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Some say that it refers to Islam & others that it is the Papal Authority and the American State, that is two extremes, as many Islamic practioners say that the USA is the devil's power whereas many USA residents and 'allies' think the opposite way.Plz give facts to support answers.Many thanks.

2006-09-13 19:54:56 · 8 answers · asked by Sam 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

8 answers

The little horn (Assyrian) is given power by the big horns (Assyrians) too rule. Read Rev: The 10 horns are 10 countries. They split into 2 legs. There is 5 countries on both legs. Your Antichrist "false messiah", will come out of the left leg. If you know the 5 countries on the left leg, you can see what country "he" is coming from.

BTW: all 10 are in the NEW E.U. now. The 5 countries on the left leg, is in fact..Islamic countries. yes.

You will find the Assyrian (Antichrist) in Malachi.
*good Q*.

2006-09-13 20:12:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

Beast in Scripture continuously signify kingdoms and their kings. The beasts in Daniel signify the Holy Roman Empire. those comparable beasts take place lower back in Revelation, this time they are all rolled into one. the comparable countries that are in Holy Roman Empire are actually united because of the fact the ecu. The little horn which you notice in Daniel is often refered to because of the fact the antichrist. the guy who would be a international political chief on the tip of the age, and could be an element of the unholy trinity, alongside with the beasts and the fake prophet.

2016-12-12 08:10:02 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The little horn speaking great things is the antichrist. I don't particularly go along with the antichrist being the Pope or President Bush.
It says the antichrist will tear 3 horns (powers) out of the beast.
Which means he will take 3 kingdoms over by force.
I tend to think these will be economic kingdoms. Like North
Atlantic Trade Alliance, and other economic blocks that will be formed like in South America, Africa, Asia, etc. Not that these
blocks are evil themselves, but as it says. The antichrist will
take 3 over by force. And then the others by manipulation.

2006-09-13 21:12:46 · answer #3 · answered by Tegghiaio Aldobrandi 3 · 0 1

Let ‘s look at what the little horn of Daniel, who is the beast of Revelation 13:11, who is the scarlet colored beast of Revelation chapter 17, who is the false prophet, will accomplish -

Of the ten horns/kings of the fourth beast, he will subdue three (Dan.7:24).

He will wear out the saints of the most High, and the saints will be given into his hand for 3 ½ years (Dan.7:25); he will destroy the mighty and the holy people. (Dan.8:24).

He will occupy the Pleasant Land (Jerusalem) (Dan.8:9), sitting in the temple of God showing himself that he is God (2 Thess.2:4).

He will take away the daily sacrifice, and by him the place of the prince of the host’s sanctuary will be cast down (Dan.8:11).

He will have Satanic power (Re.13:12), as does the first beast (Re.13:2).

He will honor a god whom his fathers knew not (Dan.11:38).

He will cause that no one will be able to buy or sell without having the mark, the name, or the number of the first beast. of Revelation 13. And he causes that anyone who does not worship the image of the first beast, that they should be killed (Re.13:15).

He, too, comes out of the bottomless pit (Re.17:8), as does Satan, and as do the four beasts of Daniel chapter 7.

The little horn will not honor the God of his fathers (Dan.11:37).

His god will be a god of forces, the great city Babylon, and he will deck her with gold and precious stones and pearls (Re.17:4).

He will magnify himself in his heart (Dan.8:25, Dan.11:36-37, 2 Thess.2:4)

Pat (ndbpsa (c))

2006-09-14 12:57:41 · answer #4 · answered by BibleProphecyOnTheWeb 5 · 0 0

the little horn according to my knowledge is indeed the anti-christ!!!-however there is alot of suspicion to who is the kingdom is that will represent the anti -christ,i believe very strongly that it is indeed the USA!!!!!,with the help of a few other countries they will achieve there goal 'one world money system',and as we can all see nowadays things look very good for somthin like that to happen!!!!!!. i mean bush is a freemason right,your whole goverment is full of those!!!!!, The 'cult' is satanic thats a fact!!!your country is probaly the strongest world power known to man,that's a good thing for the devil to use because there is so much power and influence that he can use,and that is exactly what your goverment does "they like to dominate situations,issues etc that occurs in the world today"there is so many things pointing towards the usa that y'all might be the one, it's not even funny man!!!!!!

2006-09-13 23:58:28 · answer #5 · answered by BRIKZ 1 · 0 1

Chuck Missler website has great eschatology info. His favorite book of the Bible is Daniel. Haven't listened to MP3 in awhile so I don't remember.

2006-09-13 20:00:36 · answer #6 · answered by darlndanna 3 · 0 1

Significance of the Interpretation
The vision described in Dan 8 may be outlined briefly as follows: The Persian ram appeared in the vision first, conquering to the north, west, and south (vs 3-4). The Grecian goat with its principal horn came on the scene of action next. By defeating the Persian ram it became the dominant power in view (vs 5-7). After reaching this position, however, the principal horn of the goat was broken and four horns, extending out to the four winds of heaven, came up in its place (v 8). Commentators concur that the contents of the vision thus far are relatively straightforward, since these four horns can be identified readily with the four kings, and the kingdoms derivative from them, who divided the empire conquered by Alexander.

The interpretation of the next main element in the vision is more controversial. Another horn ("a little horn") which came either from one of the four winds or from one of the four horns appeared on the scene. The attack which this horn launched was not directed so much against other beasts or kingdoms as against God's people, identified here as "the host of the stars" (vs 10, 24). It was also directed against God's work of redemption in the form of the tamid ("daily") and the temple (vs 11--12), and against God's principal representative--"the Prince of the host," "the Prince of princes" (vs 11, 25).

Daniel then heard two heavenly beings discussing what he had seen. One asked the other, "For how long is the vision concerning the [tamid], the transgression that makes desolate, and the giving over of the sanctuary and host to be trampled under foot?" The answer given was, "Unto two thousand and three hundred evening--mornings, then the sanctuary shall be cleansed/restored" (tr. mine).

Crucial to the interpretation of Dan 8:9-14 is the identification of this little horn which was to do all these things against God and His people. In their attempt to identify the little horn commentators have applied the methods advanced by the preterist, futurist, and historicist schools of prophetic interpretation.

Preterists are committed to the view that the majority of the prophecies of the book of Daniel have already been fulfilled and therefore have no significance for the present day. Thus they hold that the little horn rose from one of the divisions of Alexander's empire. They conclude that the activities of the little horn unmistakably point to Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Futurists generally follow this line of interpretation also. In addition, they see Antiochus as a type of an end-time Antichrist who is to arise in the final years of earth's history before Christ's second advent.

Historicists, on the other hand, declare that the prophecies in Daniel portray an outline of human and ecclesiastical history and the story of the struggle between good and evil down to the end of time. Since a flow of history appears to be involved here, especially when this chapter is cornpared with the previous one, the historicist holds that the little horn represents Rome--pagan, papal, or both.

Just as there are three main identifications for the little horn, so three main applications have been made of the time period referred to in this passage. Preterists have proposed that the 2300 "evening-mornings" should be interpreted as 2300 individual morning and evening sacrifices, or 1150 literal days. These should be applied to events in the career of Antiochus IV Epiphanes in the second century B.C.

Utilizing the day-for-a-year principle, historicists have held that this datum refers to a period of 2300 years which began sometime in the fifth century B.C. and ended in the nineteenth century A.D.

As a type of the work of the final Antichrist, some futurists have applied the "evening-mornings" as literal evenings and mornings, or 2300 days, which they claim have not yet begun, because the final manifestation of an Antichrist belongs to the future.

How is this prophecy dealing with a sanctuary to be interpreted? Preterists claim it refers to the purification of the temple in Jerusalem which was polluted by Antiochus in the second century B.C.

Since the earthly temple was destroyed in A.D. 70 (and this prophetic time period extends beyond this datum), historicists see in it a reference to the temple in heaven. As the principal representatives of historicist thought Seventh-day Adventists have understood the cleansing of Dan 8:14 as a reference to the heavenly antitype of the cleansing of the earthly sanctuary which occurred in ancient Israel on the Day of Atonement. Since this was a day of judgment in Israel, the antitypical cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary has been interpreted as the time for a pre-Advent investigative judgment of God's people.

This position is quite different from that of the interpreters of the futurist school who hold that during the final seven years of earth's history a literal temple (to be rebuilt in Jerusalem) will be polluted by an Antichrist. It will be cleansed or restored when Christ comes and puts an end to his nefarious reign.

These three views on the interpretation of the various elements in Dan 8:9-14 may be summarized as follows:
This brief review of the various interpretations, as proposed by the three main schools of prophetic interpretation, makes it clear that widely varying conclusions concerning the nature of the events predicted in this passage of prophecy have been reached. Of particular importance in this study is the nature of the event which is to occur at the end of the 2300 days.

If one follows the first school of thought, the prescribed purification was all completed before January 1, 164 B.C. If one follows the second line of interpretation, it refers to a judgment going on now in heaven. This has not yet happened, according to the third view. When it does, events in Jerusalem and Israel will be involved. Considering the magnitude of these differences in interpretation and the importance of the events to which they refer, it is evident that these verses in Daniel need to be carefully examined. They demand our closest attention.

In order to properly evaluate the passage dealing with the little horn in Dan 8 it is necessary to understand it in the context of the book. This is because the prophecies of Daniel parallel each other to a large extent. Consequently, a sound procedure would be to examine the prophecies of chs 7, 9, 11, and 12 where they are relevant to the discussion.

2006-09-13 19:56:48 · answer #7 · answered by Adyghe Ha'Yapheh-Phiyah 6 · 0 2



2006-09-13 19:59:59 · answer #8 · answered by Juble 3 · 0 2

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