2006-09-15 03:37:40
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Did you know that right now, per the Fed, US wages are the smallest percentage of gross domestic product since 1947?!?
What do you think that means to the 'rich get richer - poor get poorer' dichotomy? And the rich don't care about our schools or affordable healthcare, because they go to private schools and specialists, in any event.
Why do you think Cesar Chavez was so against illegal immigration?
If our workers have to compete with the poorest of the entire world, there is no way our workers can maintain a decent standard of living. The cheap wages are subsidized by Americans who pay for schools and benefits, while the wages go to the home country of the illegal, as well, hurting balance of trade. Which by the way has also just been announced to be in a crises state.
No. Subpoverty level wages are NOT in the best interest of this country, and illegal immigration and mass legal immigration both lead to the result of subpoverty level wages.
If they are working illegally for less, no they aren't entitled to anything at all. They shouldn't be here.
2006-09-15 11:44:20
answer #2
answered by DAR 7
As long as someone qualified and legally allowed to work is willing to do the job for a price, that is the value of the job.
If you wanted to buy a CD and one store was selling it for $12.99 and another one was selling the same item for $9.99, wouldn't you go to the store that had the lower price (all other factors being equal)? It is the same thing with an employer. They will hire the person who will cost them the least.
2006-09-15 10:39:42
answer #3
answered by fire4511 7
No they don't deserve it more but money is the bottom line in these things. Maybe come up with a good line in interviews that makes you irresistable but don't talk about money in interviews. I'm in California and that happens all the time, certain groups work for less and certain jobs that used to be unionized no longer are for that reason. It's just a sad state of affairs.
2006-09-15 10:39:07
answer #4
answered by Linda 2
That may be true when all things are done FAIRLY. It is not FAIR or LEGAL to hire a person in this country illegally at a wage lower than the LEGAL citizens have become accustomed to and which LAW dictates. It is ILLEGAL to pay a legal AMERICAN citizen below $5.15 per hour. Our economics are not the same as Mexico's. Our citzens were getting more for the same jobs before illegal immigrants came here. THEY should NOT even be competing with citizens for those jobs to begin with. By illegals being hired it lowers our wages overall.
*DEPORT illegal immigrants
*CLOSE the borders
*NO amnesty
*NO exceptions
**Since illegal MEXICANS and OTM illegals are in our spotlight AND this is the immigration category, we all know who you are referring to.
2006-09-15 11:00:41
answer #5
answered by «»RUBY«» 4
No...what qualifications are required and who is most qualified?
Are the applicants illegal?
Pretty much sums it up....
I have a mentally handicapped son who is willing to work for nothing...does that mean he should get the job?
Your question is designed to create sympathy for the "poor, downtrodden illegal"....
Legal Patriotic Americans are not buying the mehhican propaganda anymore.
Bet I don't get picked for best answer.......:)
2006-09-15 11:21:10
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yes. But then how will I make money for my out-of-work self?
I'll have to charge less to compete with new undocumented prostitutes. And go horizontal more times each day to make up the difference.
And I'm a little on the fat side, so most customers aren't willing to pay much anyway.
2006-09-15 11:36:32
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Sometimes circumstances dictate that we take whatever pay we can get. That doesn't mean anyone deserves it more than another.
2006-09-15 10:34:30
answer #8
answered by beez 7
Illegal immigration is a crime, and as soon as the border fence gets built, we'll start seeing a lot better enforcement.
2006-09-15 11:49:17
answer #9
answered by gokart121 6
It is not a matter of who deserves it, it is who is willing to do it, then you deserve it more.
2006-09-15 11:09:44
answer #10
answered by yes, it's me 2