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i am a brand new christian and at the moment i am trying to tell the good news to my best friend and trying to help her come into a relationship with jesus... but she is really into the whole tarot card and astrology stuff... she really wants to know why christians think it is wrong... what is a good seeker-friendly way of explaining it to her?

2006-09-13 19:02:05 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

ATTENTION: mb3698 and cactusbed
I would like to see my friend in heaven when i get there...

2006-09-13 19:09:42 · update #1

PLEASE NOTE: i am not trying to bible bash my friend... i only bring up the topic if she asks me first. i am very against bible bashing...

2006-09-13 19:12:23 · update #2

21 answers

Hello, and welcome to the family of Christ! Okay, as I understand it, your question has two parts. The first part was 'why is it wrong to use tarot cards?'. The reason it's wrong is because God forbid it, and also because it opens the door for demonic activity in a person's life. When one seeks the aid of demons, it's like an open invitation for them. So for those two reasons, tarot is to be shunned. As for leading her to the Lord, I would recommend that you talk to your pastor about it. Also, let her see the difference it has made in your life, and when she asks why you are so happy, and why things don't seem to bother you as much as other people, you can tell her why. Use any opportunity that comes along to talk about God (not in a 'phony' way, but whatever feels natural to you), but of course, as you said, don't Bible bash her. Just be yourself. I've seen a lot answers on here from non-Christians and those who don't understand our point of view. I hope that before you listen to any of the those, you'll speak to your pastor about all of this. There are many in this world who do not understand us, and it will always be that way, until Jesus comes back in His glory. Anyway, just be yourself and be honest with your friend, and don't let her pull you down. Stay close to God, no matter what. I said a prayer for you, and I wish you the best with this! May the Lord protect your heart and guide your words and actions in all things! I would also suggest you get involved in some fellowship groups in your church, and talk to them about this, as well. Other Christians are another good source of info, but always check everything you hear with the Bible, and your pastor can guide you if you are still unsure of something.

2006-09-14 01:20:05 · answer #1 · answered by James F 2 · 0 1

Ask her this question (in a good tone). If there really was a "Big Bang" and evolution, first of all, what are the chances of everything in the world, I mean EVERYTHING, being in the perfect place at the perfect time? Being the EXACT distance from the sun, being tilted at the EXACT 23 1/2 degrees perfectly so that life can be balanced on Earth? What are the chances? Also, an explosion/bang that big couldn't possibly make everything perfect. There has to be some inbalance, but everything's perfect for life on Earth. God can only make everything perfect on Earth, especially with just one word. It all fits and makes sense if you know God made the world.

Next, evolution. If evolution really was the beginning of humans, then how come we haven't seen ANY development from a fish to a monkey to a human being? After millions of years after "evolution", there has been no fish/monkey that has turned into a human being. Plus, how is every human perfect? Even a monkey/ape, or any other animal, how is it made perfect for it's purposes? It's just impossible except for the fact that God can make everything perfect.

Other religions/beliefs should be respected, but try to bring her to church once in a while, and try to act like a Christian, not just say you are. People will notice the difference in you once you have God's spirit in you. You'll start being nicer and more considerate. Others will think that you are different from others. People will start respecting you, and want to be around you. Of course, there will be some persecution, but think of what Jesus has done for us. Died on the cross for us. And, you can also say that A LOT of the facts of history come from the Bible. Historians that aren't Christians borrow from the Bible's history. That also proves that the Bible is fact, not fiction.

You wouldn't believe how many times that prayer has come through for me. God grants all prayers with the right purpose. Pray that she will come to church with you and become a Christian. God will eventually grant your prayer.

2006-09-13 19:14:02 · answer #2 · answered by xjesusisthewayx 1 · 0 1

The Bible expressly forbids divination, sorcery, and hidden arts (Deuteronomy 18:10-14). God’s people are to heed God only (Deuteronomy 18:15). Any other source of guidance, information, or revelation is to be rejected outright. See also Acts 16:16-18. The Bible points to Jesus Christ as the only proper focus of faith (Acts 4:12; Hebrews 12:2). Our trust is in God alone, and we know that He will direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). Faith in anything besides God is misplaced.

2006-09-13 19:10:36 · answer #3 · answered by NickofTyme 6 · 1 0

Your best evangelism tool is your friendship. Leave her alone, she will come around. Study your Bible and if she asks again show her where tarot and fortune telling is forbidden (old testment is a good place to start)

Being a brand new Christian, you have to be careful not to chase people away who see a change in you. Make your changes slowly and deeply.

Years ago my husband started attending church again - he had been away from it for years. He wanted me to go and asked the pastor how to get me to go. The Pastor gave him very good advice. He told him to leave me alone, that I would come in my own time.(God gave me a curiosity and I finally went and I've been there ever since.)

That was in 1985, my husband is now a Lutheran Pastor. Life sure takes some turns we don't expect!!

2006-09-13 19:41:39 · answer #4 · answered by chris 5 · 0 0

we should know first if she even believe God. If not, well that would really be hard. But if she does, then at least we see some common ground we can use for our approach.

But one thing you should do first is pray and ask Christians to pray with you before you make another move.

Actually, its not only Christians who can say that those stuff are useless. Any sane and logical persons may have enough sensibility to believe that astrology is nothing but guesses. Let us mock up an example. Supposing today, the horoscope says, "Piscies - you will meet someone interesting today. your lucky number is 2 and lucky color is red." At the end of the day, of all the people in the world under the zodiac sign piscies, how many have met an interesting person, how many consider 2 and red as lucky number and color. I believe that if you find 30 % of them agree on all those three, that would already as much as saying the horoscope is true. Hey, what about the other 90 percent, what would they say then. And remember what most astrologist would say, "this is just a guide, etc".
Also, they usually tell general things like that meeting people. you are bound to meet intersting people one day or another. One ore thing, they become self fulfilling sometimes because some people believe so much that they go ahead and try to meet someone and etc.

May God give you wisdom to be able to persuade her and the Holy Spirit work in her heart and mind that she may be enlightened.

2006-09-13 19:03:26 · answer #5 · answered by bestfriend 3 · 1 5

Firstly, praise God that you accepted Christ :) Walk closely to Him to grow spiritually. As you fill your tummy each day with food, also feed your soul with spiritual food, which is the word of God :)

A new Christian is a brand new creation and always on fire for the Lord, wanting to preach the Good News.

But if we do not do it the "right" way, we might stumble others.
I can understand how you want your friend to be saved.

First, read the Word of God after praying for anointing from the Holy Spirit. THen you will find you understand it better and God will speak to you through the Scriptures.

Two, Pray before speaking to your friends, for God to give you wisdom and for your speech to be guided by the Holy Spirit. Then, Speak to your friends, and try to back up your claims with God's scriptures :)

Three, do not be disheartened if she does not believe. Do not force your faith on her. She has strongholds in her life which she might not be ready to let go. The best thing is to tell her about yourself, and YOUR reasons for accepting Christ, be a testimony for Christ and glorify His works in your life :)

Four, if she asks something you don't know, don't try to reason it out by yourself. Tell her you'll get back to it, then refer the question to your Pastor.

This is to ensure that we are sharing the Truth, and not something we conjure up by our understanding.

As a new Christian, also make sure you always pray for God's protection over any tests and persecution you might face.

Whatever it is, depend on God and in all things, pray in supplication to Him :)

God bless you !!!

2006-09-13 19:16:09 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Show her in the bible where it talks about consulting mediums and sorcery is wrong. Go to www.biblegateway and put in scocery or mediums.....Isaiah 8:19 1st samuel 28:3 2nd Kings 23:24 Leviticuis 19:31 just a few to get you started.

2006-09-13 19:11:15 · answer #7 · answered by Godb4me 5 · 1 1

Hey fellow saint,......welcome to the kingdom,........The best that I am able to be in circumstances like yours is just to be of good influence ,........ when the subject is brought up by an individual who might assume I would like to join in,.......I could say that "oh,.....you know,... I try not to do _______________(what ever it is that is considered offensive to God) because I think about how it makes him feel if I do that and I would not want to disrespect him by doing so. It is just a way of putting it out there without judging them and just being an example,....at that moment just treat them the same as always you do not want them to feel condemned you want them to feel completely loved and accepted that way when they are ripe and ready for harvest by our Lord Jesus Christ he will pull the blinders off the individual's eyes and they will be ready-remembering the one christian "you" who did not judge but loved instead,.......Basically you will have not left a bad taste in their mouth at the thought of you and what being a christian means. Do not worry,........ if this person is to be with us in the kingdom God will make it happen, just put your seeds of love, truth, and faith upon the individual and let them grow to ripeness. Things of the Kingdom have their way of working out just right. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,....... but by God's doing not by what men can do.

God bless and much love see you there my friend

2006-09-13 19:39:32 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

if your are a christian then you need to pray about what you need to say, simply tell God that you want your friend to be in heaven with you when you go and ask Him for the words to give you when you talk to your friend. it isnt a rehearsed speach that you give, that the stuff that gets blown off. i promise you though that if you pray about it, and when the time is right all you have to do is open your mouth and the words will come out just as their supposed to, God will give you the words to say. trust Him!

2006-09-13 19:09:00 · answer #9 · answered by twinspick22 3 · 2 1

I have been a christian all of my life... If you are new to it, how can you determine if "a relationship w/ Jesus" is right for her?

Do your own thing and don't follow the nut job bible thumping path your heading down! Worry about yourself and if it turns out to be a good thing, she will pick up on that!

2006-09-13 19:08:32 · answer #10 · answered by and,or,nand,nor 6 · 2 3

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