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2006-09-15 05:10:17 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

Unga Bunga

2006-09-15 05:12:33 · update #1

And whats with there attitude?

2006-09-15 05:14:39 · update #2

25 answers

The Pakis invited them

2006-09-15 05:20:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

Unga bunga
They are not just in Leeds!
And did you see the protest today in front of the Library?Protest against deportation to Zimbabwe!That's ridiculous cause they all come to UK by work permits and then claim asylum for the benefit. And I have been told that by a friend who is from Africa....

2006-09-16 09:40:22 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I am not entirely sure why my self? it is a mystery to me, I was born 240 miles from West Yorkshire in the same hospital my mother & sister worked in also known as the black country like the Black Hills, soyour guess is as good as mine? however that is not the point I want to make, if I could take this opportunity to clear up a misunderstanding to do with a once political chairman now stepped down from office in America, you see where I live some of the African immigrants are always shouting out to me Pito Wilson, it is that once Indian spokes man whose name is actually Dickie Wilson I want to address, first of all the name pito is a sort of Indian name for dick and the aforesaid person in question had nothing to do with Africans, the matter in question is about Indian rights in America''s Pine Ridge Reservation, who was said to have mistreated Indians on Pine Ridge reservation, the whole incident had nothing to do with anyone here in England and involved and I quote: Several hundred Lakota people marched in protest, demanding the removal of Wilson from office. US Marshals were assigned to protect Wilson and his family. AIM leaders and Lakota supporters occupied the town of Wounded Knee, and a 71-day armed siege resulted, known as the Wounded Knee Incident. Two Native Americans were shot and killed and a US Marshal severely wounded during this period. So trying to compare the nick named Pito Willson had nothing to do with the African immigrants here accusing me of being a Pito Wilson, 1, I am not in government. 2, I am not concerned with the immigrants personal issues, and 3, I a believer of the unconventional religion that is not the Lakota though I do hold the Lakota in high regard, so you Africans who are trying to use me as a comparison is wrong, unjustifiable and will not improve their position to socially make a tool of me to better their lies.

2014-11-11 07:14:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

a million. Crime has been going up in England at present even yet it in trouble-free terms rather happens in run-down aspects of massive cities the place gangs rule the streets. 2. you have got a strict license and can't carry them around outdoors your place. 3. the two 4. i'm useful for a flight from Australia to England you have got a individual exhibit. 5. although London and the encircling aspects are rather superb places to stay, it is plenty greater costly in London and the South than the North. I stay in North West England, in a county callled Lancashire, and there is an excellent marketplace city close to me noted as Ormskirk. there's a somewhat new, huge college with many scholars and that's an extremely secure place to stay. even yet it is expensive for the place it is, and the citizens get aggravated approximately all the scholars. 7. There are all distinctive nationalities living the U.ok. - it relies upon on the place in the country. there's a political occasion noted as the British national occasion who've some outspoken ideals, yet apart from that there is are not many issues. 8. Tesco is the main important food market in the U.ok; the different 3 huge ones are Asda (now owned by using Walmart), Morrisson's and Sainsbury's. There are precise-end techniques like Marks and Spencer (M&S) and Waitrose (area of John Lewis). once you're searching for funds supermarkets there is Netto, Lidl and Aldi, however those are not as trouble-free. Somerfield, Co-op, Londis and Spar are nook-keep type supermarkets. There additionally many interior sight supermarkets that are merely in one area. 9. you're gonna choose popular heating, mate, particularly once you're gonna be up North, as in the North it rather is less warm and rains greater desirable than down South. 10. frequently it rather is levels Celcius yet some people opt to apply Fahrenheit. desire this has been powerful, and luxuriate on your stay!

2016-12-12 08:58:01 · answer #4 · answered by shoaf 4 · 0 0

I am don’t want to appear big headed but having a fairly comprehensive knowledge of national socialism from studying political history of Germany 1939 to1945 gives me a fairly qualified personal opinion, which is that I personally do not believe national socialism, of the all the things the Nazi’s hated I can categorize a few, my mother is a red skinned woman being of two races she is a half blood, I am not a white man to look at by skin color, I place religion before politics being a follower and member of native America plains Indian religions well known for their nomadic tribal culture and are one of the originators of the swastika dating back 20,000 years as a religious warrior symbol, I do not believe in national or international dictatorship, I am against racial cleansing, experimentation on the so called lesser races , I am against the sterilization of the disabled, I do not believe in the suppression of non white unconventional and obscure religions, I am, against the destruction of knowledge by book burning, I am against the practice of immediate understanding to the ignorant, I disagree with racial genocide and racial domination, these are just a few issues that the nationals socialists were known for without even mention them braking of the Geneva Convention in POW camps, withstanding the fact the shouting siege hail comes from an ideology that does not allow for immigration which is why their doctrine is a national one the list is endless, there are atrocities committed by the Nazi’s your people could not possibly imagine because you are not read on the subject, so when I hear someone shouting out you cannot get a siege hail all I can think of is how much of a travesty of stupid hypocrisy this is, a non white immigrant disrespecting me for not being a Nazi and not getting a siege hail as they say, it’s a joke to me not funny ha ha but funny that because the British and allied forces fought the Nazi’s so you would have the right to travel to any country you wished, the whole fundamental basis of national socialism is white and the exclusion of non whites, so an immigrant/asylum seeker black Nazi wanting to get a siege hail is ridiculous since the Nazi were born to eradicate all non white races from the planet earth labeled and human burden. like the Catholic I do not believe in the political fascist approached, I am now at the stage of WTF do I have to do to get you fascist loving dickheads of my case, marry a Slavic or Gypsy or Jewish woman? Er if that would work yes, the fact of the matter is I am not a Nazi and do not believe in politics, any swastika you may or may not have heard associated with me though art is purely and 100% of American Indian origin and thus used in it’s true context which is not politics but religion and I do not mean Buddhist No, even though I do know of the southern east Asia originating contribution to the swastika , so quit trying to get me to accept your obsessing political hailing No.

2015-01-01 04:33:07 · answer #5 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Because they don't realise there are better places than Leeds, the best signpost in Leeds is the way out.

2006-09-15 10:09:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Its like me saying,

Why is South Africa full of white people? Its an African nation after all.

Why is America full of White people? Its natives are indians

Why is Canada, Australia full of White People? Its natives are Aborigines.


2006-09-16 00:51:45 · answer #7 · answered by Mr curious 3 · 0 0

I'm an African & I hate Leeds...its full of West Yorkshire folk!

2006-09-15 06:41:57 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

i think it is a mixture of reasons
firstly there may well be an immigration centre there, where there applications are processed
there is a large centre of education
also there are countless housing estates, probably making it easy to house them should they require it
the living is slightly cheaper there
it is a vastly multi-cultural city, so living there they wouldn't stand out or feel different
and perhaps, its just that, as the old saying goes...birds of a feather flock together!
would you choose to move to another country, then live in a place where there is only one of you, OR, live where there already has a gathering of your own culture?
but maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree, who knows

2006-09-15 05:30:20 · answer #9 · answered by Kerrie-anne 2 · 2 1

Yes because Bradford is full!!!
Have a nice weekend

2006-09-15 05:45:13 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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