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If you are pro choice because you say a person has a right to make a decision about their own body then would you also say you think drunk driving is ok? In both cases the decision affects someone else, the only difference is that with abortion you KNOW someone is going to be killed.

2006-09-13 16:25:10 · 10 answers · asked by cdfrx 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Other - Pregnancy & Parenting

TD------you are killing a baby so you are not just making the decision for your own body you are also taking the life of someone who is too small to fight back.

2006-09-14 02:24:57 · update #1

The only argument I here from pro choice is in extenuating circumstances like rape or incest. So are you saying we should limit abortion to just rape or incest cases?

2006-09-14 02:28:33 · update #2

10 answers

Abortion can kill more that one person, too. Twins, the mother...

2006-09-13 16:37:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

It is very tricky I don't agree with abortion regardless to whether a fetus is a person or not regardless to how you justify it that is a life that will be ended as a result of your actions. Does everyone not know those "globs of cells" represent a unique and special life. We all started out that way and I refuse to believe I am like Cancer or an appendix. On the other hand who am I to tell others what to do it is sad and wrong but true. Pro choicers PLEASE STOP using the rape/ incest scenario it represents less than 5% of abortions so yes it should be confined to a hospital only. There are at least 50 forms of birth control are you telling me they do not work no women and men just choose not to protect themselves especially women, there is the patch, the pill, IUD, Nuva Ring, Diaphragm, The Copper thing, Female Condoms Spermicide and more and more and more. We do this to ourselves a combination of several of these will guarantee no pregnancies but we'd rather risk it the say no one else can decide if we have babies when we are OBVIOUSLY choosing to get pregnant! So sad

It doesn't matter how you make yourself feel better an aborted fetus represents a person that did not have to be created in the first place!!

I agree it is like driving drunk step by step you are willingly make a decision to do something you know can cause a result you do not want except with drunk driving you cant just throw your mistake away that was the child someone else though was worth having. Are you your mother? Are you a replica of her? NO, But you came from her right! "It is my body" does not justify abortion. The person who will not have a chance to grow and live is not you.

2006-09-14 13:44:58 · answer #2 · answered by dreamgirl4myboy 4 · 0 1

I would agree that unprotected sex and drunk driving are the same. it only takes 1 time to kill. Abortion is trickier.
I personally believe that a fetus is not a person until it can survive outside the womb. I also believe that accidents happen. Birth control doesn't always work.
Abortion is a choice, but not the only choice. I don't believe in screwing around without protection. Abortion should not be used as an excuse to screw around and not protect yourself or your partner. Let's face it sex can kill you!
I am not a vegetarian, I eat meat and therefore everyday something dies so I can live. It is a choice.
Capital punishment takes life, some innocent some not.
Drinking is a choice but driving is a priviledge.
I would not presume to tell another woman that the life of the fetus inside her body is more important than her own.
I respect your right to have an opinion that differs from mine. I would expect the same respect from you.
Have you ever seen an unwanted child or the emotional devastation that comes when the child learns it was unwanted?
I have.
Have you ever seen the aftermath and life long emotional torment of a rape victim who is pro life and pregnant?
I have.
Have you ever seen a woman bed ridden because a pregnacy has her so sick she can't eat or keep anything down her stomach growing but the rest of her wasting away til her body miscarries?
I have.
Abortion, for most that choose it, is not a simple easy choice. It requires soul searching and lots of second guessing. The phrase "what if....?" circles the mind.
Unless you have walked in my shoes you have no right to judge me.
Abortion is legal and doctors have been murdered for performing a legal medical procedure.
I believe that the morning after pill is a good way to reduce the number of abortions.
I believe that while abortion should remain legal it should also only be used when other birth control methods have failed.
However I don't believe it is my right to force others to live their lives based on my beliefs.

2006-09-14 00:11:33 · answer #3 · answered by rwl_is_taken 5 · 0 1

A good argument indeed, I was almost stumped as to how to respond.

However you must consider this:
When a person drinks alcohol, they are making a conscious decision to do so, nobody is forcing them in any way. Therefore, any resulting actions (drunk driving) are COMPLETELY their responsibility.

With pregnancy on the other hand, not every case is resulted from consentual sex. Think about rape victims; they are not making the choice to have unprotected sex, they are forced into it. Why should they have to be forced to live with such an unnecessary burden?

I realize that abortion is a very touchy issue, and i do agree that people need to take some level of responsibility; such as not using it as an alternate form of birth control. But in certain cases like rape or something, I think abortion should still be an option.

2006-09-13 23:47:17 · answer #4 · answered by Steven B 6 · 0 1

I am pro-LIFE. I agree with you. Many people who support abortion, (I don't call them pro-choice. Many "pro-choicers" only give the mother 1 choice--abortion.) say that it is the mother's choice because it is her body. That's not true! She is not killing herself, she's killing an innocent life that she helped create. If you don't want a baby, don't have sex. Period. If killing an innocent human being is not called murder, I don't know what is. If you never heard the story about the cure for cancer, listen to this:

Someone asked God why he had not sent them a cure for cancer. He replied, "I did. You killed it," meaning that the person who would find the cure was killed by abortion. Think about this, please. It is not your life you are taking, it is someone else's. America's greatest sin is killing its own. Millions of them every year.

2006-09-14 00:52:48 · answer #5 · answered by ♥ Rose♥ 3 · 0 2

If your going to be pro-life that's your choice but you people have no right to take away other peoples right to choose.Does a rape victim have deserve to be raped for 9months?does an incest victim deserve to suffer giving birth to an inbred child? how about a mother who due to medical reasons will die from the pregnancy.Does her children deserve to grow up without a mother.And by the way Church&State are seperated for a reason!!!!!

2006-09-13 23:47:43 · answer #6 · answered by crazygirl 1 · 0 2

Drunk driving, you're affecting people other than yourself. With abortion, it's only affecting you. People differ in opinions on when life begins. That can be debated until the cows come home. My body is my body and if I ever were to choose abortion, it won't affect you or other pro-lifers so it's none of your business. The 2 scenerios have nothing in common. Drunk driving is illegal; abortion is not.

2006-09-13 23:37:38 · answer #7 · answered by First Lady 7 · 1 6

I am NOT pro choice. Abortion is killing in my eyes!

2006-09-13 23:27:45 · answer #8 · answered by **KELLEY** 6 · 4 2

did you get the chance to take a course in logic.we are talking about the rights of women.a woman's right to choose could never be compared to drunkenness,i refuse to go any further people may not notice the difference

2006-09-13 23:46:21 · answer #9 · answered by miraclehand2020 5 · 1 2

driving drunk can kill more than one person

2006-09-13 23:35:08 · answer #10 · answered by Lady G 3 · 3 1

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