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I have got something to translate, I do not understand what is meant by "Monkey broad". the context is about cranes and derricks and so on. The sentences are:

"There is not much room between the block and the monkey broad. "

"Pull pipe with hoist In a smooth and safe manner. Caution do not pull elevators past fingers or monkey broad."

2006-09-13 23:48:41 · 1 answers · asked by Translating... 1 in Society & Culture Languages

1 answers

Looks like you got an instruction manual printed in China (or Texas)?
The only word that would make sense to me in this context is "Monkey Board", which is a slang word which started in the transport industry, and is now mainly used on (oil) drilling platforms: The monkey board is where the derrick man works while 'tripping' pipe.
Official explanation:
"A small or narrow elevated platform on which a person stands (to operate a vehicle or machinery, or to perform other work).
While early in its history monkey board referred to a conductor’s place on wheeled vehicles such as buses, trams, and trolleys, it is now in common use on oil-drilling platforms and also appears in other industries. More or less synonymous terms, often used in a nautical context, include monkey bridge, monkey island, flying bridge, and flying gangway."
From http://www.doubletongued.org/

2006-09-14 07:54:35 · answer #1 · answered by Marianna 6 · 1 0

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