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sometimes when hes woken up like by me dropping something hell do somthing hes not supposed to like go in the babys room...its kinda scary like one night i was at the computer and i dropped the ouse and he woke up and looked wideeyed and started blinking really fast and went into the babys room...i had to tell him not to go in there and he left the room and i ask him why he went in there he said because a pencil was in there...and another time he woke up and just went downstairs...i let him go and he came right back up its really weird and i know its not sleep walking because i remember a sleep walkin incident with me and i went downstairs eyes closd to the fridge and took out some water and left it there...NO LIE and the next morning i remembered doing the whole thing

2006-09-13 17:09:29 · 34 answers · asked by Sephiroth 1 in Health Mental Health

34 answers

It is sleep walking and sleep talking. Doesn't matter what you remember or not, if it doesn't make sense it is because he is not fully awake.

2006-09-13 17:11:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

First of all, you were not sleep walking... when someone sleep walks they do not remember the things they did. This is a simple situaion, your brother is dreaming. It is possible for some people to seem awake and continue to be in REM sleep. REM sleem is the deepest stage of sleep. In most people it is recognized by rapid-eye-movement, which is what r.e.m. stands for. During this period of sleep, for most people their body becomes parilized. This is why you hear horror stories of people waking up and not being able to move, their brain has left REM but their body has not. Your brother is not one of these people.

Essencial question: did the baby's room used to belong to him? If so, you now know why he goes there. In his dreaming mind he does not understand why he is not in his own room. While he is awake he knows that its the baby's room. Him not remembering is a classic sign that he is sleepwalking (which your eyes can be open for). When I was a child and even now, if I'm awaken during REM, I can hold a whole conversation and not remember it the next day... this is normal!

Don't worry about your brother, just make sure he and your parents are aware of what's going on. This should stop in the next few years, if not he may have a sleep disorder... only a doctor can diagnose a sleep disorder. If he does have a sleep disorder he will have to go through a sleep study. This is done by having him go to a lab and go to sleep for the night.... this is why it's important for you to tell your parents that this is happening.

Remember that if they baby's room used to belong to him its the reason he returns there... or if your family has moved the baby's room may be on the same path as the bathroom in your former home.

Chances are that there is nothing wrong with your brother. It's good that you're looking out for him, it means you're a good sister. Don't worry when he wakes up if you drop something... he's a light sleeper, but he's not leaving REM sleep...

and young lady, why are you on the computer so late that dropping the mouse wakes him up? :) Get some sleep yourself and don't worry about him. This all sounds completely normal. Tell your parents and keep looking out for him... you're doing a fine job as a big sister.

2006-09-13 17:46:43 · answer #2 · answered by one fine day 2 · 0 0

you don't have to have your eyes closed to sleep walk. My son does this same thing. One night my husband thought someone was breaking in our house because someone was shaking the back door. He went downstairs and found the door wide open and my 14 year old son outside on his hands and knees in the dirt at 1am looking for ants. He agued me the next day because he did not rmember it. He has done some pretty crazy things eyes open or closed it doesn't matter. Only the part of the brain that causes a person to sleep walk knows why your brother keeps going into the same room. Just for another exmple a few years ago we were in a hotel for the night after driving all day, the kids were tired. After we got settled my son fell asleep fast aqnd in just a few minutes or so he sat up eyes wide open and started screaming mustard over and over, he yelled so bad the manager came to our room because it freaked the people out around us, and he had no memery of it the next day. So give your brother a break and laugh about it the next day with him. Maybe he will out grow it maybe not no one knows you only have to worry if he does something that could hurt him self like walking outside or something.

2006-09-13 17:28:14 · answer #3 · answered by melindarix@sbcglobal.net 4 · 0 0

Maybe this just happens to little kids because there was this one incident where my mom and I were watching TV adn my sister comes out of her bedroom because she has to use the toilet. She goes to the door and opens it tries to get through but closes it with her otherhand before she can exit. She does this a few more times so then my mom says: "Go on, go to the toilet honey." so then my sister has this embarressed kind of smile on her face...you know the look when you're embarressed because you can't understand the language of a stranger trying to explain something to you...anyway, after my mom sais this she starts backing back into her room as if she did something wrong, still wearing the embarressed smile. So then my mom says: "No go on, go to the toilet!" so she finally backs out of the door, the nervoous smile following close behind. It is kind of like sleep walking, I guess. I'm known to do the same thing when I was smaller but I couldn't remember what happened. Neither could my sister. It may be spooky at the time but it's funny when you think about it later.

2006-09-13 18:04:08 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He could be sleep walking and talking. He don't have to remember doing it most people who sleep walk and talk they don't remember doing it.
Maybe he haves bad dreams or just gets scared when he gets woken up by sudden loud noises. So a natural reaction would be to go check on the baby. Maybe there is some emotional issues he needs to deal with. Or it's nothing. There is nothing wrong when a child or anyone for that matter to get up in the middle of the night when they are woken up by things and to go check on the baby and or to go down stairs, maybe he went to get something to drink or eat.
It is most likely sleep walking. It's normal lots of people do things like that even adults. It sounds like you make it a habit to drop things just to wake your brother up. Just let your parents know they will deal with it. It's nothing to stress about but your parents need to know. My cousin sleep walks and talks, and a few times she got up walked down stairs and unlocked the door walked down the block then came back but didnt lock the door back. She usually don't leave the house unless she is staying at a friends (when she sleep walks).

2006-09-13 17:22:30 · answer #5 · answered by larrys_babygurl_4life 4 · 0 0

My little brother used to do that too. When he was younger once, my mom heard something downstairs-- come to find out my little bro was carrying around scissors and walking up the staris. He didn't remember a thing-- it's called sleep walking. My best friend also had night terrors when she was sleeping when we were growing up. Once she had a dream she fell out her bedroom window and when she woke up the window was open and the screen was laying on her bed next to her- and leaves were every where in her room. It's another form of a sleep disorder-- but if it's that severe then you should see a doctor--

But if he's just walking around-- it's probably fine-- I've heard a lot of people grow out of it...

2006-09-13 17:20:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

My 9yr old son sleepwalks with his eyes open, he also talks as well. So does my husband, especially when he has something on his mind. I've been woken up by him stacking boxes in the middle of the night! Neither of them remember anything about it in the mornig. It usually only happens every couple of weeks, and its never given me any cause for concern as they are never tired the next day. Myself and my daughter do not have these experiences. Both my son and husband are very heavy sleepers.
If you are worried speak to your parents, or get him checked over b

2006-09-13 19:44:17 · answer #7 · answered by crissylizb06 2 · 0 0

Well chances are that it is a sleep walk and i am saying this cause you guys have got it in your genes. anyways try asking your mother or father about it. (They might have got the same condition lol). But yeah seriously there is a simple way to check it. slap your brother when he is acting like that. his reaction will tell you if he is sleep walking or if he is just acting up. if he gets all surprised that where is he standing then he is sleepwalking, if he looks at you with anger then it means ther is nothing wrong with him. he is acting up.

2006-09-13 17:18:40 · answer #8 · answered by Cool Guy 1 · 1 0

Sleepwalking is fairly common, around 18% of people sleepwalk at some point in their lives.

It's usually harmless, with no long lasting effects, and children usually grow out of it after a while. But care should be taken that they don't hurt themselves or anyone else while they are sleepwalking.

2006-09-13 17:28:52 · answer #9 · answered by Jamie Armour 2 · 0 0

sounds like he is sleepwalking...
My friend used to get up in the middle of the night to eat... he would get so mad at the fact that he couldnt bite whatever it was and throw it across the kitchen. The next morning he would wonder why there were still frozen fish sticks all over his kitchen.

people can do many things in their sleep. Ask mom and dad if they know about him walking around at night. He might need help.

2006-09-13 17:14:58 · answer #10 · answered by enyates2002 3 · 4 1

why is your older brother in bed before you. that is strange. he may be having a seizure and does not know. I am serrious. I have a friend who had a child who was born with brain tumors and he has seizures and does things that other people find odd and he has no clue he is doing them. this is not funny. you need to let your parents know. if he is having a seizure there are meds to help him. my friends son does the same sort of things as your brother.

2006-09-13 17:45:21 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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