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There are 1.3 Billion Muslims in the world.

Their religion does not make them terrorists, nor do the events of 9/11.

Why the stereotyping and hate?

2006-09-13 17:39:44 · 17 answers · asked by OldManOnTheMountain 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Bob L - you are prejudiced and ignorant.

Lovely - Muslims are not responsible for 9/11.

2006-09-13 17:55:15 · update #1

17 answers

For the same reasons some peoploe equate Christians with arrogant self-rightous idots and sometimes terrorists too.

2006-09-13 17:41:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Why place Christians in your question? Many, many people equate Islam with terrorism. I agree with your premise in as far as all Muslims are not terrorists however, almost all terrorists are Muslim so, there in lies the dilemma.
Believe it or not, not all KKK members hate but, fight against reverse discrimination. Still, their association with a group that has a history of violence and hate brands them into the stereotype we know so well.

2006-09-13 17:57:37 · answer #2 · answered by Juble 3 · 1 0

It's fear. Of the 1.3 billion Muslims in the world it's hard to tell which one will be the next terrorist or suicide bomber. If most terrorists (I know, not Timothy McVeigh) were Asian, then the stereotyping and hate would be directed at all Asians because it would be impossible to pick out the right ones to be afraid of. Simple enough?

2006-09-13 17:45:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

For teh same reason some atheists, some mormons, some agnostics, some Jews and some other people do. Fear or ignorance or bothor confusion. Mabye even sometimes rasicm. Adn because Muslim radicals attacked our world trade centers and so on. Some people dont know that these people were radicals in there religion and the Islamics deserve the same respect that everyone else does. They are EXTREMELY dedicated to their religion, which does not support the killing of innocent people. Im a Christian, not a musluim, but I tell you that they show dedication to their faith that most people wouldnt dream of!

2006-09-13 17:44:55 · answer #4 · answered by Shane 3 · 1 2

Not just xtians mate, many people see the frequency of terrorist acts committed by fanatical maniacs who happen to use Islam as their justification, use mosques as their recruiting centres, use the Koran to influence their recruits and attack targets specifically because they are NOT Muslim. What's not to equate??
Many Muslims may not particularly support violence, but they don't exactly get up and openly oppose it within their own communities either. Many terrorist groups are receiving tacit support from Islamic communities which is why it's so hard to root them out.

2006-09-13 17:47:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I see you have never read the Quran nor studies Islam at all, but merely taking Muslims word for the peaceful religion it is not.

Prime example; Ultimately there will come a man who will claim to be their 12th Imam, the Mahdi (a rip off concept of the Christian/Jewish Messiah) who will give the command and every Muslim will be honor bound to kill every human being that refuses to convert to Islam - so that the world will supposedly be peaceful as one religion.., ISLAM!

This in itself is a farce because the fighting and killing each other because of race or sect differences in Islam (evident in Iraq with the Sunni and Shiites killing each other as just one example).

The Bible in the Book of Daniel (chapter 9 verse 27) warns that the Antichrist will rise from an abominable temple which sits on a wing of the now Temple Mount (former site of the Jewish, Solomon's Temple). This prophecy was made some few thousand years before Islam was born. Lo and behold - there is a Muslim Temple sitting exactly on a wing of what was once Solomon's Temple!!! THE DOME OF THE ROCK!

From that abominable temple comes "one who causes desolations" (the Antichrist). This is more than just religious rhetoric - its proven over time and is presently come true! The 1st half of the Biblical Prophecy has come true - now awaiting for this man of perdition to make his presence known and I believe all signs point to this man making himself know within the next few years - possibly in as little as one, two or three years from now.

Thus Islam is not only a dangerous religion - it is born of sheer evil. Satan disguised himself as an angel of light, pretending to be the Angel Gabriel who gave Satan's own disguised gospel to Muhammad. Muhammad may have been sincere, but if so, he was deceived!!!

Christians had better get right with God because if the fold and convert to Islam and do not leave Islam before the Antichrist arrives, they will never have any forgiveness. Islam has already give approval to FORCED conversion - not one Muslim has objected to the two kidnapped reporters being forced at Gun Point to convert to Islam.

This is the most dangerous religion that ever grew on the face of this earth. MANY MUSLIMS are earnestly believing in Islam - and are deceived as was their patriarch, Muhammad.

THIS IS NOT A MESSAGE OF HATE - But it is a message of grave concern for the Muslim people. I do not want to see one Muslim deceived and burn in an eternal hell. If I hated them I would keep my mouth shut and let them go without warning.

What kind of human being sits and just lets someone go headlong into danger without warning them? No, not a message of hate - but of pure, absolute concern.

2006-09-13 18:30:21 · answer #6 · answered by Victor ious 6 · 2 2

its not just chrisitans.. it's everyone. And muslims can thank the extremists for that.

Muslim terrorists are not just a single race. In Florida in June 06, 5 black muslim men were arrested on terrorist charges for plotting to fly a plane into the sears tower.

2006-09-13 17:44:30 · answer #7 · answered by psychstudent 5 · 3 2

Islam terrorism? doesnt go together.
Islam -- peace and submission
Terrorism -- violence and opression.
muslim -- one who walks in path of God
terrorist -- one who walks away from God.


Al-Rahman | 78 verses | The Beneficient سورة الرحمن
Sura #55 | Makkah
33 O company of jinn and men, if ye have power to penetrate (all) regions of the heavens and the earth, then penetrate (them)! Ye will never penetrate them save with (Our) sanction.

just like those Islam bashers who read Quran and dont understand whats written in it. there is no difference between the two -- one blows up innocent people while the other blows up the whole religion.

JIhad is of 2 types, the first one
1. accd to prophet muhammed-pbuh --'the most holiest of wars is the conquest of thyself.'
2. when one is trying to opress u and ur family, as a last resort to self-defense, when no peace talks will work.

the 3rd and new type of Jihad was introduced by the Extremists and Media, to brainwash people, so that they fill up their pockets at the expense of someone elses life. and let me tell u that there is no '72 virgin concept' in Islam. these people who kill and spread false lies, will Inshaallah be the first ones to be thrown into the Hellfire.

EDIT: TO LOVELY, J AND BOBL-- what has ur Govt done? did it get the extremists. u captured so many people under the clouds of suspicion but till date only one was convicted. and muslims dont fight against terrorists.? is that a joke? u and ur Govt should look up to the Indonesian Govt. do u know why?

may be the indonesian Govt has more capabilities and credentials when it comes to getting hold of terrorists and executing them. for the full article, the link is provided for those who dont go a couple of steps ahead to get to know the thruth.


"In contrast, the United States has secured only one conviction over the September 11 bombings and has instead chosen to hold hundreds of terrorism suspects indefinitely without trial in Afghanistan, Guantanamo Bay, and other unknown locations. In total, Indonesia has arrested and tried more than 30 militants from the Al-Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islamiyah regional network. Three key bombers are on death row awaiting execution."

the article is --
Indonesia winning plaudits in post-9/11 terrorism battle by Samantha Brown
Thu Sep 7, 2:11 AM ET

u know what, u should switch off ur computer and turn on ur TV to DISCOVERY CRIME CASES and see the number of educated, civilised people from ur own country breaking Govt laws and act like uncivilised barbarians. so why dont u throw them out first?

and u call ur selves a tolerant country and devout religious person, such a joke. SO WHEN ARE U PLANNING TO THROW STEVE GREEN OUT OF UR COUNTRY?


2006-09-13 17:55:56 · answer #8 · answered by marissa 5 · 2 3

How many terrorists were in 9/11. How many non Muslim were there. None.

You have your answer.

And where do they hide?

And who danced in the streets?

I do not see the Muslims helping capture the terrorists. In fact, they are doing opposite. No matter how many Muslims there are, they all have their hands bloody. Because the attack the innocent.

2006-09-13 17:47:28 · answer #9 · answered by J. 7 · 4 3

We love labels. If it walks like a duck, acts like a duck, and sounds like a duck, it's probably a duck.

Maybe it's because those that hijacked planes on 9/11 were all Muslims?
Maybe it's because of the Qu'ran's call to peace through submission to Islam. (Islam means "submission.")
Maybe it's because of the Hadith which is often, if not usually, taught right along with the Qu'ran.
Maybe it's because history reveals that Islam brings violence and destruction to every country it is introduced to.

2006-09-13 17:49:55 · answer #10 · answered by Bob L 7 · 3 3

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