erm.... you sound like a bit of a racist... try living in their countries and see where you'd rather be...
2006-09-15 02:11:51
answer #1
answered by jonti 5
If the UK took back all the people that originated from the UK i.e. Canadians, Australian, South Africans, Americans, New Zealanders, Namibians etc.... that left the UK and Migrated elsewere back into the UK, the population of the UK would exceed 500 million people. The current UK population in 60 million. So what do you prefer, a population of 500 million white people or a population of 60 million mixed background people??? Remember, its not one-way traffic. White British people also immigrated elsewhere to countries (named above). Countries like America, Canada, Australia, Newzealand etc belonged to the Nativeswho were Black Aborigines and Indians. Now they have been made the minority in their own lands. But you don't hear them complaining do you. A lot of people don't know History wich is why people tend to make racist comments. If you want to know why there are so many Asians (indian origin) and Black people in the UK, read up on THE BRITISH EMPIRE AND BRITISH COLONIALISM. You will learn that many asians and black people were first bought into the UK by force as they were British colonies. They had to Fight for the British during WW1 and WW2, and even after the war, they were not allowed back to their native country. Educated people WILL NEVER make racist comments.
2006-09-15 11:38:22
answer #2
answered by Mr curious 3
i couldn't agree more-and no i am most certainly NOT a racist. but people are forgetting is that we are only an island-we can hold so many people and thats it (although it won't sink don't worry). sooner or later there is going to be an explosion everyone is going to want his bit of land. and with all these different creeds and religeons it is a recipe for disaster. our welfare state is collapsing- the nhs in turmoil. i have no objection to receiving deserving cases but now its getting out of hand-the wage structure is on the verge of non-existence because ethnics are coming here and saying to the companies "why pay an englishman £250 a week to do that when i will do it for £150-and still get benefits" (i know family men who are prepared to work cannot get a job because of it for love nor money-its scandalous). and everytime we speak out we are "racist". now we have muslim extremists telling us "in 20 years the flag of islam will fly over ten downing street"-not in my lifetime it won't-the mickey is being well and truly taken here and its this softie labour government thats at fault. margaret thatcher would never have allowed this to happen.....................nb further to answer by mr curious-a very knowledgable and creditable response-but my argument is not with the ethnics who have been here for generations and made britain their home-my argument is with what is happening now-the albanians/kosovans/slovaks etc.
2006-09-15 11:34:42
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I quite agree with Martdfrog. If they are here to contribute, I do not care what their technical status here is.
I know a few foriegners here working. They are just like us. They tell jokes, enjoy some of the same music we do (like all of us they all like different genres, i.e. folk music is the favorite of one), they miss thier friends and families, they go shopping, clubbing, and they travel on vacation when finances will allow it. And until I met these guys, I was positive chivalry had died out.
These guys I know are here legally on H2B visas (temporary work visas). Most of them went to college. One even went to law school. A lawyer in their country makes about $500 a month. He's currently making 2-3 times that at the local McDonald's.
If you were them, what would do?
2006-09-15 10:34:17
answer #4
answered by Bri@NSU 1
Of which contry are you from???Im Irish and have seen some drastic changes of immigration in Irelad..World government's use the excuse of that person or people can offer a country new way's of running a business or they might be qualified in a construction provesion....These are only excuses hiding the truth the truth is that every one want's cheap labour,and no better for a foreighn person to work fo a pack of peanut's.Immigration is a global concern worrying many and will only get worse...
2006-09-17 16:08:33
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The issue of gaining access illegally needs to be dealt with. My opinion on this is that any person wishing to live / work in the country should be welcome. Providing that they pay tax, abide by our laws and generally bring something positive to our country.
If they gain access any other means they should be sent back at the other countries expense.
Lets face it our country has been a mixing pot for different cultures since time began. You just need to look at the East end of London as an example, in recent history we have had immigration from eastern Europe at the turn of the century, Jews, Afro-Caribbean, Indian / Pakistani, and now Eastern Europe once again. These people bring diversity, colour and in general an excellent work ethic with them. They tend to go were the work is and usually that work is something we would not want to do!
I for one would not wish to pick potatoes in the rain for minimum wage, but I bet our Farmers are glad to be able to get labour at an affordable rate.
The simplistic way of looking at this for me is that if I wish to emigrate I should be able to do so, anywhere. So if people wish to live here by all means bring there culture with them, but integrate into out society and remember the oportunities that have been given to them, and be greatful for them.
2006-09-15 09:44:59
answer #6
answered by martdfrogman 3
Just an observation. Why are all the calls to ban immigrants and burn Muslims accompanied by such poor spelling and grammar?
If you can give me one single example of an island sinking due to overpopulation with immigrants, I'll happily retract all I've said.
Give me polite, intelligent immigrants working in the service industries in the UK, rather than surly, unwashed, ill-educated natives any day.
2006-09-17 09:11:34
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It is so sad that people keep posting this racist bile on yahoo answers.
UK historically made up of immigrants e.g. Norse, Romans, Normans then of course people fleeing irish potato famine, and persection (nazi's and other atrcoities)
More people emigrate than immigrate, need to balance it.
many who come have a lot to give, skills.motivation, ensuring enough people here for future pensions bill, business, investment etc, etc
Should Spain/Greece/Cyprus/etc stop letting the Brits go over who keep to ex-pat communities, don't integrate and buy up loads of properties?
Get a life saddo!!!!!
2006-09-17 17:10:25
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
what country are you from? they probably congregate together because that is human nature, but it may be like it is in my country, canada; the government puts them straight from the plane to social housing; ahead of citizens who have been waiting YEARS for affordable housing
the community i live in is 67% immigrant/new canadian and it is a challenge to not become bigotted. but i remind myself that it is the policies of my government which makes it possible for people to take advantage the way they do. i hardly blame them for continuing to take advantage of any and all systems; we all do this
what annoys me is that the latest wave of immigrants, particularly the Muslims of the middle east and Africa, have come here with the full intention of retaining their communities and not joining ours. they do not support this country financially, spiritually or by participation in the broader community. there are of course exceptions to this rule, but by and large the Muslims seems set on maintaining their own exclusive group. this is counter to everything Canada has come to be about in the past thirty years, and it is creating a lot of tension that would be present even without the events of terrorism
so if you want to know why immigrants do what they do, ask yourself also, what does your government have to say about it?
we have a canadian icon, a travelling singer named "Stompin Tom Connors" He sings a brilliant song
"Good bye June and Jackie, God bye Phil and Dave,
sure hope you enjoy living in the USA
and when you stand up and salute their flag, you'd better make it wave or they'll send you home a packin; this is what they'll say
"if you don't believe your country should come before yourself, you can better serve your country by living somewhere else."
the only reason first world countries are strong is because of the cohesiveness of their populations; if we keep allowing people to stay who are not committed to their new home, we are going to lose the world as we know it; there will be no first world anywhere
we wiill be reduced to the lowest common denominator and that would be truly shameful
i wish immigrants could be more sensitive to the fact that when they move in large groups to new countries, they are changing the face and the culture of that country. An immigrant from Somalia, or Kuwait, or Iran, etc. can at least go home. I can only go home in my dreams. My home is gone forever/ replaced by my government's desire to be politically correct rather than politically wise. If people want to move to my country, they should be prepared to be full pariticipating members in my society, or they should expect resentment.
2006-09-15 09:28:58
answer #9
answered by soobee 4
Like most minorities they tend to go to places with established populations. In a sense they feel protected, they have an immediate community in a new land.
They flock here because of proximity, attitidudes, established population, and most of all opportunity. They don't recognize the strain they put on our nation, just like most immigrant haters don't recognize the basic reasons they come (generally so their kids have a better life).
2006-09-15 09:25:50
answer #10
answered by ? 3
I hear what you are saying, and sort of asked a similar question, its very worrying, especially when I think of my grandchildren and their prospects. However, have you ever thought, that if you are to trace back your ancestry, you are more then likely to be related to an immigrant at least in four generations, I know many that are! Like it or not.
2006-09-15 10:31:47
answer #11
answered by SUPER-GLITCH 6