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her eyes leak a greenish yellow goo, and she donesnt open them all the way. is there anything i can do to make them better? besides washing them?

2006-09-14 06:36:39 · 17 answers · asked by sharon t 2 in Pets Cats

17 answers

sounds like an eye infection, you should get her to the vet.

2006-09-14 06:39:07 · answer #1 · answered by macleod709 7 · 2 0

It's greenish? It could be an eye infection that will require an eye ointment to cure. If she has other symptoms (such as stuffy nose, disinterest in food, lethargic) it could have a number of other causes that should be checked by a vet (cold, upper respiratory infection, distemper). Is she vaccinated? Eye infections in cats are not all that uncommon and can easily be taken care of by your vet, but if they are not taken care of properly, I have seen cats lose an eye over it.

The fact that you said it was a greenish/yellow discharge is the reason I think it might be an infection. Usually if it's just regular eye goop, it's not colored.

2006-09-14 13:44:57 · answer #2 · answered by Lunasea 4 · 3 0

Greenish goo is definitely a sign of infection, so get her to a vet. To help her out in the meantime, wipe her eyes gently with a warm, clean washcloth or paper towel.

2006-09-14 14:40:11 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

use a warm wash cloth and gently get the goo out. but make an appointment at the vet and don't clean the eye that day so they can culture that if need be. it souds like conjuncivitis, chlamydia, feline herpes there are a number of possibilities, get her to the vet and you'll be able to get this all cleared up for her

2006-09-14 14:16:36 · answer #4 · answered by cat expert 2 · 0 0

This IS an eye infection. You will need to treat with antibiotics. You may be prescribed terramycin, tabramycin, gentacin....or any number of drops or creams. You must however GO to the vet to get the prescription. You cannot treat this effectively without antibiotics.

2006-09-14 16:13:45 · answer #5 · answered by Jaded Ruby 5 · 1 0

My cat doesn't have a tear duct in his left eye, so he gets goobies on his face too. You're best bet, just to be positive that its nothing serious is to go to the vet. And if every-things OK, just wipe his face off. I use a little toilet paper. In the beginning he didn't like it too much, but he's us-to it now. :)

2006-09-14 21:02:32 · answer #6 · answered by yourpoisongirl 1 · 0 0

Got the the vet, especially because it's a kitten. Colored mucus is usually indicative of infection, and kittens are particularly susceptible to life-threatening illnesses. She needs meds, and soon.

2006-09-14 13:52:05 · answer #7 · answered by MornGloryHM 4 · 1 0

If the discharge is colored in the way that you mention it is a sign that there is some kind of infection and I think you should definitely run this by her vet to see if there is a treatment for it.

2006-09-14 13:56:42 · answer #8 · answered by old cat lady 7 · 1 0

Take her to a vet to make sure she doesn't have some kind of infection that needs tending. Other wise just use a warm washcloth to moisten then wipe away the gunk.

2006-09-14 13:44:14 · answer #9 · answered by limgrn_maria 4 · 2 0

you need to take her to the vet and get prescription eye drops green yellow discharge is a sign of infection and needs antibiotic drops

2006-09-14 15:44:04 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

wipe them off gently with a warm moist cloth. then call your vet it sounds like an eye infection. keep her eye clean in the mean time.

2006-09-14 13:51:21 · answer #11 · answered by rose45 3 · 0 0

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