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This forum is ripe with antimuslim sentiment.

Do they fear what they do not understand and are unwilling to?
How can they follow a religion that teaches peace and understanding, yet not practice it themselves?

Why must people who do not share their beliefs be prosecuted?

Where is the love in this room?

2006-09-13 17:12:54 · 30 answers · asked by OldManOnTheMountain 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

30 answers

I have never herd a Christian say convert to Christianity or I will KILL YOU , I have herd of people that call them selves Muslims that force others to covert to their religion at gun point,and Muslims think of me as an infidel therefore they think they have a right to kill me.

I have a right to defend myself.

I am a Christian and I have no ill will toward Muslims, but if a Muslim uses a weapon to try to force me to accept Islam as my religion there is going to be a gun fight.

2006-09-13 17:39:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Why do non-Christians spread their hatred and prejudices against people who do not share their views?
This forum is ripe with anti-Christian sentiment.

Do they fear what they do not understand and are unwilling to?
How can they follow a religion that teaches peace and understanding, yet not practice it themselves?

Why must people who do not share their beliefs be prosecuted?

Where is the love in this room?

2006-09-13 17:16:06 · answer #2 · answered by Bob L 7 · 4 2

The sad thing is this is true, in ephesians it says to immitate christ, we are supposed to just let people know that the wages of sin is death, but God gave us a free will, so when many christians come across someone will a different view point they turn all hostile and start saying things to them that they shouldnt be saying in the first place, to me if a real christian ever said anything like satan worshipper or heathen or so on and so forth to anyone then i would question if they were even a christian or not. That is very true, so many people say that they are christians but yet don't even own a bible. So again. if any "christian" ever starts judging someone else for anything then they don't know what they are doing, I could write on and on, but I will stop here. Thanks and peace.

2006-09-13 17:25:32 · answer #3 · answered by ixfriendlyxi 2 · 0 0

Well, most Christians have blue eyes and white skin and red and blonde hair, live in the Southern states of the US. The belief that they are superior to Arabs, Jews, Africans and Asians, who largely have olive skin, brown eyes and black hair, means that Judiasm, Islam and Buddhism, by default, are inferior.

Most 'Christians' hold this unspoken belief close to their hearts, in the same manner a 2 year-old would cling on to his 'blankey'. Their belief that they are duty-bound to spread their 'truth' means they, historically, have colonized, invaded and commited near-genocide, all for the sake of 'prostheletizing' the word of 'Christ".

People identify as being the most superior according to what they believe, too. The 'need' to assert the Christian belief is so strong in these people that they send 'missionaries' out to 'heathen' countries in need of 'salvation'. The ability to convert a 'wayward soul' to Christianity is a power trip to these Christians. To change the whole value system of an individual is intoxicating. It is a drug. An addiction. They assume a God complex, they think that God is working 'within' them.....

2006-09-13 17:28:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

True Christians do not have hatred or prejudice in their hearts.Religion is something you follow when it's convenient for the individual.I'm sure you heard people say...Don't make me put my religion down and kick your blah blah blah. Well that's not Christianity.True Christianity is showing love in spite of how you're being treated by other people.That's what Jesus did when he died on the cross.He showed true love;he is the example of Christianity. Those people whom you say persecute you for not sharing in their beliefs may not be true Christian's or they may be spiritually immature.being a christian is about growing; it doesn't happen overnight. Try not to be so judgmental of them cause you might have to walk that same road someday. Be BLESSED.

2006-09-13 17:40:49 · answer #5 · answered by malenymph69 1 · 1 0

Christianity is and always will be an elitist society, with Christians choosing themselves as the sole definers of God's will. Anything that goes against this peaceful will of God they quickly change their rules to include what was previously excluded. In short Christianity is the best and only religion to choose for liars, thieves and all around evil doer's. Most Christians will present one reality at church, and live a completely separate one at home. Hatred and distrust are mainstays of the Christian religion. So is white supremacy.

2006-09-13 17:17:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Christians and Muslims both condemn anyone who believes differently than they do. Once Christians began to take over they killed, threatened and intimidated non-Christians until they had no choice but to become Christians. Muslims commit acts of terror and also use threats and intimidation to gain converts. Catholics and Protestants -- both Christian and still hating each other. What is it about religion that sparks such strong, destructive behavior? I'm with you -- where is the love?

2006-09-13 17:30:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

That's a really good question. Let me give you my views of it. I'm a person who is VERY on fire for God, but I don't shove it down other people's throats. My youth pastor once said "There are lots of people in the world who have heard of Christians and are still waiting to see one" It's the truth. It's very unChrist-like to prosecute others for not believing what they believe. That's not witnessing, that's using God as a tool or a toy you can pull out of your pocket to make yourself seem bigger and better than other people. It's not the way you're supposed to go about doing things. I'm sorry if this has happened to you.

2006-09-13 17:17:04 · answer #8 · answered by ianswerquestions 2 · 4 1

Try to avoid using a blanket assumption of christians.
Not all christians are so ignorant and hateful.
Persecution in any form is a tool of Satan/the devil and this covers persecution from any group, christian, muslim, jew, buddism, jainism, taoism, hinduism, atheism, republican, democrat or independent. This is the doctrine of Satan to stir up the hearts of men to contend with anger one with another. It is not the Doctrine of Christ.
Christ taught that we must love God and love our neighbor.
The parable of the Good Samaritan in the New testament in the holy bible is a contrasting example of what was meant by love your neighbor.
Those who profess christianity and stir up people to hate other people are not Christians but the servants of Satan trying to use the name of Christ to cover their wickedness and evil intentions.
These people profess to be christians but they are in a far worse state than the muslim who peacefully practices their religion.
Any other group that uses the name of their religion or their
god(s) to persecute(which includes anything from name calling all the way up to murdering innocent men, women and children) any other group of people they operate under the subjection of evil which I call Satan.
If peaceloving muslims have a back bone then it is their responsibility to stand up against these other people who call themselves muslims who use violence in the name of their religion to kill other people; they need to shout down their religious leaders who say infidels must join or die. If they do this then will the religion of islam become a religion of peace.
By their fruits ye shall know them.

2006-09-13 17:44:41 · answer #9 · answered by duhanlorian 3 · 1 0

Hey, it doesn't take a Christian to realize that if you read the Koran, it's a religion of hate and violence.

I should know, I'm an atheist and have read it. Mohummad was a terrorist in any day and age.

2006-09-13 17:19:50 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

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