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I know cutting is a bad thing, that's not what I'm asking. I just need reasons not to do it right now. So list all the bad things about it you can thing of. Besides the whole emo/attention seeking judgemental thing because that's just annoying, and reading it makes me what to hurt things, which kind of totally defeates the point. And I'm writing too much. But the point is that I need reasons not to cut myself because I know I shouldn't do it but I want to and I can't think of any good reason not to do it. And that doesn't even make sense. But please?

2006-09-13 20:54:11 · 20 answers · asked by Ellie 1 in Health Mental Health

20 answers

Germs, germs, germs!!!! Any cuts intentional or accidental are a haven for germs! Think of all of the disgusting bacteria that is out there just waiting to get in you. EEEEWWWW!!!! Flesh eating bacteria? Is that what you want?? Stop IT! Just thinking about the germs, bacteria and virusus that can enter an open wound-even the smallest ones- creeps me out. You can stop this habit by educating yourself of all of the weird things that are just waiting for an opening. Do you know that if you have an open wound from cutting that while you sleep a common house fly can lay eggs and create maggots on your skin?? STOP IT!!
If you have to cut anything, cut paper...make postive shapes that make you happy, but stay away from your skin. It's volunerable enough. Sun, Wind, Humidity, Ozone, weird-o nail people mixing fungus.. EWWW FUNGUS!!!! EEEKKK....

2006-09-13 21:16:28 · answer #1 · answered by meowzer mix 2 · 0 0

A girl I used to work with was the worst cutter I have ever seen. She started off small, then after a while she would cut any part of her body, not just superficial cuts...they were deep...very deep..it became a way of life for her She is 27 now, she started cutting when she was 14. The last time I saw her was about 12 months ago. She was walking around with big staples around her neck...she had cut her throat....it looked absolutely dreadful. Her whole body was scarred from head to toe...she was a mess. She looked like Frankenstiens monster and I dont mean that to be horrible...it is the truth....she had so many scars that you could hardly see a smooth part on her body. Maybe if she stopped the cutting earlier there would have been hope for her, but the way she looks now no man would be interested in her. The rest of her life is going to be spent alone and the only friend she will ever have is whatever sharp instrument she can find. Nine times out of 10 the cuts she used to inflict on herself used to become infected and she would end up with pusy bleeding wounds.

I am not exaggerating...this is a real life story....she started off small, but kept on going and this was the end result. Such a sad sad case.

2006-09-14 00:22:19 · answer #2 · answered by rightio 6 · 0 0

I think everything's been said already but I'll reiterate if that's what you want: You may end up with stitches, in the hospital, or even dead! You can easily misjudge the depth of a cut. Just because it hasn't happened yet don't think this can't happen to you , it CAN! You can end up with nasty scars, years from now you will really regret that! You could end up with serious infections. Furthermore, cutting can become habit forming, like an addiction, and from the way you talk it sounds like this is likely true for you already. The longer you do this as a coping mechanism, the harder it will be for you to stop. Take control, and use this opportunity to try some of the tactics people have posted to help you through. The urge WILL pass. It will be hard at first but be strong. The link below has some tips that may be helpful when you feel like cutting. Good luck!

2006-09-13 22:16:51 · answer #3 · answered by St. Louis Girl 3 · 0 0

Hi Ellie: Because God put you on earth for a purpose. If you cut yourself, does that release the pain you are in? How old are you? Are you unhappy most of the time? Have you done this before? The way you write, I imagine you have. Take a long look in the mirror while you have the blade or object in your hand, and then ask yourself, "what if I cut too deep and hit an artery and I bleed to death?" Do you really want to pass out and have your family find you dead on the floor? Cutting is not the answer as I am sure you know. I have worked with many girls like you in the hospital. Does your parents know you do this? Can you talk to someone who can refer you to get some help and be put on meds? If you can't talk to someone right now, then pick up the phone and call the crisis hotline. Phone number should be in the front pages of the phone book. Or call any hospital and they will talk to you and have you come in to talk and get help. You have your whole life ahead of you. When you get older, you will look at those old scars every day and have the reminder hit you all over again of what happened. It is not worth it, trust me. There is hope for everyone in life and don't hurt your body. It is your friend and it counts on you to be its friend too. Good luck and if you want to talk, please email me anytime. Please talk to someone in your house and have someone take you to a doctor today!!!

2006-09-14 00:26:46 · answer #4 · answered by Jude 2 · 0 0

Yes your right cutting is bad and the other things that people do to themselves all under the name of cutters are for the same reason.
I don't give advice so I'm going to try and help you with the CHOICES you have.
First we will get straight it's NOT an attention getter.although it might start out that way only if YOU are willing to do it to yourself.
So the first choice is realizing it's you.not the blade the knife or whatever you use to hurt yourself with,I use the word hurt bbecause thats what your doing only you probably feel much different when your actually doing it.
Knowing it's bad and looking for reasons NOT to do it is a good start.
I don't know what reasons you expect to find but if you made the choice to realize that it's you and how you feel inside the reasons will soon become clear.
the two top reasons I know are low selfesteem and intence or not so intence dislike for ones self thats what enables US to hurt ourselves in all sorts of ways.
If you choose to think about these things(reasons) you may find that when you feel bad you want to do it,when you feel happy or when your not feeling at all it's still the same.
I think I would ask myself,Who is living in this body I'm cutting up?
I was very good at covering my own low selfesteem and dislike for myself so I went on for years hurting and abusing my body.
So here's another choice,you are not crazy,stupid.an attention getter or any of that,I believe you have some emotional problems that CAN be solved,your choice is to do something about it.
I suggest if your still at home try telling your parents if you can,if not and your in school,a favorite teacher if you don't have one of those the nearest clinic but this will take proffessional help,nothing to be ashamed of,where I live I think we all go to the same place!
Anyway the pleasure of life is in your head,please let it come out and enjoy your journey.
Good luck

2006-09-13 21:57:08 · answer #5 · answered by writerfour 3 · 0 0

Cutting is painful...but besides that you could end up in the hospital, dead, tetanus, and the scars will last a very long time. How would you explain that to your kids? Or to an employer? Don't be stupid Cutting yourself is only a temporary fix to your problems. I used to cut also but I cut myself as self punishment. Attention seeking is mostly why people do it but sooner or later you are going to regret it later in life.

Don't be emo.

2006-09-13 21:09:19 · answer #6 · answered by tattoomeats 2 · 0 1

When I want to cut, i try to think about what an inconvenience it is, like "if I do it - sure ill feel a million tI'mes better but then i have to go down to emergency, wait for hours, get put down by all the health care "professionals"who make you feel like a stupid attention seeker, then they may or may not want me to stay the night, its just such a big pain in the ***. and quite frankly - im really lazy - id rather harm myself by eating really bad food or cutting the yellow pages.

2006-09-13 22:21:31 · answer #7 · answered by antibim 2 · 0 0

I had a paper cut once on my finger. Dang, those things can really hurt. I poked a hole in my knee and blood was everywhere, yuck. But, it not hurt like that darn paper cut.
That would be a good question for someone to ask; "Why do paper cuts hurt so much"?

2006-09-13 21:03:17 · answer #8 · answered by Snaglefritz 7 · 0 1

Who is the cute little girl in the Pic?? Stop cutting for yourself and her- there is risk for infection- it hurts- it causes scars, it makes openings for disease to enter, - it can be a control issue to tick your parents off and emotionally and mentally harm them- the want makes sense to me- it puts you in control- control something that won't hurt you- sounds like a good idea- be healed- take care D

2006-09-13 21:05:47 · answer #9 · answered by Debby B 6 · 1 0

Yes, you're an attention whore. Yes Counselors can tell the administrators anything you say. You are underage so anything you say to anyone can be reported to the authorities or your legal guardians if they feel you are a danger to yourself or others.

Why should I care whether or not you cut yourself, you obviously don't. If you want anyone else to care about you, you must first learn how to care about yourself. Until you can learn how to love and care for yourself you are just an animal to be pitied. If Pity is what you seek, then continue on. Slice and Dice. Because that's the only emotion you will ever receive. No one can love you until you learn to love yourself.


2006-09-13 21:08:17 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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