she got fake papers and worked under them got Wic got foodstamps got a loan from the Bank and started a mexican store.All the time she lied Said she was legal said she was single She lied and got all these benefits meanwhile my sister was having it rough she needed help with childcare while she worked also food stamps because she had a kid and she wanted a loan to go to school.Would Uncle Sam help her no because she was honest and she made a few extra dollars.Now old Maria would of just lied and got the Money but my sister was honest and no good deed go unpunished I guess.Another thing Maria and her husband had a real good side business at the factory we worked at,See he was a foreman,He was Mexican and He used to hire the illegals and they had to pay him 100 or sometimes 200 dollars and he would hire them.I used to wonder why people were constantly giving him money.He was as mean as hell too.He did that to his own people! and he was really mean to the Gautamalons.They finally fired him for beating on them.We dont need criminals in our country and thats what Illegal aliens are.They dont respect our laws.Please dont think Im heartless theres a guy Im pretty sure he is not legal but he is crippled and I really feel for him and give him rides,but I cant just say OK illegals come on in.Illegal immigration needs to stop.I can see why some people are so desperate though.
2006-09-15 22:56:50
answer #4
answered by butterflyspy 5
they take jobs, burden our healthcare system, take financial aid from our government and are now allowed to take money from our social security system and all this without paying taxes. if they want to work and live here then fine with me but they have to also help carry the burden that the rest of us do for the privilege of living here. the process of becoming a citizen may be long for some illegals but it is fairly simple and the immigration department will actually walk you through the process and there is little to no penalties at this time. i think what angers most ppl is that they are working 16-18 hrs a day with no benefits and paying taxes and the illegals are here working the same, making the same pay and getting a lot of government and community services that legal citizens cannot. i don't think its about them coming here its more about whats fair to all.
2006-09-15 12:17:38
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I don't have a problem with immigrants coming to America to make a better life for them and their family.
I have a problem when people come to American and do not do it the right way and be legal.
And then the ill-legals try to get the benefits for legalized citizens.
That's what I have a problem with.
Cuz if most Americans actually thought about it. A lot of our family's did come from different countries. My Grandma came from Polland.
2006-09-15 12:16:38
answer #6
answered by purplejoyv 2
I don't think anything is being 'taken away'.
If I didn't have such a broad view of life, I couldn't say that. I think all humans have a right to the basic needs and opportunities Americans (many) take for granted. I feel defensive about the oppression suffered by one group due to another's desire to 'protect their own'. There are tons of theoretical questions (what if . . .). I have to respond, "what if everybody practiced empathy, compassion and treating others the way they'd lik to be treated?" If conditions (for human and environment) are ever to improve, won't the divisive forces of political and racial/cultural thinking have to change drastically? Now that's being realistic.
Sure I'm bummed to miss jobs because of not being bilingual, but not as bummed as when I look at the big picture, how I'm still ahead of folks I see struggling and worse, really suffering injustice and cold-heartedness.
2006-09-15 12:25:39
answer #7
answered by Zeera 7
If you're referring to the words of outright bigots, just consider the source. Jerks are jerks no matter what country they're from.
If you're talking about the issues surrounding illegal immigration, that's another matter.
American taxpayers put a great deal of money into social programs, health care, and schools, for people who cannot afford to pay for the same. Those tax dollars are intended to help out people who are citizens, or legally in this country, and need some assistance from time to time. Instead, millions and millions go to pay for housing, food, living expenses, health care, and education for people who don't even acknowledge the laws of our country enough to apply for citizenship. Those programs are constantly stretched to the breaking point, meaning that some people who legally live here and need help have to go without because the money is gone.
Our health care system is in crisis, with millions of middle class Americans unable to afford health insurance due to its high cost. And yet, millions of illegal immigrants get free health care simply by walking into an ER or Urgent Care, because the laws of our country say hospitals cannot turn people away if they cannot or do not pay. The rising costs of health care to everyone else are in part to offset that drain on the system.
A lot of Americans get angry about that, then get called racists for being angry.
I don't question that many people who are here, legally or otherwise, from other countries, work very hard. But those who don't do take lot away from us. And, I don't have any problem with them immigrating. I just want them, ALL of them, to do it legally.
Too many people try to obscure these very real issues by pretending that Americans are so wealthy they are just being stingy and mean by taking a stand against illegal immigration, refusing to share the wealth our country offers. The truth is, we're generous people, and as private citzens give away billions in addition to the tax dollars which go to aid other countries. Again, we just want people who live here to respect our laws, and to quit abusing our generosity.
Those who insist that the American economy is dependant on the labor of illegal workers obviously haven't done the math, so that isn't a legitimate argument either. If you add up the billions of tax dollars spent on all of the assistance listed above, then compare it to the money 'saved' by using undocumented workers, you'll find it's pretty much a wash. The money might have to be redistributed, but we can afford to pay legal workers legal wages, even if it means further subsidies to our agricultural industry.
For the last part of your question, there is a real reason for taking a stand in your own country. Thing will never change there if you, and others like you, don't. The USA, and other countries, got where they are today because people were willing to fight, and yes, die, to overthrow oppressive governments. Emigrating to other countries to escape oppression only works as long as other countries are willing to keep letting people in. Eventually a breaking point is reached. The USA isn't there yet, but the current movement to control immigration is the beginning.
I personnally believe our diverse culture and willingness to welcome immigrants is one of the USA's greatest strengths. I would hate to see us close our borders to immigrants because people from other countries continue to refuse to respect our laws, and the resulting backlash from Americans becomes so great that we stop letting people in. I hope some reasonable solutions are implemented, and we can continue to add to the richness of our culure by adding to it from others. And, wherever you hail from, I hope you can be a part of that.
2006-09-15 14:11:27
answer #8
answered by functionary01 4
It is not the immigrants that infuriate me, it is the ILLEGAL immigrants. The ILLEGALS take resources that WE (immigrants included) pay for. The ILLEGALS know how to scam the system with face Social Security cards, taking governental funds that WE (the natural born AND LEGAL immigrants) pay for.
It is really amazing that the issue of immigration is such a hot toppic. It should not be, immigration is fine and I welcom the LEGAL immigrants. The word ILLEGAL is what the true issue.
2006-09-15 12:23:26
answer #9
answered by tg 4
They may work for their money, but if they are illegal, they are taking up resources like health care and our tax dollars are going to those programs. Also, when illegals committ crimes and just run back over the border, it is indicative of them taking advantage. People always say how hard they work, but I would too if the money I was making went straight back to a country where it was worth way more. I don't think it is that we don't want them here, we just want them here LEGALLY.
2006-09-15 12:14:53
answer #10
answered by Fortune Favors the Brave 4
I have nothing against immigrants who are here legally. Illegal immigration is what bothers me. The ones here illegally shouldn't have any rights but human rights. We shouldn't have to justify why they need to go back to their country. If they don't belong here they should go willingly when caught.
What's really sad is when they come here and have kids, and think that makes it ok for them to stay. it doesn't, it makes their
kid an American not them.
2006-09-15 12:14:46
answer #11
answered by NETTA M 3