Well, dave, that's because it's an inflammatory statement, meant deliberately to incite. There's a fine line there, keep dancing on the 'happy' side....
Mexico's got issues, for that matter so does our country, and the solution on a lot of em in both countries is...hard work. Construction-type hard work, like building the hospitals, schools, stores, roads etc. necessary to help Mexico thrive as a country, which is what they're after.
So, what's wrong with this picture? In their minds, apparently, it is now america's 'responsibility' to bring it all about FOR them, which is just plain 'not right'. We've dumped literally BILLIONS into Mexico thus far, yet the illegal immigration doesn't even hiccup, instead moving faster and faster.
I really hope that the House's approval on the fence wasn't just a flash in the pan...but rather the foundation for some real change on the issue. It hurts mexico too, believe it or not, to have all this illegal immigration, but it's profitable and so it continues.
Ultimately, though, both countries need to be more independent of each other. That's not rocket science, that's just common sense. NAFTA etc. worked, sort of, but for something like that to REALLY go, the people themselves have to be committed to reforms, and last I heard, there's a left/right battle going on for who will lead Mexico. Sadly, the 'conservative' guy that won, he's all about pushing more mexican citizens to the US. Gee, I wonder what the 'liberal' guy had planned?
Mexico's got what it takes to be successful and stand alone.
For that matter, so do we. But out of laziness and convenience, and 20 years' worth of cooking time, we have what we see now.
That doesn't mean it has to STAY that way, just that we need sound, well-reasoned reforms on handling illegal immigration, and the border as well.
2006-09-15 05:08:08
answer #1
answered by gokart121 6
Ive never had or seen lice,what do they do to the body ?
Ive heard about lice but I thought it was only in your hair
Using that analogy I could comprehend your question,I guess.it does sound offensive to be compared to that .
Perhaps you offended say hundreds of people and they filed a violation ,Yahoo doesn't read all the violations,I think they just give them out if there are a number of complaints,not just 1.You would think that in a free country you could say what you like,but Yahoo has certain guidelines to follow.
If you oppose the illegals that come here that's OK I think ,but you didn't specify ,you just said Mexico so you got violated by people from Mexico.
I don't agree with your lice statement but I do oppose the illegal immigrants that are flooding the southwest .
2006-09-15 01:31:22
answer #2
answered by Yakuza 7
Yes. Think about it. If you want to offend someone, just go ahead and say what you want. Especially in an answer. All Yahoo does is remove the answer. By the time they have removed the answer, you have already accomplished your goal of offending them. Just don't get TOO NASTY.
2006-09-15 01:33:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Only if you're anti-illegal. If you are a pro-illegal you can say any filthy thing you want to about any person or race, harrass, impersonate, stalk, use obcene language, filthy phrases, you name it. All the abuse reports are a waste of time on them. They are still here.
2006-09-15 02:05:18
answer #4
answered by «»RUBY«» 4
I did know that. One other thing I know is that this is a statement that violates at least one of the guidelines here. This statement is not true by the way.
2006-09-15 02:46:38
answer #5
answered by Buzz s 6
There have to be some boundaries. Makes me somewhat confused at how some have gotten away with their obscene post. They have been reported, but the question remains.
So you have to wonder....who is screening the "reported" and what is their mindset?
2006-09-15 01:39:19
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I think your statement is accurate...talk to some of these pro-illegals in 10 years when our country has regressed to 3rd world mentality because our government is not doing the job they took an oath to do.....
2006-09-15 04:51:08
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Ah, but you can be certain that someone was really offended by it. You have got to watch what you say and how you say it so you get your ideas across without coming off as "stirring up the animals" (to quote H. L. Mencken)
2006-09-15 01:20:54
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Because you are promoting hate, prejudices and bigotry; you can't spell, and because you're an ignorant and immature bore.
2006-09-15 02:10:15
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
this is probable led to by employing trolls. This deleting gadget is computerized and the trolls recognize a thanks to manage it. this is achieveable u might want to have a stalking troll (or trolls) who browses all of your questions and falsely comments them to get them deleted.
2016-11-27 00:18:17
answer #10
answered by ? 4