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Proffessionals always say that your depression is from the way you were brought up or raised. When your trying to deal with the present they are so focused on the past...???

2006-09-13 16:58:05 · 16 answers · asked by Jennifer P 1 in Health Mental Health

16 answers

people tend to pile on the crap all their lives, they keep piling and stuffing away feelings, and they don't deal with stuff they should...then all of a sudden the pile collapes, and all that stuff you never dealt with smacks you in the face....BANG...you have depression....time to deal with all that stuff....Understand???...

2006-09-13 17:07:15 · answer #1 · answered by Kerilyn 7 · 1 0

The professionals know what they are talking about.

Your mind is much like the computer you are using now. If you input happy things, happy things come out. On the other hand, if your entire life has been about negativity, then, that is what comes out of your computer.

You know, the old saying for a computer, garbage in, garbage out.

You computer can be re-programmed by professionals, or by subliminal self help programs, and by brain writing, where you write positive affirmations.

Try, when you are feeling depressed, saying to yourself, or writing it on paper, "The Sun is warm, and the grass is green"
repeat this a number of times and you will start to feel much better. Visualize and see the Sun shining, and the grass being very green and warm on your bare feet.

Also try seeing a very bright white light shining when you are feeling depressed, and see any and all darkness going away because of the bright white light.

May the positive force be with you always,

Darryl S.

2006-09-14 00:10:34 · answer #2 · answered by Stingray 5 · 0 0

I don't know who you are seeing but I would get a new Psychiatrist. I am Bipolar and have been since I was 16. I am now 46. I never had to start taking meds for it until about 15 years ago. My parents didn't believe in psychiatry although when I was sixteen Bipolar Disorder was unheard of. I had a gifted childhood and never once has my psychiatrist ever blamed it on my upbringing. Find a new doctor.

2006-09-14 00:04:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Not true at all. What you need is a behaviorist, one who is concerned about the here and now and very little concern about the past - they may address it briefly, but they concentrate on how to make now work for you. Dr. Phil is a behaviorist.

When you seek a counselor, ask what their discipline is and go with a behavioralist and try that if you are tired of heading down memory lane.--it gets old I know because it never changes.

2006-09-14 01:20:08 · answer #4 · answered by chris 5 · 0 0

because it stems from an unresolved internal conflict. depression is not just a chemical imbalance that occurs for no reason, the chemical imbalance is the after effect to the brain. There is something in your past that is causing the depression. Meds don't treat it. Must work it out with counseling or spiritual guidance.

2006-09-14 00:19:53 · answer #5 · answered by erinjanae 2 · 0 0

well first they want to rule out that something "bad" hasn't happened to you back then and that now you're carrying all this extra "baggage" and you've gotten to the point you can't take it anymore....or they need to know if you've always been this way...however if someone is trying to say it HAS to be from your past and doesn't have any justification for saying that...change them...as long as you're being honest...because obviously you could have had a death in the family just this past year that has effected you...or you could have been robbed 2 months ago and now you have post traumatic stress from it....so the MD has to look at the past and the present...but not be so subjective that he/she only thinks it past trauma..

2006-09-14 00:09:25 · answer #6 · answered by TWISTER 4 · 0 0

I would just take that as encouragement to look at the past, if you haven't already. And if you have accounted for it thoroughly, then ignore it, ithis advice is not relevant to you.

If you haven't seriously examined your upbringing, though, it may be why you keep getting depressed. It is important to eliminate this as a possibility BEFORE you decide it's just about the present.

2006-09-14 00:08:20 · answer #7 · answered by jarm 4 · 0 0

Because certain types of depression are not about a thing but about a chemical imbalance in your brain. And depression (some types) are learned behavior. So that is why sometimes they say it is your past not your present.

2006-09-14 00:01:33 · answer #8 · answered by jobie023 3 · 0 0

While it is kind of frustrating, everything that's happening today is based upon what happened yesterday, or the day before. So to untangle today, you have to untangle yesterday. And honestly, my shrink never said "You're depressed because of X,Y, and Z in your past." Maybe you need a different doc?

2006-09-14 00:01:34 · answer #9 · answered by daisyprincess78 4 · 0 0

something in your past makes you who you are today. It is just a fact. When you come out with it you can move on better prepared not to be molded by the actions of others.

2006-09-14 00:07:42 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Where you came from is who you are and how you deal with life's situation. Example: father beats on mother in front of the kids. Kids grow up with anxiety issues. Get it?

2006-09-14 00:21:59 · answer #11 · answered by b's wife 2 · 0 0

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