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Im a christian, i believe Jesus was my savior and we were all created by God. However i also belive that God is a wonderful and Caring savior, in being so i cant possible see how he could condem a good person just because their faith lies somwhere else. So why cant we as christians just accept others and vise versa? Other religions are all about the same basic principles of love toward each other and faith in a higher power, so why cant we just look at the fundamentals and work toward a common goal of piece? People already twist religios documents around to fit thier particular needs and i guess this (to some) will seem no differnt, but why cant we all just accept 1) peace 2) caring for one another 3) the willingness to let others believe whatever they may as long as it doesnt involve killing or bashing others for there beliefs? lol i know this seems really stupid and WAY oversimplified but, well....One can always hope right?

2006-09-13 20:17:18 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers


1. how did you come to the conclusion that god is a loving and caring saviour? is it because you WANT to beleive that or have you seen somehting that no one else on the planet has seen?

2. christians cant and wont accept others because they beleive, as their bible states, we atheists are fools and do no good deeds. and we should be stoned to death. obviously atheists cant get along with a religion or followers of a religion if their bible or scriptures tell them to avoid us like the plague...oh...and kill us too.

3. peacr will only be attained when we all see each other as equals.weve gto a long way to go before we see any true worldwide peace.

i agree with you on many things, i also want peace...world peace...but i seriously dont think its obtainable righr now. perhaps in a few ...hundred years...

2006-09-13 20:19:05 · answer #1 · answered by johnny_zondo 6 · 3 1

Those three premises were the basis for founding this country...I'll never depart from my faith; but I'll also not FORCE others to believe or give a false "ceremonious" conversion under duress. This was Rome's doing throughout her first bout of power and to lesser extent some protestants in Europe made the same error. Christianity is the only true religion if practised the way the Bible says. NOT EVERYBODY can be a Christian...it's God that decides..not us. Saying the words to a magical "sinners prayer" doesn't make a person the " chosen of God" or saved. God will not be mocked or forced into accepting those that He hasn't chosen.
Thou shalt not kill also means thou shalt let live.
Doesn't mean I have to have fellowship with others; just means I shouldn't harm them. that in itself is loving your neighbor; but, don't forget to feed them when they're hungry also.

2006-09-14 03:26:13 · answer #2 · answered by Kenneth 4 · 1 1

I'm a Christian also and feel the same way. I think some Buddhists will get to heaven before some so called Christians. I believe Mohandas Gandhi was asked about Christianity once and he told the person that Christianity is a wonderful religion based on love for all people, too bad I never met one. I don't know if he really said this, but it sure is true.

2006-09-14 03:26:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

the problem i have experienced is that twisted religon beliefs or ones that are run by people who have their own personal agenders actually make a mockery of the church and its beliefs.
it ruins peoples lives, all these things in turn makes it hard for everyone to save the unbelievers, sealing their fate, unfortunately we must make a stand against this because, if what we see is wrong and allow that wrong to continue it makes us more guilty before god than those who did the wrong ignorantly in the first place!

2006-09-14 04:32:07 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I feel the same way. If we do that, No one will have anything to bicker about. It would be boring. There is always going to be a conflict about religions and Difference of opinions. Trying to make the whole world view the same way will never happen. Its a dream.

2006-09-14 03:26:58 · answer #5 · answered by PROLADY 3 · 0 1

yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus..

sorry , but to play the devil's advocate....even if everyone believed in the same faith...whichever one ...that doesn't matter....

people will still be people...that is...capable of evil , hatred, murder, war, rape and pillage, etc etc etc etc

religion is just the current excuse to butcher each other...
at one time or another, it could have been nationality, wealth, nobility, water rights, grazing land.......
people being "human" seems to be the essential problem
unfortunately, no convenient "conversion" possible with that-at least for now

2006-09-14 03:28:32 · answer #6 · answered by Gemelli2 5 · 1 1

We can all rally behind and act on those principles, indeed.

The one problem with your argument is that if you accept Christ as your savior, you know that Christ is THE savior, of everyone.

God does not condemn good people. God offers a free gift of salvation, and those who do not choose to reach him through the one Way are separated from his grace...and what he does is permit them the dignity of their choice and allow them to remain separated from him.

2006-09-14 03:21:20 · answer #7 · answered by Gestalt 6 · 2 1

Primarily because fundamentalist Muslims & Christians consider anyone who does not share their particular beliefs to be wicked & evil.

The likelihood of convincing fundamentalists to accept other people as equals is zero.

2006-09-14 03:43:45 · answer #8 · answered by Left the building 7 · 0 1

god bless u
I am a muslim and i am ready to accept every one belives and religion
we -the people- whatever is our religion (Islam-christianity-jewess.........)
we should work to gether to make our world more beautiful and peaceful
we all worship one god and belive in one god
god has created us equalized soo all people are the same
we-as muslims-consider the other people as our brothers we don't hate people and we only fight the ones who fight us

2006-09-14 03:53:49 · answer #9 · answered by pal_guy_h 2 · 0 0

Hebrews 11:1
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

2006-09-14 03:24:17 · answer #10 · answered by sendmedaisies 3 · 2 0

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