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Do you go soul winning on a regular basis??? If so, when someone tells you no, what do you do?? How do you respond??Do you try and force it on them??? If so, why??? If you don't go soul winning, why not???

2006-09-13 18:01:27 · 24 answers · asked by ktjokt 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

soul winning is when you go out into the community and tell other people the plan of salvation.

2006-09-13 18:04:59 · update #1

I do witness to people, but if someone says they are not interested, don't care, don't believe, I simply thank them for their time and move on. I am not going to be a bad testimony to my faith or for my church. I am asking this because for some reason alot of people think Christians are pushy and shove it down their throat. So, I am just asking this question to see who does this and why they do it....

2006-09-13 18:08:01 · update #2

24 answers

God has called us to spread His good news.
To do so, pray to God to open doors for you to share your testimony and God's work in your life
The best way to bring people to God is to show them what God has done for you in your life.
Don't force them if they are rude or make certain comments. Jesus has said if we are slapped on the cheek, give them the other side.
It is not for us to force or judge them. Our work is to share, and we should do that.
Should your testimony encourage a person to accept Christ, then say the sinners prayer with him/her and continue to follow up with his spiritual progress

2006-09-13 18:06:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Really, everyone who respects and obeys Jesus Christ goes from door to door to teach his neighbors about the Bible's good news. It is interesting that only Jehovah's Witnesses are so clearly identified with the preaching work; globally more than 6 million preach publicly each month.

(Matthew 28:19,20) Go therefore and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you.

(Acts 5:42) Every day in the temple and from house to house they continued without letup teaching and declaring the good news about the Christ, Jesus.

(Acts 20:20) I did not hold back ...from teaching you publicly and from house to house

It's sad when someone who claims to respect the bible actually insults or even advocates attacking a peaceful preacher. Sad but completely expected.

(2 Timothy 4:3-5) For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching... You, though, keep your senses in all things, suffer evil, do the work of an evangelizer, fully accomplish your ministry.

Really, if someone goes out of their way to disregard Christian preachers and preaching, what is he saying about himself?

(Luke 10:1-17) After these things the Lord designated seventy others and sent them forth by twos... “He that listens to you listens to me too. And he that disregards you disregards me too. Moreover, he that disregards me disregards also him that sent me forth.”

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2006-09-14 12:36:24 · answer #2 · answered by achtung_heiss 7 · 0 0

Hi that is a great question, for one thing it helps a true christian do some introspecting to see if we are indeed doing any good or bearing any fruit. So to answer your question I will say that I do not go door to door and force it down anyones throat. Everyone who knows me knows I am a christian, and I think that as I work and interact in society itself others can see that I am indeed a christian woman not by how I look but because of my character and my love for people, not just some, but all people. I am sure that when they are gathering up Christians to behead they will have enough evidence to "charge me" as being a Christian. I am not at all boasting on myself but Jesus has made such a great change in me that it would be very difficult to keep the transformation a secret (not that I would want to) He came into my life and helped me to see the way that I really was (at that time I was 34 and I hated life and wanted it to end) I have shared my testimony a few times in person to a few friends&coworkers,I shared it once at church with our youth group. I have shared it with God only knows how many online as it was forwarded to countless people as I "witnessed" online in a chat room on AOL, and God is preparing me to share my testimony to audiences of women through a ministry called "StoneCroft" I have went through some speaking training with a group called "Classeminar". I have never force my testimony or beliefs on anyone not even my kids (I have brought them to church) but they just like me will have to make their own choices. I do not take rejection personally because it is not me that they are rejecting, even if it is me, well it's like Jesus told us they reject us because they reject him. Yes it hurts me to see so many mislead and deceived people, I also understand how "religion" can drive people away from God rather than to draw them near to him. I think that we are best witnesses by our life and lifestyles rather then going around just talking to people I do not know...I personally like to form relationships and let my "light shine". I hope that answers your question. Peace

2006-09-14 02:03:29 · answer #3 · answered by candi_k7 5 · 0 0

Do I go 'soul winning'? Not necessarily. I do however try and relate the Gospel of Jesus Christ, also known as witnessing to someone. I never force this issue on anyone because it is not my job as a Christian to do so. Christians are called simply to 'plant the seed'. After that, we mere humans need to step aside and let the holy spirit do the convincing.

2006-09-14 01:05:23 · answer #4 · answered by Synergy 2 · 5 1

I am a saved person... not in your terms, but I was saved. I realized that I was living a lie by hiding who I am, a lesbian, and in no WAY do I try to force that on anyone else! What right do I have to make anyone else believe that they need to be like me in order to go to heaven? I'm not trying to bash you at all. Just know that when you try to force your own self, no matter who you are, on anyone else, all you do is send them running in the opposite direction.

2006-09-14 01:07:38 · answer #5 · answered by moejaymom 3 · 0 0

I think "soul winning" happens through relationships. When you get to know someone and they are open to what you have to say, you will make a greater impact then talking to a complete stranger.

2006-09-14 01:06:40 · answer #6 · answered by mel 4 · 1 1

yes go to soul winning on regulare basis and in my case i go to only that who can never say m;e no and will also do work for me as and when i need so if u have any critical or any life risk and risk or any other thing u frankly tell me u can see how i can do that with soul to coz i perfactly kknow who say yes and no so i have full command on it than but who have no command in this subject that person smash badly its i know

2006-09-14 01:05:46 · answer #7 · answered by name of spritual tantra horr0r 3 · 1 1

it's hard now-a-days, everyone has heard about God already. The problem is lots of people give christianity a bad name. I think the best method of evanelizing no-a-days is the way you live, that people see the diffrence in you from the rest of the world. God bless you :D

2006-09-14 01:07:04 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I spend a lot of time on Yahoo answers answering questions about Jesus, God and the bible. I have been in bible study for ten years and have a pretty good knowledge of the bible. I think God uses us differently, according to the gifts He has given us.

This "soul winning" you speak of sounds alot like what people complain about often on Answers....being pushy. It's nice to talk about Jesus...but I hope you respect their space and their opinions, and especially, if they don't want to have a Christian point of view forced on them.


2006-09-14 01:03:47 · answer #9 · answered by Esther 7 · 4 2

they say the soul resides in the mouth so when i smile in my everyday activities i hope i inspire others to smile too... its free. kinda like the creators love for his children even though we are messed up he still loves us and our best creation for each other may be a smile and in that act we are like god creating ,in a small way none the less still creating,have you ever seen the picture of jesus smiling.hope this helps and a smile is agood start toward your quest

2006-09-14 02:06:03 · answer #10 · answered by poebimbo 1 · 0 0

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