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2006-09-13 17:24:19 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

5 answers

You wouldn't want to find out!

National Hope Line Network 1-800-784-2433 Suicide Prevention
Suicide & Crisis Hotline 1-800-999-9999 Help for Troubled Teens
Talk Zone 1-800-475-TALK Peer Counselors
Teen Help Line 1-800-400-0900 Help Line For Troubled Teens
Teen Hot Line 1-800-747-8336 Hot Line For Troubled Teens
VOICES In Action, Inc. 1-773-327-1500
Youth Development International 1-800-HIT-HOME (448-4663) Youth Crisis Hotline

2006-09-14 03:53:40 · answer #1 · answered by The Notorious Doctor Zoom Zoom 6 · 0 0

There is no place of firey torment and if there were, it would do no good for the Bible says that after death, humans are conscious of "NOTHING AT ALL". Suicide is not the answer for relief from this current system where Satan and his demons have free reign. God's Kingdom will soon crush and put an end to all other governments and Satan and the demons will be imprisoned for 1,000 years. All humans who do not know and obey God will be destroyed and there will be a resurrection of the righteous and the unrighteous so that everyone has a chance to know God and obey him and have everlasting life without all the problems we see in the world today. Take heart. This is coming soon.

2006-09-14 01:58:13 · answer #2 · answered by Sparkle1 6 · 0 0

I would be inclined to think so because suicide is murdering oneself! Murder is forgiveable, but how can you ask forgiveness for murdering YOURSELF? You're already DEAD! Therefore, I'd say that they'd go to Hell, not based on some judgemental attitude of my own, but based on the abovementioned theory.

2006-09-14 11:19:32 · answer #3 · answered by bigvol662004 6 · 0 0


2006-09-14 01:55:42 · answer #4 · answered by Grandreal 6 · 0 1

In all God’s taught religions committing suicide is a sin and is not permitted. And the reason is this, that whosoever commits it, he practically announces that he does not believe in the power of blessfulness of the Lord. Mostly disappointed ones try to commit it and think that no one can change their circumstances. As such they do not know that God Almighty can change all sort of circumstances. God can change the fate and the fatal and can bless anything at anytime.

In all the God’s taught religions, One is not permitted to commit suicide. Instead one is commanded to pray for blessing and refuge in God and when one prays. Our Lord Almighty helps and shows the miraculous power. Our Lord can do anything so those who think that even God can not help, they are open non-believers. Our Lord, the Alone God is kind to the creatures and when someone prays, worships or asks for help or blessing, God positively blesses and helps. Therefore, all the distressed ones must seek the forgiveness of there sins from God and must ask for help and blessings from God alone.

Our Lord is honour-able and to honour God, is to believe in God’s Almightiness. According to God, those who do not consider God, the Almighty, they are non-believers of God.

As a matter of fact, the distressed ones are those who are the people of lust. Desires overcome them totally and make them sick up to such an extent that they start thinking about suicide. They dream nothing but this perishable world and its exhibited exposure of pleasures. Everything around them makes them sick and they consider the act of suicide as an act of salvation. But they do not know that this world is created by their Lord, not to last forever. Instead it is all-in-all perishable and one day; it will come to an end definitely.

These people, in fact, do not believe in God. Instead, they believe in their own nature. Instead of commandments, they follow their own rules and ambitions. Therefore, they become an easy prey of manifold sickness and instead of living and leading the life, they start thinking about suicide.

Some commit suicide due to repeated failure, some due to overwhelming sickness and some due to rejection of love. In all cases, however, suiciders think about one and the same thing that there is no one to help them and change their circumstances.

They also do not believe that their Lord can help them, even, on the edge. Hardly these people understand the meanings of life and its subject. These people do not know that this life is a challenge, which should be accepted with courage. Life, of course, is a challenge and this challenge is made to win, not to lose. Act of killing oneself is an act of cowardliness, not of bravery. Brave people keep on fighting this challenge constantly.

One should seriously think in this matter that why the circumstances slide to the wrong track. Who changes their route and who can re-change and redirect the circumstances to the right track.

One should positively understand that:

1.There are the people in this world, which never fell into problems.

2.There are the people in this world, which remain usually unblessed. Those who remain unblessed are the people who do not believe in the powers of God in accordance with the Commandments. They have many gods instead of the One God, the Alone Lord. Those who believe in One Lord, the Alone God, are always blessed by God and that is clearly mentioned in “Torah”, the Book of Moses.

Believers of the One Lord are always blessed and the believers of many gods, other than the Lord, ultimately, fell into the problems having no solutions. Lord says: “that is the reward of the people who worship gods, other than Me”.

According to the law of Lord, all the sinners are apt to face hard circumstances. Whenever the doom of God comes, it remains as it is and no one can change its nature.

According to the law of all the religions, Our God tests the believers-faith through difficult circumstances and after the test whosoever remains sincere with his or her Lord, he or she is blessed. Where-after the blessed believers become more powerful in faith and whenever, the hard sort of circumstances encircles them, they pray hard. Arrival of problems is considered by them as a call of worship. Believers correct themselves according to the law of the Lord and stop all kinds of sins to have refuge in Lord. They continuously pray their Lord and ask help and rescue. Our Lord is kind and lord, precisely, helps the believers.

No one can deny this fact that if the Lord had not created the troubles, one could have never remember the Lord through worship or other means. God is the Protecting Friend of each one of us. God always helps and saves.

Belief in God, the Alone Lord, is the key to success. God is the Alone Saviour and beside God there is no friend and saviour at all. Those who believe in various gods rather than the Lord, our Alone God, are left in disaster by God. Such people who believe in demi-gods, they suffer and remain in sufferings. Therefore, one should believe in One and the Alone God and must avoid believing in gods, other than God. God said on the mount of Sinai that:

“I ____ and I alone______ am God
No other god is real”.
(Duet 32:39)


There are the people who take refuge in others, rather than the Lord.

There are the people who beg blessings from the others, rather than the Lord.

There are the people who act according to law of others, rather than the commandments of the Lord.

There are the people who love others, more than the Lord.

There are the people who consider others, equal to God.

And there are the people who pray to others, rather than the Lord, our Alone God.

According to the Ten Commandments, all such people are enemies of God and God will take revenge from them, here in this world and there, on the Day of Judgement.

Friendship of God___ is to serve God and to obey God’s Commandments___ and to pray God and to beg each and everything___ directly from God___ and to ask forgiveness of sins from God alone.

Greatest success in this world is to consider the Almighty Lord as the One and the Alone Defender.

Whosoever hates the gods of the people around him and believes in God alone, is God’s true lover and a righteous person.

Jesus said,
“Praise God
Honour God
Worship God”.
(Psalm 22:23)

“No one is good but the God Alone”.

Jesus also prayed for the believers of One God in these words:
“May they (the believers of Alone God) prosper for ever”.
(Psalm 22:26)
Making a god with or beside the Alone God is an invitation to disaster and doom and also equal to SUICIDE.

God has blessed us this life to lead___ not to loose it___ by committing suicide or the likewise acts. God has advised us to lead a secured life in the world as well as in Hereafter, by virtue of following God’s Commandments.

Our life firstly belongs to God because God blessed it to us and secondly it belongs to us because we lead it.

Beware please! Do not even listen to such disciples of Satan, who work for Satan and lead the ignorant people to disaster and Hell.

Since life is a blessing of God, therefore, we should spend it, in God’s way.

2006-09-14 02:07:55 · answer #5 · answered by ibn adam 4 · 0 0

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