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here illegally, without any legal documentation to be here, receive public housing and food stamps, be educated in our schools, and evade taxes for the first 5 years? Yes, the should? OR, No, they shouldn't ?

2006-09-13 18:40:13 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

Aussie !! Your so sweet!!!

2006-09-13 18:56:44 · update #1

BRAD MORRIS!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I do know of some, and they;re in my neighborhood dealing crack. WHAT'S THE NUMBER????????????????????

2006-09-13 18:58:52 · update #2

twerf--- your to cool.

2006-09-13 19:13:37 · update #3

37 answers

No. Do you know any of these criminals?
If so, I can give you a number to call.

2006-09-13 18:56:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

No illegals from any country,not just Mexico.Its not a race problem its an illegal problem
Although I live in AZ and our problem is from the illegal immigrant coming in from Mexico.I do not ,can not dislike all people of Mexican heritage.I just want them to come here legally or not at all
.No amnesty for illegals.
Deportation not legalization

mamidisca........its remarks like yours that cause all illegals problems.Why don't you go back to Mexico and live if its so much better.And where are you that you have drunk teachers and misspelled words.Not in the real schools here in the USA. Where are your facts,your sources .You sound like just another malcontent voicing your own failure in life and trying to blame others.

bunt....we were not ILLEGAL immigrants,my family came here in 1702 there were no mass immigration laws until 1924,there were exclusions but not immigrations laws.
That's as tired an argument as the native Indian thing.All disproved,why do you keep using statements that are not based in facts.We were immigrants but not illegal immigrants so you need a new factual argument .This one isn't working any more.

2006-09-14 01:15:17 · answer #2 · answered by Yakuza 7 · 1 0

In Australia we have a whole lot of island nations around us. Many of them have dictatorial governments and the people just want to escape to have a chance at Life. Not surviving,... LIFE! These people pay squillions to hop on a leaky boat run by a crook, just to reach Australia (the lucky country) to try and get that life. Many dont make it. They are ripped off, sometimes killed outright and some simply die on the journey (drowning being common). Those that make it, they dont mind working hard, they dont ask for handouts, they simply want a chance. Then, after a while, the crooks get wind this is a good way to smuggle, etc and the REFUGEES (cos' thats what they are. Not illegal immigrants) pay the price for this too! Talk about a double whammy. Governments should have immigration and refugee policy that allows abused peoples to move to a better place and thrive, whilst policy filters ensure there is the teeth to stop the crooks. Dont lose your humanity and let the many suffer for the few crooks. Open your eyes and live with compassion.

2006-09-13 19:03:54 · answer #3 · answered by twerf 2 · 3 1

Although no one should come to the US illegally (yes, there are a lot of illegals from Europe and other developed countries here too), there are a lot of illegals who in fact pay taxes (you think Tysons chicken hires everyone under the table for cash??? No, illegals use fake SSN to get jobs). So that means they pay taxes.

Yes, their children are educated for free, but think about the alternative. Drop outs that end up committing crimes. And only U.S. citizen children are eligible for food stamps. Do you want to deny kids food to eat? Since welfare reform in 1996, most illegals are afraid to access any public benefits for fear that they will be discovered and deported. Because of the increased security and new fencing at the border, illegals whose wages are depended upon by family back home, do not want to risk being deported. So most do not access public medical care or housing.

And the thing most Americans do not consider is the affect that illegals have on our daily lives. If you have ever travelled to other developed countries, you will know that the cost of food and services is SIGNIFICANTLY higher than it is here in the U.S. Why? Because we have illegals who pick a bucket of berries for $1, cook your food and wash your dishes at restaurants, or clean toilets for minimum wage or less.

So the next time you want to bash on illegals, think about how the fact that they are here, working for far less than anyone should affects your lives. And think about all the big businesses that benefit from their labor. If you really want to address illegal immigration, then write your congress person and senator and have them enforce labor laws. When the companies stop hiring illegals because the costs become greater than the benefits, then people will stop coming. But as long as the pull exists, people will continue to come in search of a better life.

2006-09-13 20:24:40 · answer #4 · answered by yearning_nomadic_spirit 2 · 0 2

first of all it does not matter if you think illegal immigrants should come to the us or not the thing about hispanics is that we do whatever it takes to better the situation of our families even if it means suffering a great deal to come to the united states. second i dont know alot of hispanics that receive wealfer or food stamps myself and my husband were raised as illegal immigrants in middle class neighborhoods with hard working parents and everyone in my family always pays taxes is a different thing if the government does not want to admitt that immigrants do pay taxes because there afraid to say that yes immigrants do contribute alot to us economy about being educated in our school you know the us is really laking in education value so its not a big thing to go to school here you get a lazy american drunk teacher an old building books with mispelled words
and by the way i am a us citizen now but i will continue to do whatevr it takes to help out illegal immigrants

2006-09-13 23:58:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

This is a country of immigrants for sure but not of illegal immigrants. Its noting to do with Mexico. I am an immigrant myself and know the pains of getting a green card. You have to go through 3 -10 years of this and that to get this. So I guess every one should be on par.
I guess once you prefix the word illegal then it becomes a crime. So either they should be deported or
Showing amnesty would mean that US laws means nothing and that any one can change or break it. Right now the only person who breaks law and is not punished is our president.

And reading a comment above the government does have a policy for refugee and compassion. Society cant be run with compassion alone. It needs laws and some checks to compassion.

2006-09-13 20:30:28 · answer #6 · answered by Amrendra 3 · 0 2

Yes they should be able to mirgrate here. No, they shouldn't be able to receive those items (and neither should any other race if they are abusing the system). The people who are here illegally and are protesting want amnesty. If amnesty is provided, they will have to prove that they will not be a burden to the taxpayers just like the legal immigrants did when they applied for citizenship. So, I guess I'm not seeing the connection here or where you are getting the idea that all illegals are doing those things.

2006-09-13 18:49:37 · answer #7 · answered by Mariposa 7 · 4 2

No they should not. Although I don't live in America so I wouldn't realize the sincerity of the problem. But we have a similar dilemma down here. Much like the Mexicans, thousands of Phillipinos, Malaysians, and Singaporeans swarm to our country illegally and demand food stamps, education, tax evasion, etc. I realize the problem is no where near as significant as its parallel in the U.S. but I feel empathy for you nevertheless. Cute picture by the way.

2006-09-13 18:53:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

NO. NO one should enter the USA illegally. That includes German, Italian, Irish, Australian, Mexican, S. American, Central American. Spanish, French, African, British, Chinese, Filipino, Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, Jamaican, Vietnamese, Korean, East Indian, or any where else that is NOT the USA or it's territory..

2006-09-14 01:26:33 · answer #9 · answered by «»RUBY«» 4 · 2 0

U.S. government need to step up and handle their business with its citizens first.
Main priority is end welfare abuse, by demanding feasible employment (law must be enforced to hire and train); the excessive crime must be curtailed (too many elaborate prisons are being built at taxpayers expense), etc....
When a minimum of 75% (Senior Citizen lead-way) of its citizens are satisfied. Selective entry into the U.S. or any country would be sufficient.
NOTE>Controversial subject, with numerous opinions....

2006-09-13 20:50:24 · answer #10 · answered by SLOWTHINKER 3 · 2 0

Not when I'M a legally born US citizen and I'm struggling to scrape by on less than $7 an hour with no health insurance and no college aid. I'll be damned if someone who won't even enter our country legally is going to live a comfortable, government supported lifestyle while I have to work and pay my taxes to support the moochers.

However, I have absolutely no problem with immigrants, as long as they enter legally and make an effort to contribute to society, instead of leaching off of a government that financially neglects its own people, but throws money at people who aren't even here legally.

2006-09-13 18:52:28 · answer #11 · answered by Manders 3 · 6 3

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