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Reason I'm asking this question. I ate like a pig, the day before I had like 11 meals. I was so full that I said I'm not going to eat anything tommorrow but only drink water the whole next day. I did this...and on that next day I felt so energetic and light I couldn't believe it. That was after not eating nothing at all the next day (fasting). It was like my body was still using the nutirients from yesterday's meals? Is this the reason or is it more to it than that? Also, does this help improve athletic performance and just overall good health doing this? It feels extremely good to my body when I fast the next day after eating like a pig the day prior. Maybe it's body psychology (Physiology) or something.

2006-09-14 07:39:29 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

5 answers

11 meals! that is alot of energy to consume...it has to go somewhere...the energy the next day...your body isn't working to digest all that plus new food...it is burning the intake from yesterday...

2006-09-14 07:49:40 · answer #1 · answered by Angelfood 4 · 0 0

Every year my church goes on a 3 day fast...no food or water. And some people have more energy than others. Last year I had more energy than I ever had. I'm telling you...its a mind thing. If you put your mind to something and leave it alone, anything can be accomlished. Now as far as being more athletic, food speeds up your metabilism so fasting probably won't improve your atletic ability

2006-09-14 14:51:23 · answer #2 · answered by Shapoo 1 · 0 0

I don't know about all of that but the main reason would be u r cleaning ur body of the toxins from all the refined sugars and carbs you just stuffed in your face the day before.
Some refined sugars and carbs are actually really bad for u!!!
I guess you are starting out like the anorexic people or bulimic people be careful how u diet it may come back to bite u in the @ss!!

2006-09-14 14:51:14 · answer #3 · answered by wolfpack0810 4 · 0 0

Because the process of digesting food requires energy. Eat a lot of food, you expend a lot of energy to process it. If, like you said, you ate a lot the day rpior, then you'd be pretty tired from all the energy going to the processing of the food, then all the processed food turned into the energy you had available the following day.

2006-09-14 14:49:40 · answer #4 · answered by krodgibami 5 · 0 0

I think its the water!

2006-09-14 14:42:15 · answer #5 · answered by klumzy 3 · 0 0

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