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Why do i feel guilty when i see people who are over weight i think i need some serious help i dnt despise of them, I weigh 54kg and only have like 20% body fat that was proven by my fitness counseler . Why do i feel guilty for people who waste their lifes by eating junkfood and becoming as we say in 2006 fat.

2006-09-13 18:38:29 · 16 answers · asked by emoangel5 1 in Health Mental Health

16 answers

You most likely don't feel guilt, you probabley feel more pitty and worry for them that they are wasting their lives being fat etc. Just remember we are all not the same and some people can't stop themselves from being junkfood addicts or just don't want to stop eating. There are lots of reasons why some people are obese and some are thin.
Take care.

2006-09-13 18:42:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You feel guilty for people. I'm not sure what that means.

I'm glad you are so fit. II'll bet you've worked very hard for it.

But let me fill you in, I became a compulsive overeater as a way to cope with some bad crap from childhood...unfortunately, got over the bad crap but was left with the need to eat much much more than is needed. It is, in a simple phrase, a hunger that never dies. It is quite miserable to feel the need to eat all the time, regardless of real hunger, or illness or the self-hatred we feel at how we look and what we have lost.

But know this, while I struggle with this, i have not wasted my life. I have raised two beautiful daughters who are happy healthy adults. I have a wonderful husband who loves me without any bounds. He loves me for me.

Having an eating disorder or being fat does not mean one has wasted their life. You have idea of the pain we face each and everyday when we look in the mirror and resolve to finally lose that weight - then fail when the hunger becomes overwhelming.

So be happy you are not troubled with it.

2006-09-13 18:52:44 · answer #2 · answered by chris 5 · 0 0

People who are obese are quite often clinically depressed, a minority have glands they cannot control that makes them always feel hungry. These people need our help and understanding.
In today's world their is no outlet for many in the rat-race to get the gratification they should expect from life, and turn to the most enjoyable, ready-available and cheap treat of fast-food. These people also need help in seeing the real enjoyments life can offer.
Many people who are considered fat however are simply not. It is fashion.
In Wales there lives a 300lb. triathlete. A professional one.
I myself am 6'1" and weigh 225lbs. Most people think I am fat. And I do have fat.
But I cycle an average of 50km a week, and spend my summers looking for secluded waterfalls in the middle of nowhere, winters I just hike up 500m hills to see the view. Incidentally, England Rugby World Cup winner Ben Cohen (he is a winger = speed) is my height and only 5lbs lighter.
I have enough muscle and fitness to achieve the things I want in life, and more than enough to ruin the day of anyone who makes the mistake of despising me out loud.
Some people, like me, are struggling to change the muscle we built up before we had to sit behind a computer 8 hrs. a day, either back into to muscle or into sweat. It is not easy - but we work harder at it than those who have never had to struggle with weight issues.

2006-09-13 19:16:59 · answer #3 · answered by Simon D 5 · 2 0


You doubt yourself and are scared that unless you keep reminding yourself in a negative way that you have to keep going with your fitness regime you may end up like them.

You are using fear as a tool for motivation.

You could try and start to look at other fit people and appreciate more of what they do so you start to focus on emulating them so that you use aspirement as a tool.

Its the basic pain pleasure principal. As humans we are absolutely motivated to stay away from pain more than we are motivated to go to pleasure. ( A starving man will not jump off a building if you throw a sausage off the roof no matter how hungry, a dog will)

Work on your focus and the rest will melt away.

2006-09-17 01:08:29 · answer #4 · answered by commentator 2 · 0 0

There's nothing you can do to help fat people and they often have lots of problems as the other people mentioned that cause them to overeat. Many of them would dearly love to shed that weight but there are many obstacles in their way. Why don't you work for somewhere such as Weightwatchers as a group leader and help to motivate those who really want to lose weight? Obesity is a huge problem in our modern world with too much available and cheap junk food and everyone leading far too sedentary lives.

2006-09-13 22:24:42 · answer #5 · answered by jaygirl 4 · 0 0

You feel guilty because you feel like you should be helping them. But what you have to realise is that they eat that much because they want to and there is nothing you can do to stop it unless they want you to help them. Chill out hunny there are more pressing matters in life to think about.

2006-09-13 20:52:34 · answer #6 · answered by xpert_conqueror 1 · 0 0

Don't you have eneough problems of your own,without worrying about strangers?It'sad that some people are addicted to food,others are suffering from depression,but there is nothing you can do about it ,so why worry?Some people actually enjoy gorging on junk food,& don't give a damn about thrie weight,they are 'fat & happy'.

2006-09-13 19:50:23 · answer #7 · answered by michael k 6 · 0 0

That is an odd obsession ... don't feel guilty for those who couldn't be arsed looking after themselves properly though, it's not like YOU are responsible for THEIR health and well-being. They are.

2006-09-13 23:49:01 · answer #8 · answered by Orla C 7 · 0 0

My daughter is a personal fitness trainer and she says some people are heavy by genetics. They don't intend to be like that they are born like that.

2006-09-13 18:43:21 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

bacause maybe its something you need to think about as a career! Teaching people good eatting habits and exersise!

2006-09-14 00:05:45 · answer #10 · answered by Nicola H 4 · 0 0

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