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why does an object when moving in speed more than its centripital force on a circular path moves opposite in the direction of the center of that circle

2006-09-15 03:13:07 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Science & Mathematics Engineering

4 answers

Current thinking is that only centripetal force (inward) is a true force. Centrifugal force (outward) is but a reaction to centripetal force.

All mass has something called inertia. One of Newton's laws says that anything with inertia will stay at rest if already at rest or will move in a straight line if already moving, but if and only if some external force does not alter that state of motion.

So when you swing an inertial "body" around you using an attached string, for example, that body is moving and it wants to move in a straight line. But your string continually pulls at that body (the centripetal force); so, according to another of Newton's laws, there is an equal and opposite force (centrifugal force) tugging on the string. [See source.]

2006-09-15 06:14:30 · answer #1 · answered by oldprof 7 · 0 0

It is due to aliasing. Aliasing occurs when something is not sampled enough. In this case the wheel is spinning faster than our eye can read so our eye views the wheel moving at a slower frequency. This causes the affect of the wheel looking as though it is moving backwards. The site below should give alittle more insight.

2006-09-15 18:17:57 · answer #2 · answered by DoctaB01 2 · 1 0

certain, there is, and it really is intently self sustaining of the load of the motor motorized vehicle. even as the motor motorized vehicle is vacationing up the hill its speed relative to the line (say 65mph once you're on the line) is composed of two vector factors: one horizontal and one vertical. the length of those 2 vectors relies upon on the incline of the hill (the steeper the hill, the smaller the horizontal aspect and the better the vertical.) even as the motor motorized vehicle reaches the precise of the hill it includes a residual upward speed. This speed on the on the spot starts off to decay as a results of acceleration from gravity. If the upward speed is decreased to 0 till finally now the shocks attain their complete extension, the motor motorized vehicle received't bypass away the floor. even if it really is smaller, the shocks will improve completely and then the motor motorized vehicle will bypass away the floor. an same type of magnificent judgment holds for the transition from the precise of the hill to the downward section, diverse than that the motor motorized vehicle needs to income a downward speed equivalent to the cost at which the hill drops away. again the pressure that produces this downward speed is gravity. The acceleration from gravity is 9.8m/s^2 for all products in the international's floor, regardless of their weight. p.s. - there's no such ingredient as centrifugal pressure. it really is in easy words an expression of inertia (the "residual speed" in my rationalization)

2016-11-27 00:26:58 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Due to centrifugal force

2006-09-15 03:20:06 · answer #4 · answered by rags 2 · 0 0

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