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I want to first preface this with I went to a Christian kindergarten and then the following 12 years I went to Catholic schools.

I have my own take on all of this religion stuff, and it works great for me. I just wanted to know one thing, and I swear it has always made me wonder. If there is a heaven and hell, and people are raised or condemned according to their lives or whatever, then why wouldn't Satan, the evilest of evil offer rewards rather than an eternity of misery to those who are sent to him who are evil? Isn't he preparing for the Final Battle? Wouldn't he want his kind around him?

2006-09-13 17:37:21 · 29 answers · asked by randyken 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

A lot of these responses seem to be missing my question. I can understand that Satan would make deceiving offers to souls on Earth. My question is, once those souls are down there (or wherever "there" is), why are they said to be tortured? Why wouldn't they be pampered? Isn't that what Satan is said to be looking for? What he's all about?

2006-09-13 17:51:03 · update #1

And I am amused by anyone who tries to tell m what the Bible says. !3 years of Judeo Christian based education!!! I have had enough preaching. It seemed like it was time to start living what I believed.

2006-09-13 17:56:26 · update #2

29 answers

Good point. Sounds like God and Satan are actually on the same side -- good cop, bad cop kind of discipline for the human race.

2006-09-13 17:41:18 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I don't really believe in heaven or hell.

But the answer to your question is that Satan doesn't have any say in it. God created hell and sent Satan there. Only God decides who else will go there. Satan wants company but the best he can do is make hell sound good.

The reason Satan and hell were invented was to take the blame off God for all the suffering in the world. And to threaten everyone with punishment if they sinned. Offering a reward for doing good was not enough.

In the Old Testament God used Satan to put people to the test. God had a wager with Satan for example, that Satan couldn't shake the faith of Job. So your confusion is understandable.

That's the theory as I understand it. But it gives rise to more questions than it answers.

2006-09-14 00:57:18 · answer #2 · answered by Zardoz 2 · 0 1

Not quite sure just what you are meaning, but it would be quite probable that Satan might offer "rewards" to people who will follow him/her. He might even "deliver" on his promises for a while. But in the long term he will not; in the long term he will be judged, condemned, and dast into the lake of fire.

>and people are raised or condemned
>according to their lives or whatever,
>then why wouldn't Satan, the evilest
>of evil offer rewards rather than an
>eternity of misery to those who are sent
>to him who are evil?

Satan may "offer rewards" in order to get people to follow him/her, but he does not "reign in hell". Those who are there have been sent there as separation for God and from all that is good. That is why they are in "an eternity of misery", because they rejected Him and the salvation which He offered. They are not sent there to Satan; rather, they are tormented there (or the Lake of Fire) along with Satan.

For now, he might promise "72 virgins ..."; though he lets people think it is someone else who is promising them

One of the respondents say: "It's all myths... none of that Satan, god, heaven, hell nonsense is real.".

Heaven is not real? How about the Earth? How about the Universe? Are they not real? Perhaps we just imagine they exist? Are we not real? Perhaps we just imagine that we exist.

Or He made the Heavens and the Earth.

5 minutes ago

2006-09-14 00:52:07 · answer #3 · answered by kent chatham 5 · 0 1

First of all, you should go to your old schools and knock your teachers in the mouth. I hate them already. Twelve years in Catholic school and you ask a question like this? You parents should demand their money back.

"If there is a heaven and hell, and people are raised or condemned according to their lives or whatever, then why wouldn't Satan, the evilest of evil offer rewards rather than an eternity of misery to those who are sent to him who are evil?"
Haven't you read the Bible? What's wrong with you? Satan isn't in control, dude. He's cursed to eternity. He's not nice either. And as far as rewards, have you read the Gospels? Didn't Satna tempt Jesus in the wilderness?

Ask for you parents money back. And if you think that I'm being to hard on you, you had better wise up!

Come on!

2006-09-14 00:45:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Thats the thing Satan does offer rewards, but not in hell he offers them here. Alot of sins are fun things which are or can be evil and thats the catch. Hell is disgusting because it's the opposite of Heaven. So evil people go to an evil place, good people go to a good place. If you live a life that helps others and is without alot of sin you will be rewarded with heaven and a afterlife. But if you live an exciting cruel life and are selfish and things like that you will pay for it in the end and suffer eternally, it's a double edged sword. the devil haites man but needs them at the same time. That is why things are the way they are. I hope that this helped

2006-09-14 00:44:23 · answer #5 · answered by Armanisilk 2 · 0 1

Assuming there is a Satan and a heaven and hell, then what you propose does make sense. I mean, in the sense that he is preparing for a final battle.

Then again, and I'm no longer a Christian, but it is my understanding that one does not have to be evil to be sent to hell. Simply not accepting Jesus as God and Savior is enough to condemn you (which always made me wonder why if, as Christian theologians say, that those who have not been exposed to the Gospel then God will judge them according to their religious beliefs but after they are exposed to the Gospel then they are judged according to whether they accepted or denied it...which makes missionary work seem, well, in my own humble opinion as an exmissionary, seem evil).

But that's my own humble opinion. You can regard it in any way you like. Still, you have a very good point and propose an excellent theological question.

Peace be with you.

2006-09-14 00:54:11 · answer #6 · answered by gabriel_zachary 5 · 0 1

Cristians believe God is everywhere/infinite/ omnipotent, right?
So that means there can be nowhere that God is not. How then can a place like hell exist? How can any other entity exist separate from God? That would diminish God to being finite! Satan? A separate and opposite entity to God? What purpose would an all powerful God have for allowing this? To fulfil his purpose? Then is everything preordained? Do we not have freedom to choose? If "Yes" then why are we given freedom and then punished for using it? That's not freedom!!
There are so many ridiculous inconsistencies on so many levels that Christians seem to ignore and justify by saying, "Have faith" or "Who are you to question god?"
We were created? So, our tendency to be "sinful" and "weak" etc was already known by the great designer, and yet we are punished because of this design flaw? We who are supposed to be born into sin and yet still lack the mental capacity to accept the salvation offered us, are blamed for not having said mental capacity? How can any sane person buy into this crock of s h i t?
Wake up! It's a myth!!

2006-09-14 01:17:02 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Be amused if you wish, but although the Catholic Church teaches eternal torment by Satan in a firey hell, the Bible DOES NOT!! Some scriptures have been misinterpreted and used to preach at people in order to manipulate them rather than to instuct people and teach them. The Bible also teaches that the soul is the person, himself or the life that he enjoys. It IS NOT some etherial, eternal spiritual thing that continues to exist and be conscious after death. You have been lied to, either intentionally or innocently and it is time to truly examine the scriptures without prejudice.

2006-09-14 01:04:58 · answer #8 · answered by Sparkle1 6 · 0 0

Jesus called Satan the father of all lies, and a murderer fom the beginning.

Our faith teaches us that the only thing Satan or his followers will inherit is death and suffering.

That should explain why Satan offers all sorts of tempting options in this life, but has only his own depraved and empty existence to share in the next.

In the end times, Satan will have the power to offer real, and even supernatural incentives to mankind, in order to decieve the whole world into thinking he is God.

The real God will send tribulations upon the world in order to refute that notion, but most will still be led astray.

The fact remains that Satan's legitimate power and authority has already been taken away, and in the end, he and his followers will have nothing to share but eternal despair, and defeat.

Hopefully, your 13 years of faith education will allow you to choose the proper side to be on, if those things should come to pass in your lifetime.

2006-09-14 01:14:25 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you very listened to true Satan worshipers, you would know that he offers them rewards. Of course he is lying and they are eating it up. Have you ever heard the statement, "I would rather reign in Hell than serve in heaven." They really believe that it will be an everlasting party continuing their lifestyle from here on earth. They believe that by serving Satan now they will have a special place in his kingdom. Sad, very sad. And yes, Satan is preparing for the final battle by enticing as many poor souls as he can to suffer with him for all eternity. He knows he does not have a chance against Jesus.

2006-09-14 00:52:54 · answer #10 · answered by Robert L 4 · 0 1

He does offer temporal rewards that are only good on this earth such as pleasures that come from a life lived with little or no discipline. When Christ was tempted in the book of Matthew, Satan offered him kingdoms to bow down to him.

2006-09-14 00:41:37 · answer #11 · answered by mel 4 · 0 0

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