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2006-09-13 21:41:02 · 12 answers · asked by cattreesea 1 in Arts & Humanities Performing Arts

12 answers

The same can be said about the universe by those of us that believe in evolution, as can be said about god by the religious people.

It has always been there.

No beginning, no end. Kind of hard to comprehend, isn't it? From either side of the debate, both are mind boggling.

**** EDIT ****
Steve N, I just have to comment on your answer to this question, sorry bud! You say that it did not start from nothing but from a previous universe which condenced and then another big bang.

You are not answering his question. While I have heard this theory many times and continue to believe in it myself, he asked where it all began. So, the universe that existed prior to our current one began in the same way. If you went back trillions of years, you would find that this is a never beginning cycle, as strange as that sounds, but it has just always been this way. Would you agree with that? Please edit your answer and let me know, I'm very much into this subject and enjoy hearing peoples views on it.

****EDIT 2****

Sorry, couldn't let that just pass... God created everything, ok, I called that one, and I suppose if I asked whoever said that where god came from in order to create everything ... I would get the exact same thing I stated above, right?

2006-09-13 21:43:23 · answer #1 · answered by iswd1 5 · 0 2

There never was a nothing, and I've explained this a few times in answers now so feel free to hunt through my answers to seek the answer. I will probably do and add to my 360 too because it really does simply explain how there never was a nothing. Sometimes to find the most complexed of answers we have to look at the question in the most of simplest of ways

So, if you don't want to go hunting through my answers then go to my 360 soon because I definately got to add in there. My 360 explains a lot about time, how Christ fills time, fibonacci numbers and how they create 12 hours of the 24 hour clock-reflection creating the other half and really about how time and electromagnetism produces energy=life. I can't explain like the scientist because I am just me (LOL) but I can in art then point things out for at least some understanding to show how we are everything and everything is one
Quite a mad theory really, all from dreams but does hold a lot-including mythology

2006-09-14 04:55:39 · answer #2 · answered by WW 5 · 0 1

It didn't come from nothing. It came from the previous universe that was condensed down to the size of a pea then -bang- it started the cycle all over again. This universe will eventually stop expanding and start condensing too and repeat the cycle over and over.

2006-09-14 04:45:16 · answer #3 · answered by Steve N 3 · 1 1

I wasn't there but you may ask God............

It never came from nothing. There were gases and rocks all floating and one day suddenly God thought that it was all looking very chaotic. So He converted it into a neater place called the Universe :)

2006-09-14 06:19:32 · answer #4 · answered by Tarishi 1 · 0 0

it didn't.

our universe, in 3 dimensions seemed to come from nothing. but actually came from a 11 dimensional universe. which would allow for things to appear and disappear quite happily.

yes, this allows for monsters under your bed as well...lol

2006-09-14 04:45:11 · answer #5 · answered by blu joose 2 · 0 1

well God took a little bit of his nothing and mixed it with a little bit of nothing from over there, then he add some more nothing from down there mixed it well and added some more nothing from up over there gave it a good shake and press doe we had an earth and stars and moon and a sun with clouds and a sky with many sorts of animals.

Sound good to you?

2006-09-14 04:46:47 · answer #6 · answered by LVieau 6 · 0 2

don't worry about stuff thats above your pay grade.

2006-09-14 04:43:38 · answer #7 · answered by viper 3 · 0 1

I was not there so I can not tell.

2006-09-14 04:47:47 · answer #8 · answered by Arka 1 · 0 0

This is going to take me at least an hour to type up although I have typed it up before I am going to specially type this up for you my friend. (Sighs)
The big bang theory is wrong. I am not saying this out any sick brainwashing religion. (Which you are assuming in.)
The big bang theory is a theory based upon assumptions of contraction and expanse that has been going on for infinity.
When questioned, "What is before the big bang"
we blow it off our chests and assume another big bang.
Well first of course what is the big bang.
The big bang is the theory of all matter starting from a center point of matter.
Let's not assume what's before this since we are looking at this direct theory as it happens.
One big ball of gas.
Isn't that a star?
Yet bigger.
What about black holes???
Oh I forget scientist left them out of theory and didn't tell any one.
A black hole is a star that is so big it collapses under its own gravitational pull.
Yet the big bang didn't do this?
Now since you assume the circulation of all gases in the air is happening at the time of the big bang.
There must be gravity given off by this mass, that pulls in the gasses.
That's where that little thing called a black hole falls in place.
Now since I do know if you are a skeptic of black holes or not I will pursumling gone on to prove to you they exist.
All though you should know this already asking such as profound question.
A black whole is formed when light can not escape the gravity of the star.
For instance when you jump on earth you can get away from gravity so perfectly that it lets you jump.
No imagine light not being able to get away from the gravity of the celestial body.
That means now that even matter is getting sucked into this hole.
Like a vacuum cleaner sucks up dust.
Finlay this "vacuum" pulls hard enough to make it so
light and TIME can not escape it.
Scientist also forgot to mention this to every one.
Time is a base of particles.
With in space time exists.
That's why your hand can move through space, because atoms that make up time exist to let you move as you wish.
Now since time is particles a black hole even sucks them in.
Here's one of the amazing things moronic scientist over looked.
What happens on the other side of this black hole?
Simple a vacuum has its container.
Since particles through this black hole are being ripped apart to a singularity right on the other side of the black hole is something I call "The still ness of space."
Imagine no particles in time being able to move. All there is is still ness.
Imagine no particles around you as we speak, then there is no movement.

Now lets throw this into the big bang theory which I persistently seemed to have lost a foot hold on.
When you think of time as infinite, you must then think of it as never ending.
This means that space is never ending.
Which in turn would mean the universe is never ending.
To believe that the universe is never ending is to believe that there is no farthest star, there is just one after that farthest star and so on.
And if this is so there is no reason for a singularity to take place in eternity of space.
For instance, if you put a dot on a piece of paper
that is not even how big the (Not so) big bang would appear in the eternity of space.
The fact is "if" the universe is infinitely full of space the big bang would have never occurred as a point of singularity.
There would be many big bangs all around the infinite universe.
The universe is infinite, but the space time continuum is limited.
There fore if you want to state the universe started at point of singularity (big bang) you must also believe space is not eternal.
This being said the universe must have a boundary of time its self.
Leading to the edge of the universe which is the stillness of space.
Lets say you start with a point on a piece of paper then you have the universe, which its empties is eternal, just the edge of it is non moving space.
So now you can place a point on a piece of paper and put a circle around that point.
Anything out side that circle has no movement. The outside existence is the stillness of space.
Take a second and think about what I just theorized.
It it alot to understand when reading in full.

So now on that piece of paper exists a circle with dot in the middle.
At the end of the circle exist the stillness of space.
IF we have stillness what also must we have?
When we reach the dot in the middle of the universe, space and time are much faster here.
It is the start of the universe.
When we move away from that point of singularity, time particles slow down.
Now we go past are planet witch with in it time is moving as it is now.
Then we go to outer planets of the universe, where time is moving very slowly.
Instill you reach the stillness of space.

How did this movement start at this point of singularity?
How did the universe all began from with in the entire stillness of the universe?
Well what's there when there is nothing?
There must be something that started it all.
Every action has a reaction~ Even time itself.
The leaf lays on the ground instill the wind blows it away.
Let's throw God into that little problem of ours
Dang we can't get any but 1.
Lets say god know how to change 0 into to something.
This would mean he know from nothing, how to make something.

What is GOD?
He is eternal....
Well if he is eternal why did he suddenly make us so many years ago?
If he eternal, he would of made us trillions and trillions of year ago.
That's all there is to it.
That's why I know that I am not from a God that made the universe.

Christians believe in a heaven where their God is.
If God is eternal why not just make us in heaven?
It only makes sense.
Why walk out of his eternity to make something that is going to die
although if it is good enough be able to exist for eternally.
Why not just make life eternal and good??
Hell there is no reason, no matter which rational way you want to put it.
God is coming back????
Why would he then put us here in the first place.
If he is just coming back to save us believers any ways??
There is no reason for God to do that.
There is no reason for life then.
So god for no apparent reason came out of heaven made something able to die, and is coming back to save this something from death, with out there being a purpose for us to exist.

So that butts out the christian (human making) God from my head, obviously, from any rational persons head also.
Now you are left with once again the where does the universe start from?
I can not imagine, what started the universe.
I can only assume something gave it the matter to exist, unless matter is eternal.
Which it is not since all light has it source.
As all stars have their source of light.
Since nothing but time exists in clear space, and we don't see universes starting in front of are vary eyes, there had to be a start.
And I am going to end it like that.
Since the questions is obviously answered by presuming ever action has a reaction.
There has to be a main God out there, but I think that we have blown him out of proportion in today's society.
I believe there always had to be something jut like Wendy above me states.
The god of humans is a totally different assumption.
Let me just say when sitting on the toilet every morning, I realize no all knowing universe making God put me here to crap on a toilet.
And since there is no missing link between me and my cat or me and an ape, there is now way I am going to believe in evolution.
Although I could on for hours how evolution makes no sense when saying we evolved from a monkey that survived from getting killed from all the other predators is just dumb.
Since a monkey can easily get killed by a lion, we should of evolved from lion.
That is just bolder dash.
Only living intelligent design would create.
And since we can create, should we not we be created in the first place.
It gives me a reason for human existence, then go to heaven or chance or random actions.
Creation of higher beings.
What those beings are is an incomprehensible questions.
This is going towards in idea for a book since it is 4:40 am I am going to bed, and rewriting this corecctly whenever.

2006-09-14 06:19:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

beats me , ask God

2006-09-14 04:53:56 · answer #10 · answered by Blue Shadow 2 · 0 1

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