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yes. i just rescued an itty bitty kitten from someones car engine... and i'm not sure what to feed her!! can she just drink milk?

2006-09-13 17:24:57 · 26 answers · asked by thing 1 2 in Pets Cats

26 answers

NO MILK!!! Regular milk is very different from a mothers milk and can in fact make her sick. Keep the kitten warm and take it to a vet as soon as possible, if the kitten seems very active, if it can walk around without stumbling you can see if it wants to drink water from a bowl, do not force her to drink though. Keep her safe until you can take her to a vet, please do not try and raise her on your own that could be very bad news if the kitten is young.

Edit: It is possible to raise a kitten on a bottle with KMR but you are not experienced obviously the best thing to do is take her to the vet.

2006-09-13 17:30:25 · answer #1 · answered by blazingwater 2 · 6 0

that will be a tough one. If she was big enough to climb onto the motor she should be old enough to drink milk. Put a piece of plain white bread on a plate and pour some warm not hot milk over the bread. If she was still nursing her mom she may suck the milk off the bread. If you work out of the home and she is very tiny I don't know how you will be able to care for her. I found some kittens just over a month ago whose mother had obviously been killed on the highway and they were only about 1 week old. 1 little kitten of the five didn't make it but what I did was use baby lamb(sheep) formula and give it to them first with a disposable syringe just a bit at a time so I didn't choke them and as they started taking bigger quantities of milk I switched to using a baby ear syringe (they sell them at the drugstore) It is only this week that these ones have started eating the milk and bread mixture. They had to be fed about every 4 hours and kept warm but not too warm. It might be easier for you to get the closest animal shelter to take this little one if you are a busy person because it is a very big responsibility. I think that you might be able to feed her/him whatever kind of milk you have this evening but a whole milk (homo in Canada) would be the best. I am only suggesting people milk at all as you may be in an area where there is no Walmart and you can't afford a vet call back late at night.
When I was growing up our cats drank cow's milk everyday, lived long and healthy lives but it is far better to have the proper formula for a kitten if you decide to keep her.

2006-09-14 00:37:03 · answer #2 · answered by oldmomma 3 · 0 0

The best thing is mom milk, but if you can't find mom, go to Pet Smart and buy KRM (Kirrwn Milk replacement) It's best for kittens up to 6 weeks, but I use it up to 12 just to make sure.
Please, please, please do not give it cow milk whatever you do. Cats can't digest it. I have given human baby formula in emergencys or in the case of extemly skinny kittens, but it isn't the best for them and should be given sparingly. It is very high in calories for them and can sometimes cause the runs.
One of my siamese gave birth to 4 kittens and hasn't produced any milk, so I've been feeding them since they were born. The odds of a really young baby living off it are not good. 2 of mine have died and the other two get Vet checked weekly now.

Also, if kitten is old enough to eat solid food, buy some IAMS or Fancy Feast soft food (make sure it isn't the chunky kind) and mix it with some of the kitten milk. (from 3 weeks to 6 weeks) After 6 weeks, do same thing, but also add hard food that you have let soften. Feed 4-5 times a day around the clock.

best of luck to you and your baby.

2006-09-14 06:05:00 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

DO NOT give her real milk. Cats are lactose intolerant and she could DIE if you give her the same cows milk that we drink. It absolutely kills me how many ignorant people are on these boards giving random advice. Also, do NOT give her fish. The ash content in it will hurt her and the fish will not give her nutrients that she needs right now.
You can find newborn kitten milk at various pet supply stores, I know that PetSmart usually carries it. You can also purchase small kitten bottles to hand feed her.
In the meantime, after these items have been purchased, CALL A VET. Only a vet can give you solid, sound advice to care for this kitten and walk you through the steps of what needs to be done for her.
Good luck!!

2006-09-14 00:45:49 · answer #4 · answered by ChloeCat 2 · 0 0

Go to petco or a local pet store and get kitten formula and wet cat food and also a little bottle to feed the kitten. Try to feed it with wet food watered down in kitty formula at least four times a day. If it cant eat that feed it with the bottle and formula. Just follow the directions on the formula can.

2006-09-14 01:13:54 · answer #5 · answered by Crazydays 2 · 0 0

NO!!! Never give a kitten cow's milk. Go to any pet supply store. Pet Smart, Pet-co, etc. And tell them your dilemma!! ASAP!! Only give a kitten milk replacer! They also sell bottles! If you don't have the money to buy the milk, take the kitten to any local vet ASAP and they will care for it; until they can find it a place to go!. Hope this helps you! And if you do feed the kitten replacer milk; remember you have to wipe his rectum with a warm wash cloth after every meal! That is the only way it can potty!! That is what his mother would do! If you don't wipe him or her; they will die. Good luck!!

2006-09-14 00:33:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Hmmm....seems to be a little tension over the feeding cats cows milk according to the SPCA (link below)


As for cats, you can use tinned food, giving four small meals a day until the age of 12 weeks. Alternatively, you can prepare your own, using finely ground fresh meat, cooked chicken or fish (no liver for tiny kittens!) cooked rice, cereals such as Farex, as well as some tinned food. If your kitten cannot digest cows milk you could try goats milk or yoghurt. Give your kitten some variety so that it will not become addicted to only one type of food.

2006-09-14 01:08:36 · answer #7 · answered by oldman 4 · 0 0

NO!!!!!!!!! cats dont drink cow milk. its not good for them and can hurt them. speaking as someone who had to bottle feed a kitten last year heres my advice.
1- look for momma, she will know what to do. if you cant find her
2) go to petsmart or your local pet store. get a bottle if she doesnt have teeth. get the powdered KMR, it lasts longer and is easier to use. if she doesnt have teeth your going to have to bottle feed her. when she gets teeth your going to want a small size food, royal canine makes a weening chow.
keep it in a crate with a small litter box in the back or in a closed room at first so she doesnt get hurt. if she doesnt pee right away dont worry she may be dehydrated. it took our little natasha 2 days to go, and when she did she went on our bed and my husband lol.
take her to your vet asap and get her checked out. also call your local no kill as they may be able to give you some great tips.
taking in a kitten that small is a lot of work. we got up 2-3 times a night to feed her, trust me they will tell you when theyre hungry. and our beagle puppy made sure to bathe her. now about a year later the kitten thinks the beagle is her mommy and has a super close bond with my husband and i, especially for a cat.

2006-09-14 00:47:25 · answer #8 · answered by autumnl78 3 · 0 0

I would take her to a vet to determine her age first off. Very young kittens need kitten replacement milk and they need to be stimulated into going to the bathroom. I have raised kittens as young as a few hours when their mom abandonded them. If she's young, she'll need feedings every 3 hours and after with a warm wet wash cloth rub her bum until she pee's or poop's, if you don't help them go then they can die from a blockage!!! If she's old enought to eat on her own, you can get her kitten food and moisten it into mush and see if she'll eat that! You may need to force a small amount into her mouth until she realizes it's food! Good luck!

2006-09-14 00:39:07 · answer #9 · answered by pharfly1 5 · 2 0

I've seen baby animal milk in the pet section of our local Walmart. Pet stores should have this too. It is a formula for itty bitty baby animals that get seperated from their mamas too soon. An eye dropper works well to feed such little critters. Be sure to keep that baby warm too. I would keep her in a polar fleece blanket. (My spoiled rotten Siamese lady loves snuggling in polar fleece) Take her to the vet too to make sure she is okay.

2006-09-14 00:32:56 · answer #10 · answered by livingstonseagull43 3 · 2 0

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