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While I am "turning the other cheek", I have decided to turn the tables as well. I have seen so many negative postings toward christians." Why do they hate?" "what do you think about them?" So I am going to ask why do non-christians hate? Christians what do you think about non-christians? This is just plain nonsense. I came on here to help people who have legit ??'s and to challenge others who share my beliefs. Not to see a bunch of nasty, vulgar comments.

2006-09-13 17:36:29 · 22 answers · asked by ktjokt 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I prefer to call all this nothing but a bunch of religious racism....

2006-09-13 17:37:00 · update #1

bar guy, you are right, I am angry. I guess I am angry at both sides. It is offensive that I get lumped into a stereotype because I am a "christian". I don't like my beliefs dumped on anymore that anyone else does.

2006-09-13 17:44:05 · update #2

and victorious...you are wrong. I do not hate you. I do not look down on you. I have said it time and again, your beliefs are your decision. All Christians are supposed to do is inform you, they should not be "forcing it" on you. Your belief or lack of should be respected just like christians beliefs should be. Doesn't mean you have to agree

2006-09-13 17:47:04 · update #3

that was for acerus too....and your beliefs don't make sense to me either.

2006-09-13 17:47:50 · update #4

22 answers

Most of the people who attack Christians here on Y! Answers (or any other forum or chatroom on the internet for that matter) are merely internet "trolls" who get a kick out of stirring up people's emotions to get a reaction. I would say that accounts for 95% of the negative, inflammatory postings on the net, because 5% of the people are trolls posting 95% of the Q&A's, while the "normal" 95% only account for 5% of the "real" Q&A's that you see here. Most people have sincere questions and friendly responses. They just get drowned out by the idiots who flood the place with their insidious rantings and absurd questions. This is my experience.

2006-09-13 17:49:15 · answer #1 · answered by TruthIsFreedom 3 · 3 1

I hear you! I keep hearing what people like victorious are saying but then I look at the answers and questions here and I see a LOT more non christians disrespecting, insulting, and just making mean spirited fun of Christstians than I see Christians showing hate towards the nonChristians. Not that I don't see so called Christians making nonChristian remarks but it seems the nonbelievers completely deny how mean and insulting they are to Christians.
Though I am not justifying the insults and meanness, I do have to say I have observed that it comes from those who are misinformed, have heard way too many scriptures taken out of context, have been abused or told some off the wall things by those calling themselves Christians or just plain ignorance- following what everyone else says because they don't want to do the research or findo ut the truth for themselves.
It is hard to have a respectful, objective differing opinion in these cases

2006-09-14 00:45:37 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

There are supposed Christians here guilty of the what you say about the "non-Christians". Not all of us who follow a different set of beliefs are vulgar, so maybe you shouldn't lump sum all of us together, just as you would prefer to not be.
Ignore the comments and questions that offend you just like a lot of us do.

2006-09-14 00:46:40 · answer #3 · answered by buttercup 5 · 2 0

Imagine this forum a microscopic representation of what's happening in the real world of religions. In TV, Christian tele-evangelists attack the belief of Islam. And extremists do the same thing against infidels. We are too carried away with our belief sometimes that we lose our sight of what the teaching of religion is all about. It's all about peace and love but we are turning it into hatred and war. So don't be surprised if you're good intention in this forum is being ridiculed, mocked and persecuted by faith other than yours.

Peace be with you.

2006-09-14 00:48:51 · answer #4 · answered by Frontal Lobe 4 · 0 0

"Why do nonChristians hate?"
Well, I'm a nonChristian (Hindu), but I don't hate Christianity. I used to be a Christian (even was a missionary at one time). I just found a religion that is much, much closer to expressing and understanding my experiences of God.

That said, I do have some friends who, well they'd probably never outright admit it, but they are anti-Christian. Vehemently so sometimes. And I understand why. Unlike myself who grew up in a religiously diverse family and where my parents (who are both different religions) encouraged my sister and I to explore our own spirituality, my friends who are anti-Christian didn't grow up in such a home. Often they were forced to go to church, forced to go to summer camp, forced to do all kinds of things. And often times doing so while their parents then went around a did, well, things that the churches they went to said were wrong. If it is not this it seems that they were at one time very active participants in their churches, along with their family, and then something happened where the church itself forced them out. Threw them out. Their own families often did not support them or stand by them.

In either case this caused wounds....deep wounds. Sadly they blame Christianity and when they think about "Christians" the first image that rise into their minds are the Christians who hurt them, who were hypocrits against them. And despite all work to the contrary by many of my Christian friends, they aren't very happy with Christians at all. You add this to the very very outspoken Christian leaders who often seem to fill their speech with hateful messages or atleast very "We're Better Than You" type of talk and well, needless to say that those wounds aren't healed at all.

I agree that it is just nonsense. You see Christians bashing nonChristians and nonChristians bashing Christians. It gets repetative and old and really pointless. In the words of Karen Armstrong (an author I highly respect) she said on C-Span during one of her talks that the reason people act this way even when it is against their spiritual beliefs to do so is "because being right is more popular than being compassionate. We like to be right and being compassionate doesn't always necessarily mean that I am still right, so we don't like compassion very much in that sense."

And really that's what all the bickering is always about. Who is right and who is wrong. They hate speech is always meant to put each other down, to make the other side "wrong" so that then the person saying it can somehow feel "right".

It's sad, but it's true. Both sides are, at times, very much to blame.

Thankfully I try to avoid being a basher and thankfully I know lots of Christians and other people from other religious views (Muslim, Jew, Atheist, Buddhist, etc) who are all very compassionate people and also avoid bashing others and not get into spreading hate. It is these people that inspire me to live my life in the same way.

2006-09-14 01:10:19 · answer #5 · answered by gabriel_zachary 5 · 0 0

I think that the problem is that many people generalize and stereotype on here. When someone meets one Christian that looks down on them or acts badly, then it's automatically all Christians that are stuck up people who don't tolerate or love others the way they are supposed to. Not all Christians "hate" non believers, in fact the ones that do aren't following Christianity as God told us to love one another, not just those who believe what we do.

2006-09-14 00:41:17 · answer #6 · answered by Rawrrrr 6 · 3 0

I do too....
I think some are closed minded towards Christians....
I think some are hateful and nasty and if they want us to respect their beliefs then they need to respect ours....some call people names and show their anger too easily....some appear to have no peace or self control either.....I too came on here to learn and share the Lord with others and found nothing but hate and racist behaviors....with the exception of a very few who show respect for all...

2006-09-14 00:41:56 · answer #7 · answered by shiningon 6 · 1 1

hate is usually a symptom. I am muslim and I think I know why people hate muslims, 911 and such. people choose to blame by assosiation. And may be there is nothing wrong with that, I think if there were more positive examples of muslims, then people 'd think more positive. And I am to blame also for not being a good example.
same thing I think w/ christians, I personally find the ones I met very very conservative, they kill your opinion before it gets to their ear. ANd I also know lot of muslims who r no different.
I think seeing things the way they r is very important.
I'd appreciate if U respond to my comment. thank u for a good and important question.

2006-09-14 00:42:17 · answer #8 · answered by Maximus 1 · 4 0

By 'non-Christians' do you mean 'anti-Christs'? I'm Christian and i wish people would just stop the Christ-bashing. It's pathetic...those atheists know that God and Jesus are real...they just feel like pissing people off. I don't exactly see where you stand here..or maybe it's just something obvious and I'm just being stupid, lol. Everyone hates someone or something...it's just something you're born with...it's an emotion, so i think that it's obvious why people hate.


(or Miss Murder [for IM])

2006-09-14 00:42:58 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I'm a follower of Jesus Christ and what I know is that the light exposes the darkness. Whenever people come face to face with the Truth they feel threatened.

Non-Christians will probably say that we're close-minded and intolerant. They'll say we push our beliefs on them and that we are "holier then thou".

Almighty God knows the hearts of all and we'll all have to give an account for everything that we've done in our lives. Even us Christians.

2006-09-14 00:41:30 · answer #10 · answered by stpolycarp77 6 · 1 2

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