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Blow your nose??? Really this isn't a joke...I have really bad allergies and my nose is always running. If I don't blow my nose...let's just say its gross. I feel so obnoxious. Then I leave the room, which also doesn't work well. Also, what if there isn't a sink nearby to wash your hands? What do you do if there isn't a trash can?

I asked my mom but she just laughed. Then changed the subject so I'm guessing she doesn't know either. Also, my spanish teacher is obsessed with manners so I just ask to go to the bathroom, but I can't do that more than once a period. And then she just stares at me.

I feel like an idoit asking this, but I don't know what else to do.

2006-09-13 16:33:48 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Etiquette

25 answers

I don't think you should feel like an idiot, in fact I am impressed that you care enough about respecting others that you would try to find a solution.

This is a little of the track, but I know many allergists suggest you NOT blow your nose! It is better to sniff! I think blowing causes pressure on the ear drum.

However if you really need to blow, I would carry with me some antibacterial wipes or some variety of Purell which can be used to discreetly wipe your hands without going to the restroom. The purell comes in a tiny container and does not require water... just put a few drops on your hands and rub to kill the bacteria.This is just as effective, or more so than washing.

As far as the noise, just turn your head away from the people you are sitting with and then simply say 'excuse me'. Many people have allergies and I think they will understand.

One more idea.... have you been to an Allergist? There are so many new medications for allergies available now, especially nasal sprays that work really well.

Ah..chooo. Bless you!

2006-09-13 17:12:50 · answer #1 · answered by lynnemaria 2 · 1 0

No not really - I know just how you feel. I have suffered with allergies and hayfever type symptoms all my life (I am a grandmother of 8 now) anyway, I have had allergy tests, injections by the truck load, been to ENT specialists and basically I just have to ALWAYS have my pockets, handbags, car and of course one in my hand, stuffed with tissues. When I blow my nose it sounds like a trumpet most of the time - however I do try and be discreet like blowing very gently, wiping a lot etc. then when I go to the bathroom or in the privacy of my own company have a good blow. You probably find that mostly it is clear water running out of your nose or when you put your head down or something (that is what the tissue in the hand is for) and if you are anything like me your eyes will be running aswell (but quietly) people look at me sometimes and think I have the flu but alas it is only my allergy which is ongoing - at least the flu gets better. I do take anti histamines which do help sometimes and not othertimes =- everytime I find one that works regularly it is, for some reason, taken off the market so my search starts all over again to no avail. People that do not suffer with hayfever/allergies do not really understand how debilatating it can really be. Head aches, sore throat, sore eyes, coughing, sneezing, nose running, all blocked up and very tiring at times. Good Luck maybe a cure will be found in your life time

2006-09-14 00:00:40 · answer #2 · answered by PERCY L 2 · 1 0

I am plagued by the same issue...
1. Get to an ENT and an allergist to find out why. You may nedd allergy testing and shots or sinus surgery.

2. Blow your nose.....I usually wait for loud music or ask my dinner mate to start coughing loudly to block the noise. I also try and get a seat close (not too close) to the bathroom. The snootier the restaurant then the standards go higher. A few shots of Afrin prior to going in can help too.

3. Stuff it in your purse.

4. Ignore your Spanish teacher...your heath is more important.

5. Also try nasal irrigation with a water pic type device. Works wonders.

#1 is what I would do first.

Good luck!

2006-09-13 23:41:32 · answer #3 · answered by Alleymoe 1 · 1 0

Being polite is about allways making the concious effort to make the people around you feel comfortable........If blowing your nose makes other people feel uncomfortable then leave and vice versa. Also, I should feel comfortable enough to speak honestly with your teacher.......tell her about your allergies and see what she has to say about you leaving the room. Also, if you use a tissue properly you shouldn't have to wash your hands. Also, if no trash.... put the tissues in your pocket or a bag or something....... make sure to avoid spreading germs and don't let other people get "grossed out" by seeing them pile up.

Furthermore, you can try medication and avoid the allergy symptoms to begin with.

2006-09-14 01:50:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

bring some tissues with you already to class and carry them around either in your pocket to purse and when you have a runny nose then use them to wipe /blow your nose discretly either facing away from the class by the trash can so not too much attention is on you or if you have to go into the hallway to do it.. especially if your spanish teacher is big on manners. Bring hand sanitzer or wipes like baby wipes for example ( a small package of course) so your hands can be clean and germ free without having to use a sink to wash your hands and lastly, if there is no garbage can in site.. this is a toughie.. either leave the tissue on your desk or what i suggest is to discretly wrap your used tissue in one or more new tissues and hide it in your purse or somewhere no one can see it. hope fully this help you out somewhat = D

2006-09-13 23:39:12 · answer #5 · answered by rad 4 · 1 0

You should see a doctor and get some medication to relieve that allergy of yours..like clarytine or something.

There's no polite way to blow your nose but the most polite thing to do is just ask to be excused and head for the nearest washroom. Always keep some tissues handy and it's good to have some of those wet-wipes in your bag all the time.

Hope you feel better;)

2006-09-13 23:44:23 · answer #6 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

i'm a HS substitute teacher and some kids that haven't known me for more than 20 minutes will ask for a tissue and then to leave the room to blow their nose. i am ALWAYS fine with this. to some, it's a private matter and they might get messy. i know i wouldn't want to blow my nose in a class and then worry about having snot on my nose or upper lip! i think that if you just explained to your teacher(s) that you need to step outside on occasion to blow your nose. make sure you bring some small tissue packs with you and be ready. i've seen many a classroom without tissue. i think your spanish teacher will understand. maybe you two can work on some code or signal so the whole class doesn't know that you need to go blow your nose...

good luck!

2006-09-13 23:44:13 · answer #7 · answered by cb 2 · 1 0

It's not rude to blow your nose, as long as no one is eating near you. If there isn't a trash can, roll up the tissue and put it in your purse/pocket. Why wash your hands if you're going to keep blowing your nose? Wash your hands after the class is over.

2006-09-13 23:36:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Carry a pack of tissue with you. You shouldn't have to go all the way to the bathroom, just step outside the classroom for a moment. If there isn't a trash can nearby, you may just have to hold onto it (Eww, I know) and as for washing your hands, a tiny bottle of hand sanitizer would do the trick.

2006-09-13 23:37:00 · answer #9 · answered by Tericka 4 · 2 0

Here's what you do..

Carry around tissue and a plastic Ziploc bag and some Purell No water Anti Bacterial Hand Cleaner.. when you sneeze, place the tissues that you used in the Ziploc bag, and use the hand cleaner to get rid of the germs.

Between Classes, empty the bag and properly wash your hands. That should just about do it.

2006-09-14 06:41:49 · answer #10 · answered by Imani 5 · 0 0

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