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I am a christian and i dont hat anyone, ever under any circumstances. I go to church every sunday i participate in community acctivities. a common miss conception is that christians hate gays, but that is not true either. The way i look at a homosexual person is the same way i look at an adulturer im not going to hate the person that is cheating on their wife, but im also not going to hook that person with other women so he can continue. the common misconception is that all christians hate others, but it seems that the only christians that hate others are the ones that make on television. this frusturates true christians, because its a constant internal battle.
i would say that most athiests or people that just arnt christians dont believe because of christians that they have seen on television or even had words with. these are the "holier than thou" christians who believe that everything they do is justified because they are christians.

2006-09-13 19:04:36 · 34 answers · asked by twinspick22 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

christians seem to be the only politically corect group to hate these days. and it by people that think they know my religion, but they dont, i have gay friends who i love, and they know that im a christian, im not perfect either i sin just as bad, so if all christians hate sinners then they should hat themselves right.

2006-09-13 19:16:52 · update #1

bordomstrikes, i forgive them, but i also believe that people dont hate for no reason, people hate christians because of their expierences with christians, Jesus was the ultimate lover, he loved sinners of all kinds from adulteres to prostitutes to the deamon possesed.

Let me clarify something i have been taught hate by christians, by my parents, by other christians, but never in a church service, and never from the bible. I have made up my own mind not to hate.

2006-09-13 19:24:27 · update #2

watersmoon, i like your answer, christians need to resolve this inner conflict of hate breeding, a christian shouldnt have to say the're a christian at every turn, people should be able to tell that somethings different about this person. to me thats a true christian is someone who doesnt have to say "im a christian and your going to hell" but someone who lives a christian life, full of love for his fellow man, and for God.

2006-09-13 19:36:17 · update #3

34 answers

Just like not all Christians hate those who are different from them, not all non-Christians believe that Christians hate everyone.

It is a vocal minority (of both groups) who makes the whole seem one way. If you are an open-minded Christian, or at least a less hateful one, you can help to show others that not all Christians are like that. Don't just speak out against the non-Christians who believe that all followers of your religion are hateful, speak out against the hateful followers of your religion.

Edit: and maybe you wouldn't be getting so many thumbs down if you didn't compare people who are attracted to people of the same gender (something which they can't control) to people who choose to sleep around on the person to whom they have pledged to be faithful to for the rest of their lives.

2006-09-13 19:17:29 · answer #1 · answered by WatersMoon110 3 · 6 0

i guess I in basic terms discover it impressive that you're conscious that some Christians are fairly offensive, easily you've said their comments on youtube and YA... and yet you nonetheless see the Christians because the victims the following? some human beings hate Christians because Christians were merciless or impolite to them their entire lives. maximum folk do not 'hate' Christians, yet are more effective than prepared to leap into the again and forth arguments. It is going both approaches, how do you bypass over that?

2016-11-26 22:34:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am a Christian, and I do feel that Christianity, even through its teachings about loving thy neighbor and everything else, does seem to give off this aura about hating every little thing about every little person. I'm also gay, and I find it to be an increasingly disturbing battle with myself because the tenets of our faith disagree with the person God created me to be.

But you're also quite right that the "holier than thou" Christians do a great deal of damage to the face of Christianity.

Eh...all that matters to me is that I don't hate anyone because of a label. What people think of this group that I'm a part of doesn't matter to me.

2006-09-13 19:21:08 · answer #3 · answered by Doug 2 · 5 0

I don't think that Christians hate everyone, but the Bible does advocate bigotry, bigotry toward anyone Else's beliefs that are not their own. Teaching people to believe that others that don't believe in God the way you do goes to hell is hateful. Teaching people to go out and tell others that if they do not take Jesus as their savior then they will go to hell is hateful. I don't know how else I can get this across, people believe in other things just as strongly as you believe what your believe, so when you tell people these things about going to hell because they don't believe what you do they take it as a personal attack. It just that plain and simple, try to put your self in other peoples shoes.

2006-09-13 19:16:58 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

Because some self interested and blinckered preachers
says that HE is the only way to salvation, an idiotic and
arrogant approach throughout the history of Christianity.
In the name of Christianity, the injustice , torture,
destruction and killing of cultures perpetrated on earth
is unparallel in the world history.

2006-09-13 19:17:57 · answer #5 · answered by nomad 4 · 4 0

You may not hate anyone, but you do support a church that has hated everyone who is different for 2000 years. And you aren't doing anything, so they stop it. So you're an accessory to your church's hatred. BTW, for my opinion of Christians I'm not guided by what I se on TV. I'm guided by what I see in real life. I know better than to buy TV stereotypes.

2006-09-13 20:23:54 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

You just said everything that I have wanted to say. I have that same question. I feel betrayed by the Christians who don't at least try to be Christ like or those that say one thing yet do the opposite. They give born again, holy ghost filled Christians a bad name. Even the radical ones with no boundaries need to check themselves. I'm zealous but know what's appropriate and what is acceptable in Christ's eyes. You're not alone. God Bless!

2006-09-13 19:13:34 · answer #7 · answered by Joaquindsey 1 · 0 3

My friend, I would like to clarify something here,......if a Christian is hated by none Christians it is exactly what Jesus said to rejoice in....
we are no longer natural but supernatural which makes us for lack of a better word "a different species" ,.....our light shines so brightly that when the unbelievers look at us it is as if we are putting a mirror up with a bright light added and it makes them feel uncomfortable from their natural "safe" sinful darkness that they are so used to and want to be left alone in,......but their reflection makes them see the ugliness that they bare they become offended at you the one with the light and mirror that you shined on them,.....so my friend be of total and unconditional love when you shine,..... to all people,..... and the ripe ones will respond to you with questions and may even ask to be led to this wonderful source of light and love of Jesus,......... about the others that are not ripe you can just talk to God about how you would love to see them in His Kingdom as well and trust in His timing, you did your part in unconditional love and planting the seed by telling God of that person's importance.

One thing I try my best is to never take things personally, it is not about us it is about Him, our Lord ......when we don't take things personally we have a healthy non-judgmental glow that will attract the ripe ones to us so that we may further the work on behalf of the Kingdom of God.

God bless you and much love

2006-09-13 19:56:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

No, i don't think that. But I do think that part of the resentment comes from the perception that regular christians don't seem to be speaking out enough against the more radical members of their group. It's percieved as consent by silence.

2006-09-13 19:11:43 · answer #9 · answered by spindoccc 4 · 7 0

People tend to generalize group of people because of their past experiences they've encountered with them...

It all depends on the person's individuality...

most Christians call themselves "Christians" but it doesn't show with the way they talk, act, go to places, do everything...

It's not good to judge people...
and it doesn't feel good either when people misjudge you...

2006-09-13 19:23:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

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